Nearshore Development Archives | HatchWorks Your US-based Nearshore software development partner Thu, 18 Jan 2024 15:35:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nearshore Development Archives | HatchWorks 32 32 Staff Augmentation: A Guide to Scaling Your Development Team in 2024 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 19:58:38 +0000 Needs change quickly in software based businesses. One minute you have the skills and capacity in-house. And the next, a project comes along that will push your company to that next phase of growth but which you can’t do with your team alone. You could hire new team members but that means committing to paying […]

The post Staff Augmentation: A Guide to Scaling Your Development Team in 2024 appeared first on HatchWorks.


Needs change quickly in software based businesses.

One minute you have the skills and capacity in-house. And the next, a project comes along that will push your company to that next phase of growth but which you can’t do with your team alone.

You could hire new team members but that means committing to paying salaries, benefits, and more for the foreseeable future. You could outsource but you want your team to work on it just with more people on board.

So how do you meet your needs without overcommitting your budget?

Staff augmentation.

Graphic titled "Staff Augmentation - A Guide to Scaling Your Development Team in 2024" with upward arrows and computer images.
As you read, you’ll see this pushpin: 📌. The pushpin comes with a short summary of each main section. From there you can decide to dive into the details, skim it, or move on to the next heading.

Staff Augmentation: Meaning and How it Works

📌Staff augmentation is when a company temporarily brings in outside staff to enhance the capabilities of their team. It may be because they’re looking to fill a specific skill gap, to increase output, or both.

You can think of it as an expansion of your team’s skills and numbers, without the long-term commitment of hiring new employees.

So rather than taking on full-time employees during periods of high demand only to lay them off when things slow down, businesses can effectively ‘augment’ their staff with highly qualified professionals when necessary.

The aim is to bring in top-notch talent who integrate seamlessly into your existing team for a specific project or period.

How Staff Augmentation Works

First, you identify the gap in your team’s capabilities and expertise.

Maybe you need an expert in a new programming language, or extra hands to meet a tight deadline. Once you know what you need, you reach out to a staff augmentation provider.

These providers have a pool of talented professionals they can turn to. They match you with individuals who have the exact skills and experience your project requires.

And if you’re not exactly sure what you need, a quality staff augmentation provider will assess the requirements of your project and point you in the right direction.

The augmented staff then integrates into your team, working under your direction and alongside your existing employees.

Once the job is done, they move on, leaving your team lean and agile. It’s a strategic way to scale your workforce up or down as your project demands.

At HatchWorks, we provide staff augmentation to businesses who need help on software development projects. This gives our clients the opportunity to source quality software developers quickly without spending the time or money to recruit, hire, and retain them. When you consider how difficult it can be to find and keep developers, staff augmentation in our industry makes perfect sense.

Key Components of Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation works around three components, each serving a singular purpose that, when combined, delivers an efficient talent solution for businesses.

These components are:

  • Flexibility: Companies can quickly scale up or down depending on the project needs or season.
  • Specific Skill Sets: Staff augmentation is an excellent tool to bring in niche skills and expertise not present within the existing team. The augmentation supplier will find and provide personnel that fit the project needs and fill out the capabilities of your team.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Since augmentation staff are only onboard for their contract duration, businesses save on long-term salary commitments and other employee benefits. This makes staff augmentation a good financial decision, especially in temporary high demand conditions or specific project requirements.

Key Benefits of Staff Augmentation

📌Staff augmentations benefits include:

  • Quality control over project outputs
  • Access to global talent which can fill in-house skill gaps
  • Cost effectiveness compared to hiring employees
  • Scaling up and scaling down on demand

Quality Control

With staff augmentation, quality control is in your hands. You’re not risking handing off work to an external team with different standards because the staff you bring in will be integrated into your systems and your culture.

They’ll be managed the same way a regular employee would, always adhering to the high standards you’ve set, ensuring consistency and quality in every deliverable.

Plus, this approach aids in better resource allocation and optimizes productivity.

Bridging Skill Gaps Through Global Talent

Does your team need an AI/ML expert? A software developer specializing in mobile app creation? A product manager to direct the evolution of your SaaS?

Staff augmentation fills those gaps without requiring months of recruitment. You won’t be confined to talent from one region either. You can find that AI expert in Silicon Valley and plug them into your team virtually. And that software developer? There are plenty of them in Latin America. Maybe your staff augmentation provider finds your dream PM in Colombia.

It’s not just skills that you’re getting either. When staff augmentation is done right, you’re also getting an innovative thinker with a unique approach to problem-solving.

Cost-Effective Solution

Last year, the Bureau of Labour Statistics claimed the need for software developers is set to grow over the next decade. That need can be met by hiring in-house talent which would cost around $159,932 per developer.

Or it can be met through staff augmentation at a fraction of the cost and in a fraction of the time it takes to recruit and hire someone with the same capabilities.

It’s like renting a luxury car for a special occasion instead of buying it. You get the benefits without the hefty price tag of long-term commitments like salaries, benefits, and training. With staff augmentation, you pay for the expertise only when you need it, keeping your overheads low and your financial flexibility high.

Quick Scaling of Teams

Staff augmentation can help you scale successfully. When you’re able to add talent quickly, you can meet tight deadlines and capitalize on unexpected opportunities. Your team, built out with staff augmentation, will always match the pace of your business needs, keeping you agile and responsive.

When to Consider Staff Augmentation for Your Business

📌 It’s the right choice when you need specialized skills, face tight deadlines, or require more flexibility than your current team can provide.

Scenario 1: You need a skillset you don’t have internally

Imagine you need expertise in a specific programming language, something none of your current team members specialize in. This is a perfect scenario for staff augmentation. You can quickly bring in a specialist with that particular skill set, keeping your project on track without the need to hire a full-time employee or retrain your in-house staff.

Scenario 2: You have a quick turnaround

Another perfect time is when you face a sudden increase in workload or a tight project deadline. Let’s say your company needs to develop a new feature that’s critical to your product’s success. Your team is capable, but the volume of work is overwhelming. With staff augmentation, you can bring in additional software developers to handle the increased workload and ensure you meet your deadlines.

Scenario 3: You need to temporarily scale your team

Staff augmentation is ideal for short-term projects or one-off developments where hiring permanent employees is impractical.

You can also outsource to Nearshore providers in place of staff augmentation. A good nearshore team will fit nicely alongside your existing one in a similar way to the talent you’d find through staff augmentation. The difference would be nearshoring also offers the option to hand off a project entirely.

Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing

📌 Project outsourcing is different from staff augmentation because the team or individual you outsource to doesn’t integrate into your workforce.

In staff augmentation, you add skilled specialists to your in-house team for short or long-term projects.

The augmented personnel complements your core team, boosting its capacity and capability.

On the other hand, project outsourcing involves completely transferring the responsibility of certain tasks or services to a third-party. There are also several outsourcing models you can choose from including nearshoring, offshoring, or onshoring.

Both are cost effective models that can produce high quality work for your business.

Staff Augmentation Project Outsourcing
High level of control over project and team members.
Less direct control over project execution and team.
Seamless integration with existing team, maintaining company culture.
Separate team, often with its own culture and methodologies.
Access to specific skills and expertise for short-term needs.
Access to a wide range of skills and expertise (short-term and long-term).
High flexibility to scale your team size up or down as needed.
Fixed team size and scope, usually predetermined in the contract but some providers (like HatchWorks) can adjust.
Pay for specific skills only when needed, potentially reducing costs.
Cost-effective option for all project sizes and scopes.
Management Overhead
Requires internal management and coordination efforts.
Outsourced projects are typically self-managed by the service provider.
Cultural Fit
Temporary staff may require time to adjust to company culture and dynamics.
Cultural and communication barriers might exist, depending on location.
Long-Term Dependability
Not ideal for long-term or ongoing needs.
Suitable for long-term and continuous project needs.
Recruitment Time
Some time needed to find the right talent for specific roles.
Outsourcing companies usually have teams ready to start.
Knowledge Retention
Risk of knowledge loss when contract ends.
Knowledge and expertise are often retained within the outsourcing firm.

Pros and Cons of Staff Augmentation and Project Outsourcing

Need to choose between the two?

Below we’ve outlined the core pros and cons for each.

The table will help you weigh up the differences and determine whether staff augmentation services or outsourcing services is the best route for your business needs.

Staff Augmentation Shared Between Both Project Outsourcing
✅ Increased flexibility
✅ High level of control over project and team members
✅ Integration with the existing team
✅ Reduces long-term labor costs and commitments
✅ Access to global talent pool
✅ Access to specific, often niche skills
✅ Adaptability to changing project sizes and needs
✅ More cost-effective
✅ Suitable to short-term and long-term needs
🚫 Less suitable for long-term needs
🚫 Risk of knowledge loss when contract ends
🚫 Time investment in starting up and integration
🚫 Less control over talent

If you find you’re leaning toward outsourcing, check out our article: How to Select the Right Outsourced Development Team. It comes with recommendations for working alongside an outsourcing company so you can get similar results to staff augmentation.

And if neither model looks right and you want to hire an in house development team, check out our guide: Hiring a Development Team – Everything You Need to Know

Best Practices in Staff Augmentation

Ensuring Seamless Integration

Really, you should treat augmented staff as you would a new employee. That means onboarding them into your company’s workflows, tools, and policies. This can include orientation sessions, mentorship programs, and access to essential internal resources.

To maintain team cohesion, promote team-building activities and regular check-ins. This helps integrate them with your existing team, fostering collaboration and mutual respect.

Regular team meetings can also keep everyone aligned and informed about project developments and changes.

To See Long-Term Success

To sustain high productivity, establish clear goals and metrics from the outset.

Regular progress tracking and feedback sessions help keep the augmented staff aligned with these objectives. Encourage a culture of open communication where they can voice concerns and share updates.

For evaluating performance, implement a system to assess both the quality of work and the effectiveness of integration into your team. Regular reviews of project milestones and individual contributions can provide valuable insights into the success of your staff augmentation strategy, helping to refine processes for future initiatives.

Overcoming Challenges in Staff Augmentation

Even the most advantageous business strategies come with a unique set of hurdles.

When it comes to integrating augmented staff into their teams, organizations often grapple with issues related to:

  • Communication
  • culture fit
  • knowledge transfer
  • legal compliance

Below we’ll cover the common challenges and present a way to overcome them.


Challenge: In staff augmentation, one major hurdle is ensuring effective communication, especially when dealing with remote or globally distributed team members. Differences in time zones, language barriers, and lack of face-to-face interaction can lead to misunderstandings and misaligned project goals.

Solution: To overcome communication challenges, establish clear, standardized communication protocols. Use collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Asana for regular updates and discussions. Schedule regular video calls for more personal interaction and to discuss complex issues. Additionally, creating comprehensive project documentation can help keep everyone on the same page.


Challenge: Augmented team members may struggle to blend with the existing company culture, leading to a disjointed team dynamic. This cultural misalignment can impact team morale and productivity.

Solution: Establishing a robust onboarding program and continuous training initiatives eases the process of cultural assimilation and knowledge absorption. Plus you can encourage informal interactions and team-building activities to build rapport and understanding among team members.

Knowledge Transfer

Challenge: Effective knowledge transfer to and from augmented staff is crucial but can be difficult due to their temporary nature and possible differences in background or expertise.

Solution: Implement structured knowledge-sharing processes, such as mentorship programs, detailed documentation, and regular training sessions. Ensure that augmented staff are involved in key meetings and decision-making processes to fully understand the project context.

Legal Compliance

Challenge: Navigating the legal complexities of staff augmentation, such as contract terms, intellectual property rights, and labor laws, can be daunting and risky if not handled correctly. From a logistical headache to real penalties, you could be getting more than you bargained for.

Solution: Work with legal professionals to draft clear contracts outlining the terms of engagement, confidentiality agreements, and compliance with relevant laws. Regularly review and update these contracts to reflect any changes in legal requirements or business objectives. Proper legal groundwork ensures a secure and compliant staff augmentation process.

Your staff augmentation service provider should support you here as well.

The HatchWorks Approach to Successful Staff Augmentation for Software Development

At HatchWorks, we understand the critical role that staff augmentation plays in the success of software development projects.

We specialize in providing staff augmentation services that seamlessly integrate talented software developers into your in-house development teams. We don’t want these developers to merely bring in technical skills, we want them to align with your company’s culture and project goals. This ensures a smooth, efficient, and cohesive workflow, enhancing both the productivity and the quality of the output.

In addition to staff augmentation, HatchWorks offers outsourcing services in the form of Nearshore Software Development.

Different projects have different needs, and our flexible approach allows us to tailor our services to your specific requirements. Whether you need a complete outsourced team to handle your project from start to finish or additional expertise to complement your in-house team, we have a solution that gets you your desired outcomes.

If you want to augment your development team or tap into the cost effective benefits of Nearshore Software Development, get in touch with us today.

Built Right, Delivered Fast

Start your project in as little as two weeks and cut your software development costs in half.

The post Staff Augmentation: A Guide to Scaling Your Development Team in 2024 appeared first on HatchWorks.

Nearshore vs Offshore in 2024: A Detailed Comparison of Outsourcing Models Mon, 08 Jan 2024 17:57:33 +0000 Either you’ve been burned by outsourcing software development in the past and want to see if there’s a better way or you’re weighing your options for the very first time. The Nearshore vs Offshore crossroads is a place many businesses find themselves, especially when it comes to software development needs. We’ve witnessed it with dozens […]

The post Nearshore vs Offshore in 2024: A Detailed Comparison of Outsourcing Models appeared first on HatchWorks.


Either you’ve been burned by outsourcing software development in the past and want to see if there’s a better way or you’re weighing your options for the very first time.

The Nearshore vs Offshore crossroads is a place many businesses find themselves, especially when it comes to software development needs. We’ve witnessed it with dozens of our own clients and have helped them smoothly transition to a Nearshore model.

But that doesn’t mean offshore doesn’t have its place for certain projects too.

An infographic titled "NEARSHORE VS OFFSHORE - A Detailed Comparison of Outsourcing Models" by HatchWorks, 2024.

What is Nearshore Outsourcing?

Nearshore outsourcing is when a company delegates specific tasks or projects to an agency, team, or freelancer based in a neighboring country.

For US companies, this means outsourcing to countries in Latin America such as Costa Rica where the cost of services are lower while the quality of work remains high.

This is often used as a way to avoid hiring an in-house team or using the more expensive Onshore outsourcing model where you’d work with someone in the same country as you.

It’s a popular model for software development services because Latin America boasts rich software talent and is time zone friendly.

📕Further reading: 24 Nearshore Software Development Statistics to Know in 2024

What is Offshore Outsourcing?

Offshore outsourcing is when a company hires a team in a far-off country to complete work for them. They can work with an offshore company or freelancer who offers services they need but can’t or don’t want to handle internally.

An example would be a US company working with one in the Philippines or India. This choice is mainly about saving money, as these distant teams usually cost less.

But they also come with big time zone differences and cultural gaps which can make communication and collaboration more challenging. For some businesses, the cost benefits are worth these extra hurdles.

Outsourcing Software Development: Nearshore vs Offshore Models

While nearshore and offshore outsourcing models both involve working with a team from another country, there are some key differences that will impact which model is right for your business needs.

Below is a table that outlines these core differences. And below that, we’ll look at the differences that matter most when outsourcing software development services.

Nearshore outsourcing Offshore outsourcing
Real-time collaboration
Same or similar time zone
5-12 hour time zone difference
Cultural affinity
Very similar work culture and practice
Not as similar
English language proficiency
Moderate to low proficiency across Latin America
Wide range from Very Low to High across Europe and Asia
Travel accessibility
2-5 hour flights, less complicated than traveling to Europe or Asia
8+ hour flights, plus an increased need for overnight accommodations
Project security
Increased likelihood of shared or similar data protection laws
Not likely to share data protection laws
Cost savings
Not as pricey as Onshore
Affordable but hard to manage
Equal or great quality to Onshore
Lower quality than Onshore
Medium risk
High risk

Geographic Proximity and Time Zone Alignment

🥇Winner🥇= Nearshore Software Development
Nearshore Software Development Offshore Software Development
Is in the same or similar timezone to you making quick or real-time collaboration easier.

