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The secret to good UX design goes beyond slick applications and impressive functionality. While those things are definitely important, HatchWorks’ Director of Product Design, Andy Silvestri, likes to think of UX design as user enablement. 

Andy joins episode two of the Built Right podcast to share his perspective on UX design and how to get it right. He explores how to tap into the UX mindset, understand your customer and their needs, conduct user research, and much more. 

To hear Andy explain more, you can watch or listen to the podcast below or keep reading for the top takeaways.

The true goal of UX design 

The general assumption about UX design is that it’s just to make things easier to use – for example, by minimizing the number of clicks needed to do something on an app. 

But Andy prefers to think of it slightly differently. For him, the overall goal is to enable users to be successful with your product. This could mean making it easy to place an order, get information, track progress, and so on, but it doesn’t stop there. Good UX design enables the user to get the most value out of the product as possible. 

Why you shouldn’t skip the research 

Before you do anything else when it comes to building digital products, the research stage is essential. But not just for the users, Andy says