If needed, you can visit the outsourced team relatively easily.
Will have a 5-12 hour time zone difference which can cause delays to project development and trouble communicating effectively.

Any travel between countries would be long and expensive.

One major difference between Nearshoring and Offshoring is the geographical proximity of the outsourced team to the company hiring them.

With Nearshore Software Development, the close physical location means you’re often in a similar or same time zone as your outsourced team. This alignment allows for more synchronized work hours and smoother real-time collaboration.

Imagine needing a quick update or having to make a sudden change in your project; with nearshore, your team is just a quick video call or Slack message away. You can unblock projects, adjust to changing requirements, get updates, and collaborate in real time.

Map of Onshore, Nearshore, and Offshore regions
Nearshore software outsourcing is when a company has distributed teams in countries that are in the same or similar time zone. For companies in the US, this means countries in Latin America.

On the other hand, offshore outsourcing usually involves significant time zone differences. While this can be managed, it often leads to delayed communications and a need for more rigid scheduling.

Let’s say you’re in the US and your offshore team is in Asia; when you’re wrapping up your day, they’re just starting theirs. This can slow down the pace of work, especially if immediate feedback or decisions are needed.

Time zone differences can impact not just daily communication but also the overall project timeline and efficiency. While some see this as a manageable challenge, others find it adds unnecessary complexity, particularly in fast-paced or Agile project environments.

Cultural Affinity and Communication

🥇Winner🥇= Nearshore Software Development

Nearshore Software Development Offshore Software Development
Nearby countries often have overlapping cultures and greater exposure to the other’s language.

This can enhance communication and set the foundation for similar working cultures.
Consider the cultural differences between countries in Asia and America.

These differences can unintentionally lead to misunderstandings and misalignment in what’s expected from one another, potentially causing friction and delay.

Cultural alignment is another differentiator between the two outsourcing models.

With Nearshoring, the cultural and language divide is narrower. This can make teamwork feel more natural and communication more straightforward.

For instance, if a US company works with a Nearshore team in Latin America, they’re likely to find more in common in terms of work ethics, business practices, and even holidays

However, working with an Offshore software development team somewhere like Asia, may present more cultural barriers, ultimately affecting project deliverables.

For example, a US team might value direct communication and fast decision-making, while their offshore team might have a more hierarchical or formal approach. These subtle yet significant cultural nuances can impact how teams interact, make decisions, and solve problems together.

Nearshore outsourcing usually offers a smoother cultural fit, leading to more effective communication and collaboration. This can have a direct positive impact on the speed and quality of your project’s progress and outcomes.

Cost Differences

🥇Winner🥇= Offshore Software Development (But Nearshore isn’t far behind!)

Nearshore Software Development Offshore Software Development
Nearshore is lower cost than onshore outsourcing.

While slightly more expensive than Offshore software development, Nearshore’s convenience and quality are well worth the additional costs.
Generally, Offshore is the lowest cost outsourcing option.

This can be beneficial for businesses but can be more difficult for teams to oversee and manage due to time zone differences and cultural barriers.

Companies often choose Nearshore and Offshore development services because they’re a cheaper alternative to hiring or onshore outsourcing.

So you save with both models. But if doing a side by side comparison of the costs, Offshore software development has a slight edge.

Offshore rates, whether for an architect, developer, or QA engineer, are generally lower compared to nearshore. This makes offshore outsourcing an attractive option for businesses looking to maximize their budget.

Here is a breakdown of estimate costs for outsourcing to Nearshore and Offshore partners:

Role Nearshore Offshore
$72 - $96
$47 - $95
Business Analyst
$54 - $68
$31 - $81
Scrum Master
$50 - $79
$44 - $74
UX/UI Designer
$48 - $75
$29 - $71
$59 - $82
$29 - $79
Lead Developer
$66 - $82
$41 - $82
Associate Developer
$41 - $53
$21 - $53
Mid Level Developer
$53 - $66
$27 - $65
Senior Developer
$65 - $82
$34 - $76
Associate QA Engineer (Manual)
$34 - $52
$18 - $44
Mid Level QA Engineer (Manual)
$42 - $59
$22 - $59
Senior QA Engineer (Manual)
$53 - $66
$25 - $61
Associate QA Engineer (Automated)
$35 - $55
$22 - $51
Mid Level QA Engineer (Automated)
$48 - $62
$25 - $63
Senior QA Engineer (Automated)
$59 - $72
$29 - $74

But the cost difference between Nearshore and Offshore isn’t as wide as you might think, especially when you factor in the value of easier communication and cultural alignment.

For example, a Nearshore software development team might charge more than an offshore team, but the reduced communication barriers and time zone alignment can lead to more efficient project management.

This efficiency can offset the higher hourly rates by reducing the overall project duration and the potential for costly misunderstandings. Plus you have to look at the value of the software development team you’re getting for the price.

The good news is that no matter which you choose, outsourcing software development offers you lower cost services than you’ll find onshore.

Access to Talent

🥇Winner🥇= Nearshore Software Development

Nearshore Software Development Offshore Software Development
Tech talent in Latin America is booming, especially in locations like Costa Rica, Colombia, and Peru.

Their focus on upskilling makes them an attractive option for less than it costs onshore.
Offshore software development talent can vary drastically but there are pools of talent worth your while if you can find them.

Both Nearshore and Offshore outsourcing opens doors to a global talent pool.

When you go Nearshore, you’re able to tap into the growing software development markets of Latin America. Take Costa Rica as an example—their tech sector is expected to increase by 180.2 million U.S. dollars (+55.05 percent) between 2023 and 2028. As a result, there will be a surge of tech talent in that country and in the wider region.

Offshore options such as India also offer diverse tech talent businesses can tap into.
However, the greater geographic and cultural distance can sometimes pose challenges in aligning this talent with the specific needs and context of a Western-based company.

Largely, your outsourcing success and access to talent come down to the outsourcing partner you choose. The best Nearshore models will have US bases that work with Latin American teams.

At HatchWorks we have our American offices oversee the sourcing and management of Latin American software developers so that we can ensure only the best of the region work on projects and that they’re kept up to date on skills and emerging software trends including the use of generative AI.

Pros and Cons of Nearshore and Offshore Software Development

What’s to gain and what’s at risk when using either nearshore or offshore software development services?

Below we’ve onshore and offshore benefits to look out for as well as potential drawbacks you may face.

Advantages of Nearshore Software Development

There are many reasons why you should consider Nearshore Software Development, but these three are at the core:

  1. Nearshore provides aligned time zones for real time collaboration.
    Today, multidisciplinary Agile teams are the norm in software development. The fact that Agile teams are so productive is due, in part, to their foundation in collaboration, iteration, and short feedback loops. Having the day’s work cycle shared is the main requirement for Agile to function in a remote environment. Nearshore development enables that real-time collaboration by being aligned by time zone, not cubicles.
  2. Nearshore expands your talent pool.
    Location doesn’t matter, talent does. A large number of technology workers are now available in Latin America, thanks to the region’s extensive technology education program. They are adept at leveraging modern technology and Agile methodologies to integrate seamlessly into a distributed team. The strong cultural affinity between Latin America and the US, along with the region’s English proficiency, makes collaboration even easier.
  3. Nearshore provides you more value for your investment.
    There is a severe shortage of talent in the US, and salary demands are at an all-time high. A Nearshore Software Development approach yields better value and a bigger pool of resources. On top of that, the quality of talent results in little to no dropoff in productivity compared to Onshore. Nearshore can be leveraged without investing in a new region, allowing companies to fully leverage the growing software development culture in Latin America.

Need help choosing a Nearshore partner? Check out our article on the Top 9 Nearshore Software Development Companies.

Disadvantages of Nearshore Software Development

Here are the most common disadvantages of using Nearshore Software Development:

  1. Nearshore can be more expensive than Offshore.
    Some Offshore countries are able to provide significant cost savings compared to Nearshore. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of communicating and collaborating with teams in a significantly different time zone when Offshoring.
  2. Nearshore developers speak English as a second language.
    There are always some language and cultural differences when outsourcing to another country. That said, English language proficiency is growing in Latin America and the cultural differences are less pronounced compared to some Offshore countries.
  3. Nearshore markets are still maturing.
    There’s no denying it; there are more Offshore options available. Finding the right Nearshore partner for niche projects may be difficult. But this could be changing. Deel’s 2022 State of Global Hiring Report shows that growth in Latin America is outpacing even APAC. Organizations are looking for more than just software development by moving more product and UI/UX capabilities abroad too.

Want to use Nearshore Software Development and minimize any risks? Check out our proven strategies for mitigating Nearshore Software Development risks.

Projects Best Suited for Nearshore Software Development:

  • Digital B2B, B2C, and SaaS Solutions
  • Those requiring real-time collaboration, but not necessarily face-to-face
  • Those leveraging an Agile approach
  • Strategic and more ambiguous projects that require real-time discovery and collaboration
  • Development of new software solutions
  • Modernization of complex legacy software solutions

Advantages of Offshore Software Development

Offshoring has been popular in the past for a reason. Here are those reasons:

  1. You can save money.
    One of the main reasons why organizations choose to outsource is the huge amount of cost savings they get. As you might know, the main reason behind this is the difference in wages between developed and developing countries.
  2. You get access to talent you might not find in-house.
    You get access to a wide variety of skill sets that you might not be able to find locally. If you choose to outsource to a country that has a robust software development culture, you’re likely to find a lot of professionals with the skill set that you need.
  3. You can Offshore non-automated processes requiring repetitive tasks.
    When you hire developers from another part of the world, collaboration can be difficult. This factor makes Offshore ideal for projects or tasks that DON’T require high levels of collaboration or an Agile development process.

Disadvantages of Offshore Software Development

Here are the most common disadvantages of using Offshore Software Development:

  1. Cultural differences are more pronounced with Offshore.
    Communication may be harder due to cultural misalignment as well as time zone issues.
  2. You have limited control and oversight when Offshoring.
    You’ll have less control of the project when working with partners in a distant country. This can be a problem if you need to give detailed feedback. You may need to adjust your work or sleep schedule to stay in communication with your Offshore team.
  3. It is harder to travel to Offshore locations.
    Europe and Asia are not as accessible as Latin America when it comes to quick flights. If you need to travel to your partner’s office, be prepared for an overnight journey. This is not necessarily the case with Nearshore. A flight from Atlanta to San San José, Costa Rica is quicker than one to San Jose, California.

Want to separate fact from fiction when it comes to outsourcing? Read our article: 8 Outsourcing Myths Debunked: Our Deep Dive into Common Misconceptions

Projects best suited for Offshore software development:

  • Non-automated processes requiring repetitive tasks
  • IT support projects
  • Less strategic ambiguous projects
  • Projects that don’t require high collaboration and Agile process
  • Projects not as impacted by high turnover

Choosing Between Nearshore and Offshore: Factors to Consider

If you’re not yet sure which outsourcing model to choose, consider these three factors:

Your Project Requirements

Every project has its unique demands, whether it’s specialized skills, technology stacks, or development methodologies.

It’s crucial to analyze the specifics of your project to determine which outsourcing model offers the expertise and resources best suited to your project’s needs.

Your Budget Constraints

Budget is often a determining factor in outsourcing decisions. While offshore can offer cost benefits, nearshore may provide better value in the long run.

Assessing your financial flexibility and how it aligns with the pricing structures of each model will guide you toward a financially viable choice.

Your Cultural Compatibility

Effective communication and cultural alignment can significantly impact the success of a project. If real-time collaboration and minimal cultural barriers are priorities for your project, nearshore might be the more suitable option.

But if these aspects are less critical compared to cost savings, offshore could be more advantageous.

Reduce Project Development Costs without Compromising on Quality with Nearshore Software Development

HatchWorks is a US-based Nearshore software development partner that combines local, high-touch service with the affordability and scale of Nearshore outsourcing.

To leverage the talent of Latin America while reducing costs, contact us today.

Getting Started with HatchWorks Is Easy

HatchWorks will work with you to perform a free initial assessment of the team composition you need based on your current team structure. No matter what phase you are at in your software solution journey, HatchWorks can help you accelerate your path to success.

The post Nearshore vs Offshore in 2024: A Detailed Comparison of Outsourcing Models appeared first on HatchWorks.

In-House Software Development vs Outsourcing: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024 Mon, 08 Jan 2024 14:14:18 +0000 Your business has software needs. The question is…do you take the time to hire an in-house development team or outsource the work to an already assembled team of experts? This 2024 guide gets you to your answer. In it, we compare these two models side by side looking at their cost, quality, speed and more. […]

The post In-House Software Development vs Outsourcing: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024 appeared first on HatchWorks.


Your business has software needs. The question is…do you take the time to hire an in-house development team or outsource the work to an already assembled team of experts?

This 2024 guide gets you to your answer. In it, we compare these two models side by side looking at their cost, quality, speed and more. Plus, there are four simple steps at the end to help you make your choice.

An infographic on "In-House Software Development vs. Outsourcing" with icons and a checklist, offering a guide for 2024.

Read on to find out if an outsourced software development model suits your business needs or if you’re better off building a team in-house.

Or maybe your answer lies somewhere in the middle? There’s only one way to find out…

What is In-House Software Development?

Simply put, in-house software development is when you have an internal team managing and building software for your business.

It can be any size team, from a one-person band to a 20-piece orchestra of talented developers.

Who chooses in-house software development?

Usually, it’s:

  • Large corporations with specific needs
  • Tech companies with ongoing development projects
  • Businesses prioritizing tight control over their tech

For example a SaaS business is likely to employ developers because the software is the heart of the product and will need constant tuning and adapting as users provide feedback and bugs pop up over its lifetime.

Benefits of In-House Software Development

One of the key benefits of in-house development is control.

You’re the boss of the project from start to finish. Your software development team is right there with you, fully integrated into your company’s culture and goals.

This close-knit environment fosters a deep understanding of your project’s unique needs in a way the average software development company can’t.

And ultimately, investing in an in-house team is a long-term play.

You’re intentionally collecting and fostering talent that knows your business inside out. Over time, this can lead to more efficient, tailored software solutions that really hit the mark.

💡Helpful hint: Having an in-house team doesn’t automatically rule out an outsourcing model. You can use an outsourced team and an internal software development team for different projects or integrate outsourced developers into your internal team to enhance capabilities.

And What Does Outsourcing Look Like in Software Development?

As opposed to in-house, outsourcing software development is when you hire an external company, team, or individual to develop software for your business.

There are three main models of outsourcing for software development:

  • Onshore software development (hiring a local company, usually a boutique agency)
  • Offshore software development (hiring cheap labor from far off lands such as Asia)
  • Nearshore software development (hiring teams from neighboring countries such as those in Latin America)

And within those models are types of outsourcing.

These include:

  • Staff augmentation
  • Dedicated teams
  • Outcome based projects (a rare offering from custom software development companies)

At HatchWorks, we offer all three of the above types of outsourcing through our Nearshore model.

Nearshore Offshore Onshore
Outsourcing to neighboring countries with similar time zones.
Outsourcing to distant countries with significant time zone differences.
Outsourcing within the same country.
Often cost-effective and allows for easy collaboration.
Often cost-effective but can present difficulties in communication.
Often costly but avoids cultural differences and language barriers.
Central and South America
Africa, Europe, and Asia
United States and Canada
Map of Onshore, Nearshore, and Offshore regions
Nearshore software outsourcing is when a company has distributed teams in countries that are in the same or similar time zone. For companies in the US, this means countries in Latin America.

Even companies with in-house development teams may outsource certain projects.

Here are some examples of businesses that would outsource software development:

  • Startups needing to ramp up quickly without the overhead of a full team
  • Small to medium-sized businesses looking for specialized skills not available in-house
  • Large corporations handling overflow work or specific projects outside their core expertise

Benefits of Outsourcing Software Development

Outsourcing, when done with a reliable software development provider, gives you fast access to top talent.

And some outsourcing models, like Nearshore Development, are cost-effective. They offer the benefits of outsourcing, like reduced labor costs, while minimizing issues like time zone differences.

It’s a smart way to get quality work done within a reasonable budget.

💡Helpful hint: Outsource the software development work your in-house team doesn’t have the time or skills to complete. This can be all of a software development project or a portion of it.

Comparing the Two Side by Side

Let’s look at these two approaches to software development to see the strengths and weaknesses of each when it comes to:

  • Cost
  • Quality & control
  • Speed & efficiency
  • Scalability & flexibility
  • Access to talent & expertise

Each category starts with our winner (marked with a 🥇gold medal). Then you can read into each one to understand why and come to your own conclusions.

Cost Differences

An infographic comparing salaries and other costs for Fullstack, DevOps, and Frontend roles in LATAM and the US.

🥇 We give first place to outsourcing, and Nearshore outsourcing specifically. It gives you access to top talent without spending time and money recruiting and hiring developers.

In-House Software Development Costs:

You’re looking at salaries, benefits, workspace, and ongoing training for your team.

According to Indeed, the average salary of an in-house developer in the US is $117,845.

Multiply that by the number of developers you need and be sure to add the costs associated with hiring, and the costs of learning and development.

It’s a significant upfront and ongoing investment, but it can pay off in the long term because you build a team that deeply understands your business and where expenses stay the same regardless of the project they’re working on.

Outsourcing Costs:

Outsourcing is more cost-effective in the short term. You pay for the service without the overheads of full-time employees.

Costs vary widely depending on the location and expertise of the outsourced development team. That means you can find something almost no matter what your budget is.

Nearshore outsourcing offers cost savings without significant time zone challenges and has talented developers at the ready.

At HatchWorks, we take a consultative approach, really getting to know your business so that we can operate with the same care, knowledge, and diligence as an in-house team while saving you the hassle of hiring one.

Quality and Control Differences

🥇Coming out on top of quality and control is in-house development teams. Why? Because not only do you have more control over what work is done and when, you also have more control over the quality itself.

In-House Software Development Quality and Control:

With an in-house team, you have direct oversight of the entire development process.

This close proximity allows for a hands-on approach to quality control. You can quickly address issues, make adjustments, and ensure that the final product aligns closely with your vision and standards.

The result is often a high-quality product that seamlessly integrates with your existing systems and business processes.

Outsourcing Quality and Control:

Outsourcing, while offering access to a wide range of expertise, can present challenges in maintaining the same level of quality control.

Communication barriers, cultural differences, and time zone mismatches can complicate project management.

However, with a reliable outsourcing partner and effective communication tools, these challenges can be mitigated.

The key is to establish clear expectations, maintain regular communication, and choose a partner with a proven track record of delivering quality work. This is made easier with software development companies who use a Nearshore outsourcing model because they’ll work in the same timezone as you and can have instant communication.

Speed and Efficiency Differences

🥇This category goes to outsourcing. Having a team of specialists focused on one thing and one thing only keeps things moving quickly.

In-House Software Development Speed and Efficiency:

Having your team on-site means communication is quick.

Decisions and changes can happen fast. This can lead to a shorter time-to-market, especially for projects that need close collaboration or have many moving parts.

However, if your in-house team is juggling multiple projects or lacks certain expertise, this could slow things down.

Outsourcing Speed and Efficiency:

Outsourcing can be a game-changer for speed, especially if you partner with a team that’s ready to hit the ground running.

They bring specialized skills and can focus solely on your project, potentially speeding up development.

But, remember, if you’re dealing with time zone differences or communication gaps, this can impact the pace.

Scalability and Flexibility Differences

🥇Outsourcing wins here too. It’s always flexible and scalable (with the right partner). And it does both with relative ease.

In-House Software Development Scalability and Flexibility:

Scaling an in-house team can be a slow process. It involves hiring and training new staff, which takes time and resources.

However, once scaled, an in-house team offers great flexibility.

They can quickly adapt to new technologies or changes in project scope, as they are fully integrated into your company’s ecosystem and understand its evolving needs.

Outsourcing Scalability and Flexibility:

Outsourcing shines in scalability.

You can quickly add more resources or cut back as needed without the complexities of hiring or layoffs. This makes it easier to manage workloads and adapt to changing project sizes.

However, while outsourced teams can bring in new technologies and skills swiftly, aligning them with your software development project’s specific needs and making changes in direction might require more coordination and time, especially if dealing with external teams in different time zones.

Access to Talent and Expertise Differences

🥇We have to give this one to outsourcing. Companies are struggling to hire tech talent. With outsourcing you can get access to proven talent a lot sooner than the months it takes to find and hire.

In-House Software Development Access to Talent and Expertise:

Building an in-house team means you’re limited to the current talent pool.

This can be a challenge, especially in competitive industries (and aren’t they all?).

Especially when you consider 53% of companies struggle to recruit in-house developers because they lack the skills desired. That can lead to months wasted looking for talent that never comes.

While you can cultivate a team with a deep understanding of your business, finding and retaining top talent with specialized skills can be difficult and costly.

Outsourcing Access to Talent and Expertise:

Outsourcing on the other hand opens up a world of global talent. You’re not restricted by geography; you can find the best fit for your project, whether they’re across the country or on a different continent.

This access to a diverse pool of skilled professionals means you can easily find experts for niche or specialized areas of your project. And if needed you can find software development providers who are harnessing generative AI tools to enhance their software development.

The challenge is in making sure these external experts align with your project goals and company culture, but the breadth of talent available often outweighs this hurdle.

How to Choose the Software Development Model That’s Right for Your Business

So do you build an in-house team, look for external help, or look to do both for different projects?

Your choice largely depends on the:

  • needs of your business right now and in the future
  • the goals you want to achieve and what you need to achieve them
  • and if you think you can replicate these models successfully as others have.

1. Assess Your Business Needs

Start by evaluating your business needs and project requirements.

Consider the scope of your project, the skills required, and the timeline. Does your project require specific expertise that your current team lacks? How quickly do you need to move from concept to launch?

Aligning your business strategy with your development approach is essential.

If your business values tight control over projects and has the resources to invest in a long-term team, in-house development might be the way to go.

On the other hand, if you need to scale quickly or require specialized skills for a short-term project, outsourcing could be more effective.

2. Consider Long-Term Goals and Objectives

Think about where you see your business in the next five to ten years.

Are you planning to expand into new markets? Will you need to innovate rapidly to stay ahead of the competition?

In-house teams can evolve with your business, offering stability and consistent alignment with your long-term vision.

However, outsourcing offers the agility to adapt to changing market demands and can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to scale or innovate quickly.

3. Take Inspiration from Real-World In-House Development and Outsourcing Examples

Real-world examples can offer valuable insights.

A tech startup you know might begin with outsourced development to quickly launch their product, then transition to an in-house team as they grow.

Another business might use nearshore software development for a specific project to benefit from cost savings and time zone alignment, while maintaining a high level of quality and control.

Each approach has its own set of challenges and lessons learned.

For example, a business that outsourced might have faced communication hurdles but benefited from accessing a wide range of skills.

On the other hand, a company with in-house development might have struggled with the initial setup but gained from having a dedicated team aligned with their business culture.

Take stock of these examples whether you know the company personally or read about them online and see if you see yourself in them.

Need inspiration? Check out our case studies to see examples of companies who flourished with Nearshore Software Development on side.

Finally, Make Your Decision

Now that you’ve taken stock of your business needs, know your goals, and have proven use cases of others in similar situations you can decide whether you’ll build an in-house development team or outsource all or some of the projects you have.

This involves weighing the pros and cons of each approach in the context of your business’s unique situation.

Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Budget Constraints: Determine how much you’re willing to invest. Remember, in-house development often requires a higher upfront investment, while outsourcing can be more variable but potentially less costly in the short term.
  • Project Complexity and Duration: For complex, long-term projects, an in-house team might offer better consistency and understanding. Short-term or highly specialized projects might benefit more from outsourcing.
  • Control and Communication: If having direct control and immediate communication is vital for your project, in-house development might be preferable. If you’re comfortable managing remote teams and can handle potential communication challenges, outsourcing could work well.
  • Talent Availability: Consider the availability of the required skills in your local market versus the global talent pool accessible through outsourcing.
  • Risk Tolerance: Assess your tolerance for risks associated with each model, such as the potential for communication issues with outsourcing or the challenges of scaling an in-house team.

In the end, the decision should align with your business values, goals, and the specific needs of the project at hand.

It’s also important to remember this isn’t a one-size-fits-all choice; some businesses successfully use a hybrid model, leveraging the strengths of both in-house and outsourced development.

If you’re going the outsource route here are some resources to help you choose:

Outsourcing? Go Nearshore with HatchWorks

Or you could jump straight to outsourcing your software development work to HatchWorks.

HatchWorks is a US based Nearshore Software Development provider with top talent distributed across LatAm.

We combine local, high-touch service with the affordability and scale of Nearshore Development. And we operate as a true partner not just a service provider so that we feel like an extension of your business not a separate one.

Hatchworks: Your US-Based Nearshore Software Development Partner

HatchWorks is a US-based Nearshore software development partner that combines local solutions practice with the affordability and scale of Nearshore outsourcing, all in your time zone.

Start your project in as little as two weeks and cut your software development costs in half.

The post In-House Software Development vs Outsourcing: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024 appeared first on HatchWorks.

24 Nearshore Software Development Statistics to Know in 2024 Tue, 02 Jan 2024 20:04:43 +0000 Nearshore software development has become a sought-after solution for companies looking to optimize their outsourcing strategy. In this blog, we delve into 24 key statistics about the nearshore software outsourcing market, the cost savings and performance benefits, the quality of the workforce, and the management processes in place. Whether you’re already using nearshore or considering […]

The post 24 Nearshore Software Development Statistics to Know in 2024 appeared first on HatchWorks.


Nearshore software development has become a sought-after solution for companies looking to optimize their outsourcing strategy.

In this blog, we delve into 24 key statistics about the nearshore software outsourcing market, the cost savings and performance benefits, the quality of the workforce, and the management processes in place.

An infographic titled "24 Nearshore Software Development Statistics to Know in 2024" by Hatchworks.

Whether you’re already using nearshore or considering it as an option, these statistics will give you a deeper understanding of the nearshore landscape and how it can benefit your business.

These statistics are organized into four categories:

Market Growth and Trends

Two professionals analyzing financial data with documents and a laptop displaying graphs.

🔑 Key Takeaway: The demand for software development services is increasing, with a notable shift towards nearshore software development in North America and Latin America emerging as a key destination. Growth forecasts for the global outsourcing market emphasize the rising importance of regional stability and cultural alignment in nearshore software development.

📈 1. Software development accounts for 64% of outsourced services worldwide.

Source: Statista

There continues to be significant demand for software development services in the global market. With the growing reliance on technology in various industries, companies are increasingly outsourcing as a cost-effective and efficient solution for their various software development services needs. This trend shows no signs of slowing down.

📈 2. 80% of companies in North America are actively considering nearshore.

Source: Bloomberg

There’s been a shift in outsourcing strategies. Businesses want more efficient and cost-effective solutions. A competitive global marketplace will make using the right nearshore partner an increasingly important consideration for companies in North America. Here are some simple reasons to consider Nearshore for Software Development.

📈 3. 21% of small businesses outsourcing intend to hire a nearshore company, up from 15% the previous year.

Source: Clutch

Businesses are embracing nearshore development teams, a testament to their potential to boost the competitiveness and success of small businesses. With the right partner, nearshore outsourcing can help small businesses achieve their goals and compete with larger companies.

📈 4. US-based companies seek nearshore talent because of a close workday overlap, strong cultural fit, and high English language proficiency.

Source: Accelerance

Our guide to Nearshore covers even more benefits of nearshore and how they compare to onshore and offshore. Give it a read to learn which specific projects are best suited for nearshore development.

📈 5. Nearshore outsourcing will add $78B to the export sector in Latin America after 2023.

Source: IADB

It’s time to think outside the (geographical) box for your next project and tap into Latin America’s thriving nearshore outsourcing scene while you still can! The region is poised to become a hot spot for software development outsourcing.

Businesses are eager to:

  • Access top-notch talent

  • Benefit from cost-effective solutions

  • Support growth with flexible scaling options

  • Streamline processes and speed up time-to-market

📈 6. Some of the top ten nearshore software development companies’ destinations are Peru, Colombia, Brazil, and Costa Rica.

Source: The Wall Street Journal

For a comprehensive overview of the key factors you should consider when choosing a nearshore outsourcing destination, including the availability of talent, language proficiency, time zones, cultural compatibility, and cost, check out our guide to the the top nearshore destinations in Latin America.

📈 7. Experts project the global outsourcing market to grow by $40.16 billion by 2025.

Source: ReportLinker

Regional stability and security are top concerns in business partnerships. As developers remain in high demand, company culture and attrition rates will be increasingly important for nearshore software development providers. For more information on how to select the right nearshore team outsourcing partner, check out 5 Tips to Help You Select the Right Nearshore Development Partner.

📈 8. Experts project the global outsourcing market to grow by $40.16 billion by 2025.

Source: Lightcast

In 2022, there was a notable 70% jump in the number of South American remote workers hired by North American companies. This uptick is part of a broader movement towards global remote employment, spurred by Latin America’s rich pool of tech talent. The tech industry, in particular, is seeing a significant increase in contributions from Latin American professionals to North American ventures. This shift is reshaping the way the global workforce operates, enhancing international cooperation and driving economic growth.

Cost and SavingsA conceptual image showing piggy banks surrounding a calculator with the display reading "SAVING".

🔑 Key Takeaway: The demand for software development services is increasing, with a notable shift towards nearshore software development in North America and Latin America emerging as a key destination. Growth forecasts for the global outsourcing market emphasize the rising importance of regional stability and cultural alignment in nearshore software development.

💰 9. 87% of IT businesses considered nearshore outsourcing to cut costs.

Source: Deloitte

During a recession, there is increased pressure to reduce costs and maintain competitiveness. This makes nearshoring a more appealing option. By outsourcing software development to nearby countries with lower labor costs, you can lower your expenses without sacrificing efficiency or quality (location doesn’t matter, talent does!). Nearshoring is a smart choice for companies that want to weather the economic storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

💰 10. Rates surged by 24% in Latin America, due to escalating labor costs and an influx of clients exiting partnerships in Ukraine.

Source: Accelerance

It’s clear that businesses are seeking alternative solutions for their software development needs as a result of the conflict in Ukraine. Nearshoring is a hot commodity and a more competitive marketplace than a few years ago.

💰 11. 59% of companies choose nearshore software development as a cost-cutting tool.

Source: Deloitte

A majority of companies are turning to as a way to reduce costs, including travel and communication expenses. Nearshoring helps free up internal resources and allows the company to concentrate on its core competencies.

Additionally, nearshoring can solve capacity issues, allowing companies to quickly ramp up their software development projects or efforts without having to make significant investments in infrastructure or staffing. This can be especially useful for companies facing rapid growth or changing market conditions.

💰 12. Average nearshore software development rates are 46% lower than onshore rates.

Source: HatchWorks

You read that right – nearshore offers a staggering 46% lower hourly rate compared to onshore!

This kind of cost savings is simply too good to ignore. And while offshore development may be more competitive on the lower end of the spectrum, there is almost no difference on the high end.

So, why settle for anything less when you can get the best of both worlds with nearshore?

Did I mention nearshore developers work in your time zone?

PS. Curious about how much you could save with nearshore development for your specific project? Use our Nearshore Budget Calculator to build your own team and discover the cost benefits for yourself. Get a tailored estimate that aligns with your project’s unique requirements and see the savings firsthand. Try it now!

Project Performance and Quality

Two women collaborating and writing on a glass wall with markers, with a focus on the woman in the foreground smiling.

🔑 Key Takeaway: Nearshore outsourcing is chosen for efficiency and expert access, with businesses reporting satisfaction with the financial and quality outcomes. Positive relationships with nearshore developers contribute to enhanced project performance and quality.

🌟 13. 24% of small businesses outsource to increase efficiency and 18% outsource to work with experts.

Source: Clutch

Project performance and quality are critical factors for success, and nearshoring can provide a boost in both areas. When businesses incorporate nearshore, they gain access to a highly skilled workforce that can help them achieve their goals faster and more efficiently. This highlights the trend of nearshoring as a strategy to achieve growth and compete.

🌟 14. Nearly 59% of businesses are pleased with the financial benefits provided by outsourcing.

Source: Zippia

Before outsourcing, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. Outsourcing saves costs and improves efficiency, but also comes with project management and coordination challenges.

To avoid these risks, companies must have clear communication and collaboration plans. Nearshoring can minimize these challenges and improve the process by taking advantage of cultural similarities and a compatible time zone.

This leads to a more seamless integration of outsourcing into their operations and a more efficient and effective overall development process. Learn more in our brief guide, How to Select the Right Outsourced Development Team.

🌟 15. Over 75% of businesses report a positive attitude towards their outsourcing partners.

Source: Zippia

Having the right nearshore development partner can lead to improved project performance, a higher level of quality in the work produced, and a more stable and long-term working relationship. 

By following the tips outlined in our blog post, 5 Tips to Help You Select the Right Nearshore Development Partner, companies can increase their chances of finding the right nearshore development partner and establishing a positive and productive outsourcing relationship.

Workforce and SkillsA person working on a computer with code and data on the screen, possibly engaging in software development.

🔑 Key Takeaway: The challenge of talent acquisition and the doubled demand for software engineers highlight the critical need for skilled nearshore software developers. Latin American developers are highly rated for their skills and English proficiency, with an increasing focus on roles like Software Developer, Graphic Designer, and Product Manager.

👩🏻‍💻 16. 50% of executives identify talent acquisition as a top internal challenge in meeting their organization’s strategic priorities.

Source: Deloitte

Having a strong and dedicated workforce is essential for the success of any organization. A shortage of qualified employees can lead to delays in projects, reduced productivity, and lower levels of innovation. Furthermore, a lack of talented employees can make it more difficult for companies to adapt to changing market conditions and meet customer demands. Companies need to have effective strategies in place to attract and retain top talent.

👩🏻‍💻 17. The demand for software engineers has doubled since 2020.

Source: Hired

The exponential increase in demand for software engineers shows that technology is an essential driver of business growth and innovation. Investing in software development and modernization is required to stay ahead of the competition and meet demand. Our blog offers more insights into the ongoing Software Developer Shortage.

👩🏻‍💻 18. Software developers from Latin America are among the top-rated globally.

Source: HackerRank

This is no surprise! Software developers from Latin America possess strong technical expertise and dedication to delivering quality results. They’re educated at well-respected universities, producing a large pool of truly talented and skilled individuals. A strong work ethic and commitment to meeting the needs of clients have made LatAm one of the top software development regions globally.

👩🏻‍💻 19. Latin American countries consistently rank moderate to high on the English Proficiency Index.

Source: Statista

High levels of English proficiency ensure effective communication, cultural alignment, and aligned workplace expectations. This also helps facilitate better collaboration between development teams and more efficient delivery of software solutions.

👩🏻‍💻 20. English speakers in Latin American countries have the fastest rate of improvement in the world.

Source: Education First

Central and South America are on a roll in the tech world! With an increase in English proficiency, the region is keeping pace with the latest advancements in software development. Government investments in STEM education and technology startups are paying off.

👩🏻‍💻 21. Demand for tech talent for product and design roles is shifting from the US to countries like Argentina.

Source: Deel

Organizations are looking for more than just engineering by moving more product design and UX / UI capabilities abroad too. Working in a distributed environment is the new normal. Aligning by time zone is now the most important factor in having a productive Agile team that can share the day’s work.

👩🏻‍💻 22. The top three most popular roles in Latin America are Software Developer, Graphic Designer, and Product Manager.

Source: Deel

The Latin American job market is booming for tech and creative talent. The increasing importance of technology and visual communication is driving the demand for software development and graphic design expertise. Meanwhile, the growing focus on product strategy and customer experience is reflected in the popularity of Product Manager roles.

👩🏻‍💻 23. Full stack engineers saw the highest increase in interview requests.

Source: Hired

This talent shortage is no surprise! Companies value problem solvers. Full stack engineers can tackle a wide range of software development challenges. Their versatility and understanding of front-end and back-end development are an excellent addition to any well-rounded software development team.

👩🏻‍💻 24. The most used programming languages among developers worldwide are JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SQL, and Python.

Source: Statista

Knowing these top programming languages gives developers a competitive edge. These languages allow you to work on a wide range of projects and stay relevant in the constantly changing tech industry.

Nearshore Software Development Destinations: Exploring Latin America

An aerial view of Bogotá, Colombia showcasing dense urban architecture with numerous high-rise buildings.
When considering nearshore software development destinations, Latin America stands out as a region of burgeoning talent and opportunity.

The blend of cultural alignment, similar time zones, and a highly skilled pool of software engineers makes it an attractive option for businesses looking to outsource their development needs.

To dive deeper into why Latin America is becoming a hotspot for nearshore development, and to explore the specific benefits and countries leading this trend, check out our detailed analysis in our blog post: Top Latin American Countries for Nearshore Software Development [2024].

Final Thoughts

🔑 Key Takeaway: With a growing market, cost savings, high-quality projects, and top talent in your time zone, nearshore is a compelling option for companies outsourcing their software development.

These 23 statistics provide a snapshot of Nearshore and the benefits companies can expect. Whether you’re a startup looking to build your first product or an established company looking to reduce costs and improve time-to-market, Nearshore software development can help you reach your goals.

Hatchers work all across Latin America.

Hatchworks: Your US-Based Nearshore Software Development Partner

HatchWorks is a US-based Nearshore software development partner that combines Generative-Driven Development with the affordability and scale of Nearshore outsourcing, all in your time zone.

Our teams are fluent in English and have a 98.5% retention rate—meaning your project won’t be interrupted or delayed.

After a 5-step screening process, we fit you with the right talent for the job and build your digital products one of three ways: through Staff Augmentation, Dedicated Agile Teams, or Outcome-Based Projects (a full service software development solution).

Getting Started with HatchWorks Is Easy

Start your project in as little as two weeks and cut your software development costs in half.

The post 24 Nearshore Software Development Statistics to Know in 2024 appeared first on HatchWorks.

Top Latin American Countries for Nearshore Software Development [2024] Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:42:41 +0000 Latin American countries are popular for software development outsourcing due to their proximity to the United States, their strong pool of talented engineering professionals, and their favorable time zones. The software outsourcing services industry in LatAm has been growing significantly in recent years, and the region is home to many globally recognized tech companies and startups. […]

The post Top Latin American Countries for Nearshore Software Development [2024] appeared first on HatchWorks.


Latin American countries are popular for software development outsourcing due to their proximity to the United States, their strong pool of talented engineering professionals, and their favorable time zones.

The software outsourcing services industry in LatAm has been growing significantly in recent years, and the region is home to many globally recognized tech companies and startups.

Infographic titled "Top Latin American Countries for Nearshore Software Development in 2024.

In addition to its technical capabilities, Latin America has a rich cultural heritage and a strong tradition of entrepreneurship. Many Latin American countries have business-friendly policies and favorable climates for investment.

The cost of living and doing business in many Latin American countries is also lower than in the United States and Europe, making it an attractive option to save on development costs without compromising on quality and time to value.

Why do companies outsource to Latin America?

Think of nearshoring as the perfect date and offshoring as a long-distance relationship.

Aerial view of downtown Bogotá, Colombia, with high-rise buildingsImagine finding the perfect date – the right partner who shares your interests and goals, has a strong understanding of your needs, and is always there to support you, in your time zone.

This is what nearshore is like for companies. It provides a level of proximity and cultural affinity that allows for efficient and effective collaboration. Plus, you’ll work with talented developers who have a strong understanding of the local job market.

On the other hand, offshore software development feels like a long-distance relationship – it may seem attractive due to lower labor costs, but it often comes with its own set of challenges such as language barriers and time differences. While it may work for some, maintaining a strong working relationship requires a lot of effort, patience, and some sleepless nights.

Want to dive deeper into the differences between these two outsourcing market options? Read our comprehensive comparison of Nearshore vs. Offshore software outsourcing.

In this blog, we’ll explore specific outsourcing destinations and why they could be the perfect match for the needs of North American companies.

Popular destinations for Nearshore: Latin America

Some popular Latin American countries for Nearshore include:

The flag of Costa Rica.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a small but developed country in Central America with a growing software development industry, especially strong in custom software development. Its favorable time zone (same as Eastern US) and cultural compatibility with the US enable easy communication and collaboration between teams and client companies.

The cost of living and doing business is generally lower than in the United States, which is advantageous to save on development costs. The country’s strong infrastructure and stable political environment make it attractive for foreign investment. Despite recent challenges posed by rising energy and food costs and tight financing options, the country’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is projected to reach a growth rate of 3.2% in 2024.

The IT industry is supported by several universities and research institutions, as well as many business incubators and accelerators. The workforce is highly educated with a high percentage of degree holders. The country ranks fifth in Latin America on Coursera’s 2022 Global Skills Report. which measures proficiency in business, technology, and data science.

Its strong tradition of entrepreneurship and innovation culture has helped create many successful tech startups. The country has a business-friendly environment and is home to a number of multinational corporations that have established software development centers, including Intel, HP, and IBM. These companies helped Costa Rica become a hub for software development in LatAm, with cities like San José and Heredia setting the standard for supportive business environments.

The flag of Brazil.


Brazil, the largest and most populous country in South America, is making its mark as a significant player in the global arena. It boasts a robust software industry with over 6,000+ software development companies and a software market recently valued at $11.3 billion. Brazilian software developers are known for their expertise in Java and .Net, making them sought after by foreign companies in need of specialized skills.

Thanks to favorable time zones that align with the US, companies can enjoy seamless communication and collaboration with Brazilian teams during regular business hours. This, along with its cultural compatibility, makes it a top destination, though Brazil stands apart from its neighbors in terms of language and cultural similarities. Portuguese is the official language, while Spanish is dominant throughout the rest of Latin America.

Brazil has a robust supply of skilled technology professionals, with over 200,000 STEM students graduating annually from its institutes. Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Belo Horizonte are among the most prominent tech hubs in Brazil, known for their thriving startup ecosystems and supportive business environments. Some of the biggest names in the global tech industry, including IBM, HP, and Capgemini, have established a strong presence in Brazil.

The flag of Colombia.


Colombia has a strong ecosystem of universities, research institutions, and a government that supports Latin America software outsourcing to businesses worldwide. The Colombian Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTiC), is actively working to curb an impending talent crisis in the outsourcing software development industry by implementing various initiatives to encourage the growth and development of the country’s tech workforce and attract more talent to the industry. These efforts could prevent a projected shortage of over 100,000 developers by 2025.

While nearly all Colombians speak Spanish, English is an official language in parts of the country like Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina Islands.

Colombia is a rising major player in the global outsourcing market and the Latin American IT market, ranking fourth in size after countries like Brazil. Colombia has a number of successful tech startups and globally recognized tech companies, including MercadoLibre and Acelero, which have established software development centers and business operations in the country.

Bogotá, Medellín, and Cali are rapidly emerging as key tech hubs in Colombia and South America at large, with significant growth in the technology sector. These cities are attracting a growing number of tech startups, multinational companies, and skilled software engineers and developers, due to their favorable business climates, supportive government policies, and thriving tech communities.

The flag of Argentina.


Argentina is known for its strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, and there is a vibrant startup ecosystem in the country. With a GDP of nearly $500 billion, Argentina is one of the largest economies in Latin America and South America.

The country has a highly educated workforce. Argentina ranked 34th in a list of global education rankings.

Argentina has a well-developed software development industry and a strong reputation for producing high-quality software professionals. Their long tradition of excellence in computer science and software engineering has paid off as revenues are expected to rise to over $2.7 billion by 2026.

The country is home to a number of successful tech startups and globally recognized tech companies, including MercadoLibre and Despegar. There are also a number of business incubators and accelerators that provide resources and support to entrepreneurs. The Aceleradoras BA Emprende, a Buenos Aires initiative that co-finances high-impact ventures to encourage growth, has invested over $3.5 million in local entrepreneurs.

The flag of Uruguay.Uruguay

This nation of 3.4 million has made a name for itself in the software outsourcing industry, with over 1,000 software development companies driving nearly $1 billion in software exports annuallymostly to the US. Its high per capita software export figures have cemented its position as one of the world’s premier software exporting nations.

Uruguay has a number of universities focused on software development and related technologies. The country has a highly educated workforce and a business-friendly environment. On a global ranking assessing a country’s technology infrastructure, technology adoption, and investment from both businesses and governments to determine its digital readiness, Uruguay ranked second among all Latin American countries.

It is also home to a number of successful tech startups, including MercadoLibre, dLocal, and Ona. According to the European Center for Digital Competitiveness report from 2021, Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, has been named the world’s second-fastest-growing city in the Fintech sector.

The Flag of Peru.Peru

Peru is a top-notch software outsourcing destination, ranking among the best in Latin America. Its economy is surging with a 3.5% year-over-year growth in the first half of 2022, a testament to its resilience and post-pandemic recovery.

Peru also has a couple of top-ranked universities and a thriving startup culture. Peruvian developers are highly skilled and educated, with over 25% holding STEM degrees, the highest in Latin America. When it comes to ReactJS and UX/UI design, Peru is home to some of the most talented developers and designers in the world.

The Peruvian government is investing in technology development through initiatives such as ProInnóvate and Startup Peru. The country is home to many multinational tech companies like IBM, Amazon, and Microsoft, which have established offices due to the top talent available.

The flag of Mexico.Mexico

Mexico boasts a vast developer talent pool, with over 225,000 developers making their mark in the tech industry. This impressive number is a testament to the country’s commitment to fostering tech talent. In 2023, projections indicate that the revenue for the software industry in Mexico will reach a staggering $3.9 billion, showcasing its rapid growth in the tech sector.

The country has firmly established itself as a leading tech innovation hub. With over 20 tech parks, including renowned ones like the Creative Digital City and Guadalajara Software Center, Mexico is at the forefront of technological innovation. By the end of 2022, the startup scene in Mexico witnessed the inception of 453 new startups, and this number is expected to rise further in 2023.

Recent initiatives have seen the Mexican government opening 120 tuition-free tech universities. This move further bolsters its tech talent pool, ensuring a steady influx of skilled professionals. Every year, the country celebrates the graduation of over 130,000 engineers, further solidifying its position as a tech powerhouse.

The flag of Chile.Chile

Chile, especially its capital Santiago, is emerging as a significant technology hub in Latin America. Often referred to as “Chilecon Valley”, the country is a hotspot for elite developer talent. With a robust developer community, Chile is home to over 61,000 software developers and more than 4,000 software development companies.

In 2022, the software industry in Chile made headlines by generating a revenue of $1.4 billion. This achievement reflects the country’s dedication to technological advancement and innovation. Chile’s high ranking on the Global Innovation Index, securing the 53rd position out of 132 economies in 2021, is a testament to its innovative spirit.

The country is also renowned for its quality tech education. Several Chilean universities rank among the top 500 globally, emphasizing its focus on science and engineering. With nearly 25% of Chilean graduates earning degrees in these fields, the future of tech in Chile looks promising. Additionally, Chile’s proficiency in the English language ensures smooth communication, making it a preferred destination for nearshore outsourcing and software development.

Closing Thoughts

As the global demand for continues to grow, nearshore has emerged as a popular option for infrastructure development for US businesses. By choosing the right nearshore software development partner with a strong pool of talented developers in these countries, companies can take advantage of the many benefits of nearshore development while minimizing the challenges and mitigating risks. To learn more, read our essential guide.

Hatchers work all across Latin America.

HatchWorks is the Right Nearshore Partner

Partner with HatchWorks for top-tier outsourcing services, where you’re not just getting a provider but a true partner. Experience the best of both worlds with a US-based solutions practice with the affordability and scale of Nearshore.

Our team not only understands your needs and speaks your language but also operates in a similar time zone for seamless collaboration.

Our rigorous 5-step screening process ensures only the finest talent for your project, contributing to our impressive 98.5% retention rate.

By choosing to outsource to Latin America, you benefit from lower labor costs compared to local rates, without compromising on quality or efficiency.

As one of the leading outsourcing destinations, Latin America offers a wealth of opportunities for your business. Whether it’s software development, customer service, or any other outsourcing need, HatchWorks stands ready.

Ready to harness the transformative power of Nearshore outsourcing? Contact HatchWorks today and elevate your project from concept to reality.

Hatchworks: Your US-Based Nearshore Software Development Partner

Start your project in as little as two weeks and cut your software development costs in half.

The post Top Latin American Countries for Nearshore Software Development [2024] appeared first on HatchWorks.

Insights into Nearshoring: The Trend Changing How the US Does Business Wed, 06 Dec 2023 15:23:16 +0000 Every once and a while a trend emerges which transforms the world. It can be as simple as the introduction of jeans as a wardrobe staple to the dramatic automation of machines in the Industrial Revolution. In recent years, nearshoring has fallen somewhere in between with the US taking advantage of nearshore services, especially in […]

The post Insights into Nearshoring: The Trend Changing How the US Does Business appeared first on HatchWorks.


Every once and a while a trend emerges which transforms the world. It can be as simple as the introduction of jeans as a wardrobe staple to the dramatic automation of machines in the Industrial Revolution.

In recent years, nearshoring has fallen somewhere in between with the US taking advantage of nearshore services, especially in the tech space.

A transformative trend reshaping US business practices.

But what is it? Why is it so popular? And what’s its future look like?

We go into all of that below, looking through the lens of Nearshore Software Development.

What is Nearshoring? A Definition and Background

Nearshoring is an outsourcing model where businesses use companies in neighboring countries to complete work they can’t or don’t want to do in-house (due to lack of time, resources, or expertise).

It’s a cost effective alternative to using onshore freelancers and agencies and a practical alternative to offshore teams because a team or individual in a nearby country is able to work in the same or similar timezone.

Nearshore Offshore Onshore
Outsourcing to neighboring countries with similar time zones.
Outsourcing to distant countries with significant time zone differences.
Outsourcing within the same country.
Often cost-effective and allows for easy collaboration.
Often cost-effective but can present difficulties in communication.
Often costly but avoids cultural differences and language barriers.
Central and South America
Africa, Europe, and Asia
United States and Canada
Map of Onshore, Nearshore, and Offshore regions
Nearshore software outsourcing is when a company has distributed teams in countries that are in the same or similar time zone. For companies in the US, this means countries in Latin America.

For US-based companies, their nearshore options are Canada or Latin America (LatAm) but it’s the latter which offers the biggest cost benefit.

Nearshoring isn’t a new concept but it has increased in popularity in recent years. In a 2022 article, Bloomberg reports 80% of companies in North America are actively considering nearshoring.

Popular Nearshore Locations for US-Based Businesses

Latin America offers a variety of nearshore locations for U.S. businesses. The region as a whole is rising in the tech world, but some countries have become favorites for nearshore outsourcing due to their robust tech infrastructure and talent pool. Here’s a quick look at some top nearshore locations:
  • Costa Rica: With its emphasis on education and a stable political scene, Costa Rica is renowned for high-quality software development. It’s a smaller market, but its specialized tech talent is a major draw.
  • Colombia: Growing as a tech leader, Colombia’s IT sector is booming. Cities like Bogotá and Medellín are becoming hotspots for tech innovation, drawing in businesses for nearshore collaborations.
  • Brazil: Brazil’s mature tech industry offers a comprehensive range of services from software development to advanced data analytics. Its sizable talent pool makes it a go-to for robust IT solutions.
  • Argentina: Celebrated for its high-caliber tech education, Argentina produces creative and innovative tech professionals. Buenos Aires, in particular, is a magnet for tech activity.
  • Mexico: With key tech hubs like Guadalajara, Mexico combines technical expertise with cultural proximity to the U.S. This makes for easy collaboration and has positioned Mexico as a favored nearshore choice.
📕 Further reading: Top Latin American Countries for Nearshore Software Development

The Rise of Nearshore Software Development

Within the broader trend toward nearshore, the tech industry is leading the charge with Nearshore Software Development.

This trend is fueled by the inherent need for collaboration and constant communication in software projects between internal teams and external partners.

And it’s been made possible by the growth of the tech industry in Latin America.

Don’t believe us? IDL Labs projects Latin American, and Caribbean tech startups are set to reach $2 trillion in value by 2030 and this is after their industry has grown from an estimated $7 billion in 2010 to $221 billion in 2020.

And it’s reported software developers from Latin America are among the top-rated globally. Businesses in the US can now use them to build quality software at a fraction of the cost it would cost to hire an onshore team.

Why Businesses Choose Nearshoring: Key Advantages

In the past, offshore has been the outsourcing model of choice. But over time, cracks in the model have revealed themselves.

Offshoring can bring with it:

  • language barriers
  • opposing work cultures
  • difficulties in collaboration due to time zone differences,
  • and unreliable English proficiency.

And it’s those areas where nearshore shines.

US-based companies seek nearshore talent in Latin America because of a close workday overlap, strong cultural fit, and high English language proficiency.

Below we’ve outlined the top 4 advantages of nearshoring in more detail:

It’s cost effective and convenient

According to Deloitte, 59% of companies choose nearshoring for its cost benefits.

This isn’t surprising given nearshoring is more economical than hiring locally (either in-house tech talent or outsourcing to an onshore boutique agency).

In fact, the average cost of hiring a developer in the US is $159,932. That figure includes resources spent recruiting talent in addition to the salary but doesn’t include benefits or other costs.

And compared to offshoring, nearshoring is just as cost-effective while being more conveniently located.

So it’s no wonder American based businesses are turning to LatAm options.

There are fewer cultural differences

For US companies, working with teams in Latin America is like working with your neighbor. There’s an unspoken commonality between us from the Netflix shows we watch to a history of colonization by European powers.

From these shared roots and interests comes an understanding that smooths out collaboration between in-house teams and outsourced ones.

Plus, the widespread English fluency in Latin America means communication is clear and straightforward, making projects run more smoothly.

Latin America offers access to top talent

We previously mentioned that tech talent in LatAm is among the top rated globally.

When you opt for nearshoring outsourcing, you open the door to this pool of talent.

These experts bring new ideas and advanced skills to the table, enhancing the quality of your projects significantly.

Many US software teams will use staff augmentation to increase capabilities and integrate an outsourced partner into their business operations.

Nearshoring is scalable and flexible

One of the most attractive features of nearshoring is its scalability, especially for businesses looking to adapt and grow in a competitive market.

Nearshoring lets you scale your team up or down as needed. Have a big project that requires expertise you don’t have or simply needs more hands behind it? Nearshoring can easily meet those needs. Want to scale back once it’s done? No problem.

That’s not something you can do with an in-house team.

And thanks to Nearshore’s proximity, scaling up doesn’t mean losing control or oversight. You can keep a close eye on your project’s progress, ensuring quality isn’t sacrificed for speed.

Challenges and Considerations in Nearshoring

Nearshoring offers many benefits, but it’s not without its challenges.

One of the main concerns is geopolitical risk. Countries may experience unrest or economic upheaval, potentially disrupting projects.

HatchWorks, as a Nearshore Software Development partner addresses this by having a U.S.-based headquarters and utilizing developers from various Latin American countries. This diversity ensures that if one country faces issues, your project can continue smoothly with minimal interruptions, thanks to the support from other regions.

Another hurdle can be language barriers. While many Latin American software developers are proficient in English, it’s often their second language. This might lead to occasional misunderstandings or communication gaps.

Again, HatchWork’s US presence reduces this risk because you’ll have a local team managing the process, selecting the right developers, and ensuring it all goes smoothly.

Finally, security risks, including data breaches or intellectual property theft, are critical concerns in any outsourcing model.

Strategies to Overcome These Challenges

To tackle these challenges, here are some strategies for an effective outsourcing strategy:

  • Diversify Talent Sources: Similar to HatchWorks’ model, diversifying the countries you source talent from can mitigate risks associated with reliance on a single region.
  • Invest in Language and Cultural Training: Encourage cross-cultural training and language proficiency courses to bridge any communication gaps.
  • Stay Informed on Regulations: Keep up-to-date with the legal and regulatory environments of the countries you’re working with. This knowledge can help navigate and comply with local requirements and keep your data secure.
  • Build Strong Local Partnerships: Establish strong relationships with local partners like HatchWorks who understand the regional nuances and can offer valuable insights and support.

📕 Further reading: Proven Strategies for Mitigating Nearshore Software Development Risks

The Future of Nearshoring

Outsourcing solutions have traditionally shifted manual work that required little expertise. But nearshoring is continually tapping into the knowledge of our next door neighbors.

Businesses are recognizing the intellectual capacity within nearshore regions. This means a growing demand for specialized skills and higher education levels in these markets. Nearshore professionals won’t just be executing tasks; they’ll be contributing essential expertise and innovative solutions.

The nature of nearshoring relationships is also shifting.

We’re moving away from transactional outsourcing to more integrated, partnership-based collaborations. This new approach focuses on long-term value creation and mutual growth. It’s about building relationships that are not just beneficial but also responsible, adhering to global corporate responsibility standards.

Our unique approach to fusing US expertise and Latin American scalability and affordability is what sets us apart—and it’s proving to be a winning formula.

The Impact of AI on Nearshore Software Development

AI has rapidly developed in 2023 and it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Here’s how AI is impacting Nearshore Software Development:

  • Automated Development: AI can take on or assist in software development tasks. This means nearshore teams can deliver more, faster. It’s like turbocharging the development process, making ‘build’ strategies more efficient.
  • Innovation at the Forefront: AI’s ability to generate creative solutions opens new doors for innovation in nearshoring. Teams can explore unique features and functionalities, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
  • Continuous Improvement: AI doesn’t just build; it learns and improves. This means software developed via nearshoring can continually evolve, staying ahead of the curve.

But it’s not all smooth sailing. AI, especially tools like ChatGPT, can have limitations, like inaccurate data generation.

Ethical and security considerations are also crucial. As Matt Paige, VP of Marketing and Strategy at HatchWorks, points out, the decision between using off-the-shelf AI solutions and building proprietary ones involves weighing privacy and data security risks.

If you’re looking into nearshoring something other than software development, then the impact is still the same, it just will be applied to different business processes.

How Businesses Can Prepare for These Changes

To adapt to these changes, businesses should focus on building strong, collaborative relationships with nearshore partners.

They should also invest in training and technology to harness the full potential of AI and other emerging tech trends. By doing so, companies can ensure they are well-positioned to leverage the evolving landscape of nearshoring.

Reap the Rewards of Nearshore Software Development with HatchWorks

At HatchWorks, we blend high-touch, local service with the affordability and efficiency of nearshore outsourcing. Our teams, boasting a 98.5% retention rate and fluent English skills, ensure your projects run without interruptions or delays.
We’re a trusted nearshore partner for businesses that need quality software development and a solution that scales as they do.

Check out past projects we’ve worked on and the outcomes those businesses have gone on to achieve here.

→ If you want to see how nearshoring can expedite your development at a fraction of the cost, contact HatchWorks today. ←

Hatchworks: Your US-Based Nearshore Software Development Partner

HatchWorks is a US-based Nearshore software development partner that combines local solutions practice with the affordability and scale of Nearshore outsourcing, all in your time zone.

Start your project in as little as two weeks and cut your software development costs in half.

The post Insights into Nearshoring: The Trend Changing How the US Does Business appeared first on HatchWorks.

Proven Strategies for Mitigating Nearshore Software Development Risks Fri, 10 Nov 2023 17:07:18 +0000 You’ve heard of Nearshore Software Development, the outsourcing model that balances cost, convenience, and accessibility. And you think it could be how you build your next software project. Yet, whispers of potential pitfalls are holding you back: communication breakdowns, cultural clashes, quality inconsistencies… the list goes on. So now you want to know if you […]

The post Proven Strategies for Mitigating Nearshore Software Development Risks appeared first on HatchWorks.


You’ve heard of Nearshore Software Development, the outsourcing model that balances cost, convenience, and accessibility. And you think it could be how you build your next software project.

Yet, whispers of potential pitfalls are holding you back: communication breakdowns, cultural clashes, quality inconsistencies… the list goes on.

An infographic with text "Proven Strategies for Mitigating Nearshore Software Development Risks" by Hatchworks, with a stylized map and smiley-faced briefcases.

So now you want to know if you can mitigate these Nearshore Software Development risks and only reap the rewards.

With the right insights, partners, and strategies, you absolutely can.

Read on for our breakdown of the 4 risks you face when using Nearshore Development and 5 practical ways you can avoid them.

But First, What is Nearshore Software Development?

You may know this answer already (and if you do, feel free to scroll on down to the next section) but it’s always helpful to get everyone on the same page.

Nearshore Software Development is when a company outsources development work to a team that works in a country that is geographically close and thus, timezone friendly.

For example, a company based in Atlanta, Georgia that outsources to Costa Rica.

This outsourcing model combines the benefits of Onshore and Offshore software development while avoiding their pitfalls. Translation? It’s both cost-effective and convenient.

Here is a side by side comparison of the three models: 

Nearshore Offshore Onshore
Outsourcing to neighboring countries with similar time zones.
Outsourcing to distant countries with significant time zone differences.
Outsourcing within the same country.
Often cost-effective and allows for easy collaboration.
Often cost-effective but can present difficulties in communication.
Often costly but avoids cultural differences and language barriers.
Central and South America
Africa, Europe, and Asia
United States and Canada
Map of Onshore, Nearshore, and Offshore regions
Nearshore software outsourcing is when a company has distributed teams in countries that are in the same or similar time zone. For companies in the US, this means countries in Latin America.
Want to learn even more about Nearshore Development? Check out our comprehensive 2023 guide.

3 Reasons Companies Choose Nearshore Software Development

Before we get into the risks and how you can mitigate them, let’s first look at the three core benefits of Nearshore Development.

1. Proximity and Similar Time Zones Facilitate Better Communication and Collaboration

Being geographically close and operating within similar time zones means fewer communication delays.

Teams can collaborate in real-time, ensuring that projects move forward seamlessly and when the odd misunderstanding does happen, they’re promptly addressed.

2. Cost-Effective Alternative to Boutique Agencies

While Onshore development might offer the advantage of cultural and linguistic alignment, it often comes at a premium cost.

Nearshore Development, on the other hand, is a cost-effective alternative. And if you choose a top provider, you won’t sacrifice quality of work or quality of communication.

3. Access to a Diverse and Skilled Talent Pool

Did you know that in 2021 53% of companies struggle to recruit in-house developers? And the reason? The developers didn’t have the skills the business needed.

Nearshore regions often boast a rich pool of tech talent. Companies can tap into this diverse set of skills, ensuring they have the right expertise for their projects without the constraints of local talent shortages.

Take the developers in Latin America that HatchWorks has. We take time to upskill them across 50+ technologies so that no matter the client, we have the exact talent they need.

All of our Nearshore Developers have access to:

  • Monthly, employee-led lunch & learns
  • Communities of Interest (COIN)
  • A Udemy subscription
  • $2k year to spend on relevant learning and development

What are the Risks of Using Nearshore Software Development?

As with any business endeavor, you need to know what challenges come with hiring Nearshore Development teams. Because when you know what can go wrong, you can take steps to avoid them—and if needed, overcome them.

Here are the primary risks Nearshore outsourcing might bring:

  • Communication and cultural risks
  • Quality Risks
  • Security Risks
  • Geopolitical Risks

Communication, Cultural Differences, and Cultural Risks

Every country has its unique work culture, and these differences can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.

For instance, a developer in Colombia might interpret feedback differently than a project manager in the U.S. due to cultural nuances. Or, there might be instances where holidays and work hours differ, causing unexpected delays.

Quality Risks

Ensuring consistent software quality across borders can be challenging. For example, a Nearshore team might be using a different version of a software tool or might not be familiar with specific coding standards that the in-house team follows.

This can lead to discrepancies in the final product, such as a feature not working as intended or software bugs that were overlooked.

Security Risks

Data breaches and security lapses are concerns regardless of where your development team is located. However, when working with Nearshore teams, there might be instances where they aren’t aware of specific data protection regulations that the company must adhere to.

For instance, a developer might unintentionally store sensitive user data in a less secure environment, exposing it to potential threats.

Geopolitical Risks

The political and economic landscape of a country can have direct implications on your Nearshore Software Development projects.

For example, sudden political unrest or economic downturns in the Nearshore country can disrupt project timelines. Or, changes in trade agreements might impact the cost structure midway through a project.

Proven Strategies to Mitigate Nearshore Software Development Risks

Yes, Nearshore Software Development has its risks. But they’re avoidable with the right approach and a trusted Nearshore partner like HatchWorks.

Below we’ve outlined tried and true strategies to mitigate the risks involved with Nearshore Development.

1. Judge Potential Providers by their Security Protocols and Track Record

Do the Nearshore partners you’re considering have robust data security?

And do they have the testimonials and certifications to prove it?

You’ll want to make sure that’s the case before you get started.

HatchWorks is an SOC2 compliant Nearshore provider, meaning any private data or information handled by our remote development teams is completely secure.
✅ Do this
🚫 Not that
Partner with Nearshore providers who invest in their data security and are SOC2 compliant.
Sign on with a Nearshore provider who can’t prove or explain how they will keep your data safe.

2. Choose a Nearshore Provider with Developers Fluent in English

If you want to avoid language barriers and cultural misunderstandings, the best thing to do is make sure the team you’re working with is fluent in English.

Luckily, many software developers in Latin America speak English to a high standard. And if you want even better odds, this survey from 2021 shows that Argentina has the highest English proficiency score out of the Latin American countries.

You can even take it one step forward by partnering with a provider who has a base in the U.S.

For example, HatchWorks has offices in the U.S. to make sure there’s always cultural alignment and English fluency between you, us, and our team of highly skilled developers.

✅ Do this
🚫 Not that
Check that there’s a US team overseeing projects and hiring English speaking developers.
Trust blindly that the team can speak English.

3. Find an Agile Provider at the Forefront of AI Adoption

Consistent quality development comes off the back of having established frameworks and processes in place. And that point only becomes more important with the introduction of AI.

Statistics show that developers are 55% faster with an AI copilot to help them.
Your Nearshore provider should guide you to AI solutions that align with your business goals and amplify your capabilities.

Most companies don’t know how to leverage AI safely and aren’t following frameworks to determine what is safe adoption and what isn’t. They certainly aren’t able to guide you to effective use of AI.

At HatchWorks we created the Built Right Method which allows us to apply the right frameworks to the projects we’ve taken on and to be at the forefront of AI adoption.

What is the
Built Right Method?

Build software stress-free and on budget with our tried-and-true method that increases speed to value and reduces cost throughout the software development lifecycle.

  • Specialized, flexible frameworks
  • AI-enhanced development
  • Accelerators and automation tech
  • Continuous value delivery
  • Hyper-enabled, next-gen teams
✅ Do this
🚫 Not that
Select a provider like HatchWorks, who not only embraces AI but has a proven framework to leverage it effectively, ensuring your software is built right from the start.
Settle for a provider without a clear AI adoption strategy, risking your software's relevance and missing out on the efficiency and innovation AI can bring.

4. Establish Clear Communication Channels and Expectations

Before you kick off the project, you need to set clear expectations, define roles, and create a check-in schedule that both you and your Nearshore team will follow.

If your Nearshore team knows who to contact, where, when, and for what, concerns can be addressed promptly, ideation can flow smoothly, and updates communicated effectively.

All of this will streamline project management and collaboration while avoiding the risk of miscommunication or project delays.

This will be made easier if you’re following through on point 3 and have selected an Agile team who can adjust quickly to keep the project on track.

✅ Do this
🚫 Not that
Let your Nearshore team know what cadence you expect for updates, the channels they should use to flag problems, and any information they need to meet deadlines.
Break your own communication rules, regularly cancel updates and face-to-face meetings, or provide unclear expectations.

5. Have a Comprehensive Contract that Provides Legal Clarity

A well-drafted contract acts as a safety net, protecting both parties.

It should clearly outline roles, responsibilities, payment terms, and dispute resolution mechanisms. If you have a legal team, make sure they look over the contract before you sign.

This way your development team can’t surprise you with hidden fees or veer off schedule without good reason.

Another way to ensure reputable and responsible Nearshore Development is to work with a US-based provider who has Errors and Omissions Insurance.

✅ Do this
🚫 Not that
Work with legal experts to draft a comprehensive contract that addresses all potential scenarios.
Rush into agreements without a detailed contract or overlook key clauses that could protect your interests.

6. Use Countries with Low Geopolitical Risks

Choosing a country with a stable political and economic environment is crucial. Factors to consider include political stability, economic growth, and favorable trade relations. You should also choose a provider who has a large geographical footprint spread across LatAm countries.

HatchWorks works with teams from countries with low geopolitical risks so that you never have to worry about interruptions to your project.

And on the off chance that something does happen, we have teams across LatAm that can jump in and pick up where other developers have left off. We also set you up with a team of distributed developers so that you’re never dependent on one country alone.

✅ Do this
🚫 Not that
Research and stay updated on the political and economic landscape of the Nearshore country.
Ignore geopolitical indicators or assume that the current stability of a country guarantees future stability.

Top Time Zone Friendly Destinations for Nearshore Software Development

Now that you’re fully equipped to mitigate risks, where should you turn for Nearshore Development?

Our answer: Latin America. In particular these popular Nearshore locations:

1. Costa Rica: Known for its stable political environment and high education standards, Costa Rica is an emerging player in the nearshore development scene. The country’s emphasis on bilingual education also ensures a workforce fluent in English.

2. Colombia: Medellín and Bogotá are leading the tech revolution in Colombia. The country’s focus on education and tech innovation has produced a generation of skilled developers ready to take on global projects.

3. Brazil: As the largest country in South America, Brazil has a vast tech ecosystem. São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are at the forefront, with numerous tech companies and startups calling these cities home.

4. Peru: Peru‘s commitment to improving its IT infrastructure and education has fostered a new generation of tech professionals who are agile, skilled, and ready to collaborate on international projects.

5. Mexico: With its proximity to the U.S. and a rapidly growing tech sector, Mexico is a prime location for nearshore development. Cities like Guadalajara and Monterrey are often dubbed the “Silicon Valleys” of Mexico due to their tech-centric ecosystems.

Further reading: Top Latin American Countries for Nearshore Software Development

Avoid the Risks and Reap the Rewards of Nearshore Development with HatchWorks

At HatchWorks we’re dedicated to making your project a success from inception to delivery.

We’re Atlanta based with Nearshore teams across Latin America, giving you onshore quality with offshore affordability.

Our approach is unique and designed to get you the best results.

HatchWorks’ Approach to Nearshore Development

Built from the Ground Up: Unlike many firms that outsource their talent, HatchWorks has meticulously built our Nearshore team from scratch. This dedication is reflected in our 98.5% employee retention rate.

Dedicated Talent: Our Latin America Nearshore teams are 100% committed to your project, ensuring it receives the undivided attention it deserves.

Strategic Positioning: Our teams are strategically located to minimize geopolitical risks, ensuring your projects remain uninterrupted.

US-based support: Every project is set up for success and overseen by a team in the US. They are dedicated and on-hand to make sure your project is delivered on time, on budget, and to the highest standard.

Constant Upskilling: We believe in continuous learning. Our teams are regularly upskilled, bringing expertise across 50+ technologies to your doorstep.

Global Presence: With 8 offices across 6 countries, we have the capability to source rare talent swiftly, ensuring your projects are delivered on time and within budget.

Quick Start: Our streamlined processes and pre-vetted talent pool mean we can kickstart your project in as little as two weeks.

Interested in how HatchWorks can get your project off the ground while cutting your software development costs in half? Contact us today.

Hatchworks: Your US-Based Nearshore Software Development Partner

HatchWorks is a US-based Nearshore software development partner that combines local solutions practice with the affordability and scale of Nearshore outsourcing, all in your time zone.

Start your project in as little as two weeks and cut your software development costs in half.

The post Proven Strategies for Mitigating Nearshore Software Development Risks appeared first on HatchWorks.

8 Outsourcing Myths Debunked: Our Deep Dive into Common Misconceptions Thu, 09 Nov 2023 15:19:22 +0000 Outsourcing myths. They’re everywhere. From whispered boardroom conversations to heated debates at tech conferences, these myths shape decisions, often to a company’s detriment. But what if we told you that much of what you’ve heard is just… noise? And that, of all the outsourcing models and third party options, Nearshore is the one proving the […]

The post 8 Outsourcing Myths Debunked: Our Deep Dive into Common Misconceptions appeared first on HatchWorks.


Outsourcing myths.

They’re everywhere.

From whispered boardroom conversations to heated debates at tech conferences, these myths shape decisions, often to a company’s detriment.

But what if we told you that much of what you’ve heard is just… noise? And that, of all the outsourcing models and third party options, Nearshore is the one proving the naysayers wrong.

Infographic titled "8 Outsourcing Myths Debunked" by Hatchworks with icons representing global communication.

In this article, we’re separating fact from fiction so that the opportunity for faster, cheaper, high quality output is never missed again.

Keep reading to see what myths we’ve debunked and 3 real-life examples of the Nearshore model at work.

Outsourcing Myths Debunked: The Nearshore Advantage

For years, companies have turned to external teams to handle tasks they can’t manage in-house.

Sometimes they even look abroad (offshore), where they can get the work done at a reduced cost.

But lately, a new star has risen in the outsourcing world: Nearshore outsourcing.

According to a recent report by Forrester, 39% of technology leaders intend to increase their use of Nearshore services.

Nearshore is where companies outsource to neighboring, low cost countries with a similar time zone. If you’re US based, that means looking south to Latin America.

It’s a model that works especially well for companies in need of software development. And it’s no wonder when 53% of companies struggle to recruit in-house developers with the skills the business needs.

Nearshore Software Development gives them access to that talent and debunks many preconceived limitations of outsourcing abroad such as language barriers, time-zone issues, poor work quality, hidden costs, and more.

Let’s look at the 8 most common misconceptions companies have about outsourcing and put them to bed once and for all with Nearshore Software Development as an option.

Myth 1: There are Language and Cultural Barriers in Outsourcing

If you’re outsourcing to another country, especially one with a different language, then language mishaps and cultural misunderstandings are part of the package, right?

Well, not if you choose the country and your outsourcing providers correctly.

With Nearshore, you’re partnering with Latin American countries. This region has more in common with the US than you’d think. From shared cultural events to similar business etiquettes, the alignment is surprisingly close.

And language? It’s less of a barrier than many assume. Latin America has a high adoption of the English language, in part because it’s so close.

This ensures that communication flows smoothly, and misunderstandings are kept to a minimum.

So, while language and culture can be concerns in some outsourcing models, Nearshore offers a refreshing alternative. You’ll find Central and South America even watching the same Netflix shows as us. These small consistencies in culture create a base of comradery and trust.

Outsourcing leads to significant language and cultural differences that hinder communication.
Nearshore regions often share cultural similarities with their clients, and professionals are fluent in multiple languages (including English), ensuring seamless communication.

Myth 2: Outsourcing Compromises Quality

Those who choose to outsource software development may expect lower quality work. Or that expectation may prevent you from investing in offshore or Nearshore development altogether.

But when you opt for Nearshore Software Development, you’re not trading quality for cost.

In fact, Nearshore teams are known for their commitment to excellence. They’re equipped with the latest tools, methodologies, and a drive to deliver top-notch software solutions.

And if you want the absolute best, HackerRank reports software developers from Latin America are among the top-rated developers globally.

At HatchWorks, our US-based team makes sure your project is assigned to Nearshore developers who have the necessary skills, ensuring the final product not only meets but often exceeds expectations.

Outsourcing means settling for lower quality.
Nearshore teams maintain high standards, often delivering superior software solutions compared to distant offshore alternatives.

Myth 3: Outsourcing Leads to Time Zone Challenges

We get it. Working with a team 7-10 hours ahead of you can disrupt communication and delay progress. You send an important update or ask a time sensitive question only to be met with silence.

Nearshore Development avoids that completely through its time zone friendly model.

By partnering with teams in neighboring countries, you’re working with just a minimal time zone difference, if there’s a difference at all. This means more overlapping work hours, quicker responses, and real-time collaboration.

With Nearshore, you get the efficiency of working with a local team, minus the hefty price tag. It’s a win-win for project timelines and team synergy.

Collaborating with outsourced teams results in time zone difficulties and project delays.
Nearshore development offers minimal time zone differences, promoting real-time collaboration and efficient project management.

Myth 4: Outsourcing Poses Security Risks

Offshore outsourcing can often mean sharing sensitive data across borders, and with that comes the fear of data breaches, unauthorized access, or even misuse of intellectual property.

After all, these companies might not have the same stringent security protocols or legal frameworks in place that you do.

Nearshore service providers, especially the reputable ones, are acutely aware of these concerns.

It’s worth partnering with a US-based provider that factors in security concerns and is accessible to answer any questions you may have.

At HatchWorks, we invest in advanced security infrastructure and train our Nearshore Development teams on best practices. By adhering to US security standards and regularly updating our protocols, your data is treated with the utmost care and protection.
Outsourcing increases risks related to data security and intellectual property protection.
Reputable Nearshore providers prioritize client data protection and adhere to international security standards.

Myth 5: There are Hidden Costs in Outsourcing

When you fly on a budget airline, the fees on top of the ticket itself add up quickly. And it leaves you feeling bamboozled and frustrated.

With outsourcing, you may fear a similar experience. Hidden costs can pop up from unexpected fees, communication breakdowns leading to project reworks, or even extended timelines due to misalignment.

However, Nearshore Development, especially with providers like HatchWorks, tackles these concerns head-on.

First, they prioritize transparency. This means clear contracts that lay out all costs upfront, leaving no room for surprise charges. Plus, their proximity and aligned time zones reduce communication mishaps, ensuring that projects stay on track and within budget.

HatchWorks, for instance, emphasizes regular check-ins and updates, ensuring that both parties are aligned, reducing the chances of costly misunderstandings.

Outsourcing, while appearing cost-effective, has hidden expenses.
Nearshore Development ensures transparency, clear contracts, and no unexpected costs, providing a cost-effective solution.

Myth 6: Outsourced Teams Have Limited Tech Knowledge

There’s a lingering belief that if you’re partnering with an outsourcing company, you’ll be getting a team that’s only versed in a handful of outdated technologies.

It suggests that while these teams might be more affordable, they might not offer the competitive advantage modern businesses seek.

This probably stems from the fact that many offshore companies are third-world economies.

Nearshore Development proves this isn’t the case, or at least, it doesn’t have to be.

HatchWork’s Nearshore teams aren’t just tech-savvy; they’re at the forefront of technological innovation.

Committed to maintaining a competitive advantage, the top Nearshore providers invest heavily in continuous training, ensuring their teams are adept across a broad spectrum of tech stacks. From legacy systems to the latest advancements in AI and cloud computing, they’ve got it covered.

Outsourced teams specialize only in a narrow range of technologies.
Nearshore teams boast diverse expertise across various tech stacks, staying updated with the latest technologies.

Myth 7: Outsourcing is Only for Short-Term Projects

Businesses often outsource small, short term projects they don’t have time to take on in house. They treat it as a way to take projects off their plate rather than as a way to build long-term, high-impact projects.

But that doesn’t have to be the case and it shouldn’t be. HatchWork’s Nearshore teams, with their dedication, expertise, and minimal turnover make a great outsourcing partner.

That’s because they invest in understanding a company’s goals, ethos, and future plans. This alignment means that businesses can rely on them not just for one project, but as a consistent, reliable tech partner for the long term.

So, while outsourcing can cater to short-term needs, it’s also a powerful strategy for businesses looking to forge lasting, value-driven partnerships.

Outsourcing is suitable only for short-term engagements.
Many businesses form long-term partnerships with Nearshore teams, benefiting from their dedication and expertise.

Myth 8: Outsourced Teams Lack Innovation

There’s a stereotype that outsourced teams just follow instructions, lacking the spark to introduce fresh, innovative ideas. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

With the right outsourcing team, you’re getting an extension of your business, and a group of developers who want to problem solve with you, bringing their years of experience and skills to your service. They even rely on their extensive experience and knowledge to guide you toward the right solutions and methods for your project.

Instead of just executing tasks, they often challenge the status quo, bringing in fresh perspectives and novel solutions.

In fact, their exposure to various projects and industries equips them with a unique lens, driving innovation and pushing boundaries.

Outsourced teams don't bring innovative ideas to the table.
Nearshore developers, with their diverse experiences and fresh perspectives, often drive innovation and offer creative solutions.

Examples of Successful Outsourcing

How do we know the 8 myths are actually myths? Because we’ve seen firsthand how outsourcing can lead to transformative success at reduced costs for clients.

Here are 3 examples of our Nearshore Software Development services at work:

AWS Development for a Staffing Company

Our relationship with this client began in 2017 and continues to this day.

For this project we built an AWS end-to-end solution that automated processes within their company. The client didn’t just want execution, they wanted us to ideate and problem solve with them as true partners.

The result? Their team has been able to track an increase in revenue along with the success of the product.

Quite frankly, we couldn’t have done what we’ve done without HatchWorks Technologies."

This goes to show that the right outsourcing partner can be instrumental in achieving business goals and that they can be a long term, enduring partner in your software development work.

Software Solution for DesignIntelligence

Our collaboration with DesignIntelligence, a leader in the architecture, engineering, construction, and design industries, began with a clear objective: help them build a platform where firms in these industries could find the right talent and where that talent could find their ideal job roles.

They wanted more than just a job board; they sought a solution that would provide rich, detailed profiles while ensuring professionals’ anonymity and protection against biases.

HatchWorks was brought on board to bring this vision to life not just as an executor but as a strategic partner who could align DesignIntelligence’s vision and goals with user needs and the new platform’s technical capabilities.

This platform allowed professionals to create detailed profiles, showcasing their skills and experience in a way that no other platform did.

The result? A platform MVP built in 3 months where firms could send connection requests to potential candidates, who could then decide if they wanted to reveal their full profile and connect.

Tom Spahn, Design Intelligence’s Managing Partner, found our ability to stick to budget and timeline an invaluable part of the process.

VR Development Services for Gaming Development Company

When a gaming company needed their video game ported to the Meta Quest 2 VR headset, they turned to us to make it reality.

The game was not only ported but optimized for the Meta Quest 2, ensuring smooth gameplay and high-quality graphics.

In their review they said, “We’d also like to shout out Claudio (LATAM General Manager); he was efficient, professional, and an outstanding communicator.”

It’s a perfect example of how using Nearshore Software Development doesn’t mean you’ll compromise on clear, efficient communication.

And overall, the client was thrilled with our commitment and ability to deliver excellent software.

HatchWorks went above and beyond."

Choose an Outsourcing Company You Can Trust to Do Great Work

With HatchWorks you’re partnering with a US-based team and Nearshore developers that understands your needs, speaks your language, and operates in a similar time zone.

From our rigorous 5-step screening process to our impressive 98.5% retention rate, we ensure your project stays on track and that you get a true partner.

Ready to experience the transformative power of Nearshore outsourcing?

Contact HatchWorks today and get your project off the ground.

Hatchworks: Your US-Based Nearshore Software Development Partner

HatchWorks is a US-based Nearshore software development partner that combines local solutions practice with the affordability and scale of Nearshore outsourcing, all in your time zone.

Start your project in as little as two weeks and cut your software development costs in half.

The post 8 Outsourcing Myths Debunked: Our Deep Dive into Common Misconceptions appeared first on HatchWorks.

Time Zone Friendly Outsourcing: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices Thu, 19 Oct 2023 17:47:47 +0000 Long distance relationships are hard. They’re made harder still when operating from different time zones. It’s the same when a company outsources software development. Drastically different time zones can complicate processes and cause frustration between your team and the developers. The same or similar time zones, however, allows you time to communicate, collaborate, and align […]

The post Time Zone Friendly Outsourcing: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices appeared first on HatchWorks.


Long distance relationships are hard. They’re made harder still when operating from different time zones.

It’s the same when a company outsources software development. Drastically different time zones can complicate processes and cause frustration between your team and the developers.

The same or similar time zones, however, allows you time to communicate, collaborate, and align on high-impact projects without delay.

Which is why companies are turning to a time zone friendly outsourcing model.

But what exactly is it? How does it work? And what are the pros, cons, and best practices you need to consider before you move forward?

An infographic titled 'Time Zone Friendly Outsourcing' by Hatchworks. It features multiple clock icons, a large circular clock with a man working on a laptop at a desk on top of it, and a globe outline beneath the clock. The bottom text reads 'Pros, Cons, and Best Practices'.

In this article, we cover all that and more with a special focus on Nearshore Software Development—which is what we do best.

What is Time Zone Friendly Outsourcing?

Time zone friendly outsourcing is when you outsource work to a person or company that has a similar geographical location to you, and as a result, similar working hours.

For example, if a US company outsources software development to South America.

In this example, the company can reduce costs while problem solving in real-time with developers, getting timely updates, and accelerating toward desired project outcomes.

Compare this to outsourcing to India or the Philippines. Sure, offshore tech teams are inexpensive compared to US based alternatives but with only a few working hours to align, you’ll run into complications in communication and delays in project progress. One misunderstanding can result in hours of wasted work—and as a consequence, wasted money.

Time zone friendly outsourced work is the perfect blend of cost-effective labor and real-time collaboration.

If you want to learn more about the differences between outsourcing models, read our comprehensive comparison of Nearshore vs. Offshore software outsourcing.

Why Do Time Zones Matter When Outsourcing?

Imagine you send a brief over to an offshore development team with a time zone difference.

They’re based in India and they get started on the project while you’re asleep—only they don’t fully understand the brief. There’s confusion over the web and mobile app specs.

The project has a quick turnaround time so they make their assumptions and move forward.

It will go one of three ways:

  1. They wait to get started until you can clarify, delaying the project from the offset.
  2. The next day you find that hours of work have been wasted working toward the wrong thing.
  3. The problem only surfaces toward the end of the project when you’re about to launch.

That’s why time zones matter.

Being in the same or neighboring time zones facilitates instant and regular communication that can help you progress faster and stay in alignment.

The Pros and Cons of Time Zone Friendly Outsourcing

Time zone friendly outsourcing, like any business strategy, comes with advantages and challenges.

Knowing what they are can help you decide if it’s best placed to help you reduce costs and meet your business goals.

Pros and Cons of Time Zone Friendly Outsourcing

Same time zone improves communication
A smaller talent pool than when looking globally
More cost efficient than hiring or expensive local agencies
Cultural differences may cause friction
Increased productivity when you can collab in real-time
May not be the cheapest labour available
Reduce project delays by problem solving the same day the problem arises
Schedule meetings within normal working hours

Pros of Outsourcing to the Same Time Zone

Improved Communication:

Being in the same or neighboring time zones means teams can communicate in real-time. This reduces the chances of misunderstandings and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Increased Productivity:

With aligned working hours, there’s a continuous flow of work. Teams can collaborate, address issues, and make decisions promptly, keeping the project momentum going.

Flexible Scheduling:

Online meetings, brainstorming sessions, and reviews can be scheduled in your business hours, ensuring timely feedback and alignment.


It might not be the cheapest outsourcing option, but it beats having to hire an in-house team. Plus the balance of cost and productivity often results in better value for money than using an offshore team.

Reduced Project Delays:

Immediate problem resolution means fewer hiccups and smoother project progression.

Cons of Outsourcing to the Same Time Zone

Limited Talent Pool:

By focusing on specific time zones (such as in Latin American countries), you might miss out on global talent available in other regions (Europe and Asia).

Potential Higher Costs:

Depending on the region, the costs might be higher than some offshore outsourcing options. The convenience of working within the same time zone usually offsets any cost differences. Plus, it’s still a cost efficient option.

Cultural Differences:

Even within similar time zones, there can be cultural differences that might require adjustments in collaboration styles.

Best Practices for Time Zone Friendly Outsourcing

With 60% of businesses planning to outsource development work, it’s important to follow a set of best practices that ensures their time and resources aren’t wasted on insufficient results.

Using Nearshore software developers (time zone compatible outsourcing) comes with its own set of best practices. Follow them and you’ll feel more confident in the capabilities of your Nearshore team.

Schedule regular updates: Keeping both teams informed is crucial. Schedule daily or weekly check-ins to discuss progress, address challenges, and align on next steps.

Set up communication channels: Establish dedicated channels for different types of communication. Whether it’s a chat for quick queries, a video call for brainstorming, or an email for formal updates, having clear channels reduces confusion.

Work with flexibility: While the essence of this model is time zone alignment, a little flexibility can go a long way. If there’s a slight difference in working hours, consider adjusting your team’s schedule occasionally to ensure overlap.

Document everything: Ensure all project details, from requirements to feedback, are documented. This aids in project coordination and ensures that nothing gets lost in translation.

Onboard and train your new team: Equip your outsourced team with all the necessary training and resources they need. This ensures they’re aligned with your company’s objectives and processes.

Tools to Facilitate Seamless Collaboration with Your Nearshore Developers

Geographical and cultural barriers are easily overcome when you have the right tools in your tech stack.

Here are our favorite collaboration tools when working with a remote team, whether offshore, Nearshore, or in-house.

  • Video Conferencing Platforms: Whether it’s a quick catch-up or a detailed project review, tools like Google Meets, MS Teams, and Zoom offer reliable video conferencing solutions that make virtual meetings feel almost as good as face-to-face interactions.
  • Jira: A go-to tool for many software developers, Jira offers robust project management and tracking capabilities. It’s ideal for setting tasks, monitoring progress, and ensuring everyone is aligned on project milestones.
  • Atlassian Confluence: This platform complements Jira by providing a space for teams to create, share, and collaborate on documents. Whether it’s project documentation, meeting notes, or brainstorming ideas, Confluence keeps everything organized.
  • Miro: An online collaborative whiteboard, Miro is perfect for brainstorming sessions, design thinking, and mapping out workflows. It brings the interactive experience of a physical whiteboard to the virtual space.
  • Slack: For real-time communication, Slack stands out. It allows teams to have quick chats, share files, and even integrate with other tools to ensure everyone stays in the loop.
  • Trello: For project coordination, Trello offers a visual board where tasks can be tracked, assigned, and updated.

Time Zone Friendly Outsourcing in Practice: Case Study

Screenshot of Design Intelligence platform showing 'Saved searches' filters on the left, including salary, location, education, and experience. On the right, candidate profiles are displayed with key details and options to connect or view more.DesignIntelligence, a global leader in the architecture, engineering, construction, and design industries wanted to create a software solution that streamlined the hiring process for architecture firms.

They turned to HatchWorks to make this a reality and relied on software developers based in Latin America to reduce costs without sacrificing quality.

The process began with an in-depth solution workshop. HatchWorks and DesignIntelligence’s core stakeholders aligned on vision, goals, and user needs.

This collaborative approach, made smoother without significant time zone differences, allowed for swift decision-making and ideation.

Ultimately, it was the synergy between the two teams that resulted in a robust MVP of the software delivered in a tight 3-month timeframe.

Read the full case study: DesignIntelligence – HatchWorks

How to Choose the Right Outsourcing Partner

Working in the same time zone is just one piece of the puzzle. You also need to ensure the outsourcing team you choose is efficient and effective at software development.

They need to integrate seamlessly with your company’s processes, understand your needs, and deliver a project that meets (if not exceeds) expectations.

So when considering Nearshore outsourcing companies, it’s important that they:

  • have the technical expertise to complete the job and are skilled in emerging technologies (including generative AI)
  • prove that expertise with client testimonials and case studies
  • have headquarters in the US for local accountability and service
  • have in-country management of their Latin America developer team (thus managing the developer team for you)
  • see high employee retention (leaving little chance team changes will disrupt your project)
  • Real-time collaboration within your working hours
  • are a cost-effective alternative to US based outsourcing
  • deliver outcome based projects and project based work in addition to staff augmentation
  • demonstrate clear, proactive communication throughout the sales process
  • follow an Agile approach

It’s important you don’t rush your decision. Take the time to research potential partners, conduct interviews, and even consider trial projects to gauge their capabilities.

As you delve into your research, you might find our recent analysis on top-ranking nearshore software companies to be a valuable resource.

Hatchworks: Your US-Based Nearshore Software Development Partner

HatchWorks is a US-based Nearshore software development partner that combines local, high-touch service with the affordability and scale of Nearshore outsourcing, all in your time zone.

Our teams are fluent in English and have a 98.5% retention rate—meaning your project won’t be interrupted or delayed.

After a 5-step screening process, we fit you with the right talent for the job and build your digital products one of three ways: through Staff Augmentation, Dedicated Agile Teams, or Outcome-Based Projects (a full service software development solution).

Start your project in as little as two weeks and cut your software development costs in half.

The post Time Zone Friendly Outsourcing: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices appeared first on HatchWorks.

Top 9 Nearshore Software Development Companies [2024] Wed, 18 Oct 2023 20:03:07 +0000 Today’s fast-paced digital landscape is moving at a breakneck speed. Businesses are constantly looking for efficient and cost-effective solutions for software development. Speed to value is paramount when it comes to delivering value for your customers in a sustainable way. One strategy that has gained significant traction is Nearshore software development. By partnering with geographically […]

The post Top 9 Nearshore Software Development Companies [2024] appeared first on HatchWorks.


Today’s fast-paced digital landscape is moving at a breakneck speed. Businesses are constantly looking for efficient and cost-effective solutions for software development.

Speed to value is paramount when it comes to delivering value for your customers in a sustainable way. One strategy that has gained significant traction is Nearshore software development.

By partnering with geographically closer companies, businesses can benefit from working in the same time zone, reduced costs, and cultural similarities.

Graphic featuring a stylized globe with highlighted stars. In the foreground, a large yellow square contains text reading 'TOP 9 NEAR SHORE Software Development Companies'.

This blog is your ultimate guide to navigating the world of Nearshore software development. We will delve into the top 9 Nearshore software development companies in 2024, offering you a comprehensive look at your best options.

Whether you’re a startup looking for agile development or an established enterprise undertaking a digital transformation, we’ve got you covered.

Why Nearshore Outsourcing?

The amount of options in the realm of software development is enough to make your head spin. You can go Offshore, Onshore, or Nearshore.

Map of Onshore, Nearshore, and Offshore regions
Nearshore software outsourcing is when a company has distributed teams in countries that are in the same or similar time zone. For companies in the US, this means countries in Latin America.

Each has its merits, but Nearshore software development stands out for several compelling reasons. Let’s explore why Nearshore outsourcing could be the best choice for your business.

Nearshore Advantages Over Offshore and Onshore

First, Nearshore offers a middle ground between Offshore and Onshore options for custom software development. Offshore development may offer cost savings, but it often comes with challenges like time zone alignment differences and language barriers.

Onshore development, while convenient, can be prohibitively expensive. Nearshore development, on the other hand, provides the best of both worlds. Companies are close enough for easy communication and visits but far enough to offer competitive pricing.

Cost-Effective and Efficient Solution

Cost is a significant factor in any business decision, and software development is no exception.

Nearshore development can be incredibly cost-effective with an average cost that is 50% more affordable than Onshore. The proximity allows for reduced travel expenses and easier team integration, which can be crucial for agile development processes.

Additionally, the similar time zones facilitate real-time communication, making project management more straightforward and efficient.

In summary, Nearshore software development offers a balanced approach that combines the advantages of both Offshore and Onshore options. It is no surprise the Nearshore software development market is valued at $105B and growing at 8.7% CAGR. It provides a cost-effective, efficient solution that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.

If you’re looking to maximize value without compromising quality, Nearshore software development should be on your radar.

Criteria for Selecting Nearshore Software Development Companies

Choosing the right Nearshore software development company is a critical decision that can significantly impact your project’s success. But how do you sift through the myriad of options to find the perfect fit?

Here are some key factors to consider, each with its own unique set of implications.

Expertise and Technical Skills

The first and foremost criterion is the company’s expertise in the technologies and frameworks relevant to your project. A company with a proven track record in your industry can offer invaluable insights and solutions. Look for case studies, client testimonials, and any industry awards that can vouch for their expertise.

Engagement Model

The engagement model refers to how the company plans to collaborate with you throughout the project. Whether it’s pure staff augmentation, a dedicated team, or a project-based model, understanding their engagement model can help gauge how well they’ll fit with your project needs.

US Presence

A company with a presence in the US can offer several advantages, including easier legal recourse and the possibility of in-person meetings. This can be particularly beneficial for US-based companies looking for Nearshore outsourcing options.

Reviews and References

Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth. Online reviews and client references can provide an unfiltered view of what it’s like to work with the company.

By carefully considering these criteria, you can make a more informed decision and choose a Nearshore software development company that aligns with your project’s needs and goals.

Top 9 Nearshore Software Development Companies in 2024

Company #1: HatchWorks

Footprint: Atlanta, GA, Chicago, IL, Dallas, TX, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Mexico
Headquarters: Atlanta, GA
Key Clients: PWC, Carter’s, AT&T, Diebold Nixdorf

HatchWorks logo.

HatchWorks is a US-based Nearshore software development partner that offers local, high-touch service with the affordability and scale of Nearshore outsourcing. They provide an alternative to software boutiques that can’t scale, the lackluster results of Offshore outsourcing body shops, and expensive digital transformation giants.

Main Differentiator:
Unlike other Nearshore outsourcing providers, HatchWorks has a US-based solutions practice and client success team setting your project up for success and managing it through delivery. They organically built their Nearshore footprint from the ground up resulting in a 98.5% retention rate, ensuring no project disruptions for their clients.

They also provide a proven methodology, their Built Right Method, increasing speed-to-value throughout the software development lifecycle so their clients achieve their desired outcomes faster. It incorporates AI-enhanced development, specialized frameworks, and automation accelerators. Plus the client’s team is upskilled in the process.

Expertise and Technical Skills:
HatchWorks specializes in custom software development, AI, data analytics, product strategy, and product design. They have expertise in 100+ technologies, including React, AngularJS, Python, AWS, and more. Their approach leverages the latest technologies to increase speed-to-value and quality for their clients.

Engagement Model:
HatchWorks offers 3 engagement models tailored to the needs of their clients.

  • Staff Augmentation: Developers integrated into your team
  • Dedicated Agile Teams: Software teams integrated into your organization
  • Outcome-Based Project: Full-service software solution development aligned to your success criteria

HatchWorks’ ability to do outcome-based projects is what stands out considering most Nearshore software development companies will only provide staff augmentation or dedicated teams that the client has to manage.

They also provided dedicated US-based client success managers to ensure the client’s project stays on track.

US Presence:
HatchWorks was founded and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA giving it a true US presence. They have expanded that presence to include Chicago, IL, and Dallas, TX. Their organic growth into Latin America and structure developed including in-country management is what has maintained the culture resulting in a 98.5% employee retention rate.

Customer Quote:
“HatchWorks Nearshore delivery model has transformed the way we work. Their engineering teams seamlessly integrated with ours making collaboration easy. We have trusted them for over 5 years and now have a team of 50+ Nearshore engineers helping accelerate our digital transformation.”

Company #2: Octobot

Footprint: Uruguay, Argentina
Headquarters: Montevideo, Uruguay
Key Clients: Wheel, MSG, Rover, Turntide

Octobot logo.

Octobot is a Latin American-based custom software development company that focuses on transforming people’s digital experiences. They offer a range of services from design to development and cloud services.

Main Differentiator:
Their deep presence in Uruguay. They are committed to solving today’s digital challenges by turning problems into products people love.

Expertise and Technical Skills:
Octobot specializes in user-oriented design and top-level development. They offer services in UX/UI design, mobile and web app development, and cloud services. Their expertise spans multiple industries, including marketing, healthcare, retail, and more, showcasing their adaptability and broad skill set.

Engagement Model:
Octobot provides a complete set of skills from kickoff to launch, implying a comprehensive engagement model. They offer services that help you envision your solution, prioritize it, build a prototype, and test it until you’re ready to launch.

US Presence:
They do not have a US presence with their headquarters located in Uruguay.

Customer Quote:
“The engineers we hired were engaged, independent, and skilled.”

Company #3: Softek

Footprint: Dallas, TX, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, France, London, India, and China
Headquarters: Monterrey, Mexico
Key Clients: Only white-labeled case studies provided

Softek logo.

Softek is a global technology consulting firm with a focus on transforming businesses through digital solutions. They offer a wide range of services, from custom software development to cloud services and digital security.

Main Differentiator:
Their unique approach to service transformation and portfolio transformation sets them apart in the industry. They also have a global presence outside of just US and LatAm.

Expertise and Technical Skills:
Softek’s expertise is vast, covering areas like software engineering, quality engineering, and application management. They also offer specialized services in cloud and DevOps, data and AI, mobile app development and intelligent automation. Their broad skill set makes them a one-stop-shop for all your technology needs.

Engagement Model:
Softek’s engagement model is comprehensive, covering everything from digital optimization to IT cost optimization. They offer solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of various industries, ensuring that your project is not just another cookie-cutter solution.

US Presence:
Softtek does not have a US-based delivery center. Their headquarters is located in Monterrey, Mexico.

Customer Quotes:
“Softtek is a qualified global supplier that can meet all the requirements of our company.”

Company#4: Revelo

Footprint: Miami, Fl, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, London, India, and China
Headquarters: Miami, Fl
Key Clients: Tech Insights, Easy Health, Sardine, Shippo

Revelo is a talent platform specializing in helping businesses find, hire, and manage top-tier remote Nearshore software developers in Latin America similar to Fiverr. Revelo is a good option if you are looking to add contract developers to your team that you will manage.

Main Differentiator:
Their unique value proposition is providing a pool of pre-vetted candidates for both technical and soft skills via their talent portal with the ability to provide a short list within 3 days and hiring as soon as 2 weeks.

Expertise and Technical Skills:
Revelo boasts a talent pool of senior software developers pre-screened across 100+ skills. They cover a wide range of tech stacks, including but not limited to React Native, Android, C++, iOS, Rust, Vue.js, PHP, Swift, Java, Angular, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, C#, Scala, Ruby, and Python.

Engagement Model:
Revelo’s main engagement model is staff augmentation, helping you fill gaps on your team. You are tasked with managing the developers they source.

US Presence:
Revelo’s one location in the US is its headquarters in Miami, FL. This mainly consists of business development and some leadership roles.

Customer Quote:
“Most of the candidates they have brought to us are an excellent match for what we need.”

Company #5: BairesDev

Footprint: United States, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru
Headquarters: San Francisco, California
Key Clients: RevUnit, Signal, Motorola, NextRoll

BairesDev is a Nearshore outsourcing software development company that specializes in providing outsourced tech talent. They pride themselves on their fast and flexible approach, allowing them to quickly onboard teams to jump-start tech projects. They were originally founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Main Differentiator:
Their main differentiator is their size at roughly 4,000 developers.

Expertise and Technical Skills:
BairesDev offers a wide array of technical skills, including expertise in almost every programming language such as Node.js, Java, React, .NET, Python, and more. They provide services in custom software development, QA and testing, mobile app development, and UX/UI design.

Engagement Model:
BairesDev mainly offers outsourced tech talent in a staff augmentation or dedicated team model. While they have access to a large talent portal, it is typically up to the client to manage the project.

US Presence:
BairesDev was originally founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina later moved its headquarters to San Francisco in 2012 with the majority of its sales and account management sitting in the US and engineers in Latin America.

Customer Quotes:
“Their project management has been responsive and the team has been on top of all the details.”

Company #6: Howdy

Footprint: Austin, TX, Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia
Headquarters: Austin, TX
Key Clients: Kojo, Loud Crowd, Measured, Sprout

Howdy logo.

Howdy is a Nearshore outsourcing software development company that specializes in providing top-tier Latin American developers to businesses. They offer immediate access to a vetted network of developers, setting them apart from competitors.

Main Differentiator:
Howdy’s main differentiator is their talent platform allowing you to build, manage, and pay for your team in the platform making it a good option for small companies and startups.

Expertise and Technical Skills:
Howdy offers a broad range of expertise, covering over 100+ technologies. They are proficient in web technologies like React and Angular, mobile technologies like React Native and Kotlin, and server-side technologies like Node.js, Java, Python, .NET, Ruby on Rails, and GoLang. They also offer skills in UI/UX and product Management, ML and Data Engineering, and DevOps.

Engagement Model:
Howdy’s main engagement model is staff augmentation through their streamlined hiring process, helping you fill gaps on your team. You are tasked with managing the developers they source.

US Presence:
Howdy has a physical location in Austin, TX, their headquarters with the majority of their team residing in Latin America.

Customer Quote:
“The way Howdy provides developers in the industry is truly exceptional”

Company #7: Novatech

Footprint: El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Argentina
Headquarters: San Salvador, El Salvador
Key Clients: Smart Fleet, Travel Good, Future Fab

Novatech logo.

Novatech is a Nearshore software development company that positions itself as a strategic, technological partner for businesses. They focus on delivering innovative, creative, and out-of-the-box software web development solutions, helping companies stand out from the competition.

Main Differentiator:
Their main differentiator relates to their Nearshore services and focus in El Salvador which is a less common destination for Nearshore software development services.

Expertise and Technical Skills:
Novatech offers a large talent pool of developers skilled in various technologies. They provide highly skilled and cost-effective resources.

Engagement Model:
Novatech offers three primary engagement models:
Nova: Engages in co-creative processes to deliver end-to-end products with the client’s business input.
Boost: Increases the client’s development capabilities by integrating meticulously chosen resources as part of their team.
Squad: Outsourcing of a custom Scrum team guided by the client’s Product Owner or Novatech’s Product Owner.

US Presence:
Novatech footprint is in Latin America with their main concentration being in El Salvador.

Customer Quote:
No public customer quote is available.

Company #8: Gorilla Logic

Footprint: Broomfield, CO, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica
Headquarters: Broomfield, CO
Key Clients: Gaia, Finish Line, Maxar

Gorilla Logic has been in business for 20 years. They emphasize hiring Latin America’s best English-fluent developers, ensuring clients get the exact skills and collaboration they need.

Main Differentiator:
Their main differentiator is that they have been in business for 20 years, and their use of Agile in software development.

Expertise and Technical Skills:
The company specializes in various technologies including Python, React/Redux, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). They offer services from wireframing and prototyping to web and mobile app development.

Engagement Model:
Gorilla Logic’s engagement models consist of staff augmentation and distributed Agile development teams. They focus on a collaborative partnership to create faster and easier solutions for customers.

US Presence:
Gorilla Logic was founded in the US with its headquarters in Broomfield, Colorado. They made the shift to Nearshore software outsourcing early in their history.

Customer Quote:
“The fluidity and ease of communication with Gorilla logic were incredible”

Company #9: Improving

Footprint: United States and Mexico
Headquarters: Austin, TX
Key Clients: Western Digital, Iridium, Integral Ad Science

Improving logo.

Formerly known as iTexico, Improving is a Nearshore IT outsourcing firm offering training, consulting, recruiting, and project development services. It prides itself on its commitment to establishing trust, not transactions. They focus on delivering advanced solutions through a culture of involvement and stewardship.

Main Differentiator:
They provide hands-on training opportunities to help upskill their clients.

Expertise and Technical Skills:
Improving offers a wide range of services, including Agile training, enterprise software solutions, and data services. Their expertise spans multiple industries, such as finance, healthcare, and retail, making them a versatile choice for various business needs.

strong>Engagement Model:
Improving’s engagement models include outsourcing, consulting, and training.

US Presence:
Improving has multiple locations across the United States. Its Nearshore outsourcing presence is a smaller portion of its total headcount overall.

Customer Quote:
No public customer quote is available.

Optimizing Nearshore Software Development: Best Practices

Importance of Maintaining Clear Communication and Receiving Regular Updates:

One of the main value props of Nearshore software outsourcing is sharing the same time zone. However, that doesn’t guarantee effective communication. This goes beyond regular check-ins; it involves setting up structured communication channels, such as daily stand-ups, weekly sprints, and monthly reviews.

These practices ensure that everyone is on the same page and that any issues are addressed promptly. Regular updates also allow for real-time adjustments, ensuring that the project stays on track and within budget.

Look for a company that has strong Agile practices throughout its organization to ensure you have a consistent feedback loop in place.

Significance of Adopting the Latest Technology including AI:

The pace of change in software development is enough to make your head spin. Staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity.

One of the most transformative technologies in recent years is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is revolutionizing how software is developed, tested, and deployed. It enables predictive analytics, automates routine tasks, and even contributes to coding through AI-powered development tools.

Having a Nearshore partner that is adaptable to technological changes, such as the integration of AI, is crucial for the success of your project. This adaptability allows teams to leverage the latest advancements to solve complex problems more efficiently and deliver more value to your business. It also positions the project to be more scalable and future-proof, ensuring a longer lifecycle and better ROI.

Be wary of Nearshore providers that focus the conversation only on bodies and an hourly rate. They have no incentive to leverage the latest advancements in technology including AI.


Nearshore software development services have emerged as a compelling strategy for businesses seeking efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and quality all in the same time zone. This blog has guided you through the top 9 Nearshore software development companies of 2024, each with its unique strengths and offerings. From the balanced approach of Nearshore software development services to the critical criteria for selecting a Nearshore partner, we’ve covered the essentials.

If you’re a startup aiming for agility or an enterprise looking to scale, Nearshore outsourcing offers a tailored solution to meet your unique needs. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize value without compromising quality. Explore your Nearshore options today and set your software and app development projects on the path to success.

Hatchworks: Your US-Based Nearshore Software Development Partner

HatchWorks is a US-based Nearshore software development partner that combines local, high-touch service with the affordability and scale of Nearshore outsourcing, all in your time zone.

Our teams are fluent in English and have a 98.5% retention rate—meaning your project won’t be interrupted or delayed.

After a 5-step screening process, we fit you with the right talent for the job and build your digital products one of three ways: through Staff Augmentation, Dedicated Agile Teams, or Outcome-Based Projects (a full service software development solution).

Start your project in as little as two weeks and cut your software development costs in half.

The post Top 9 Nearshore Software Development Companies [2024] appeared first on HatchWorks.
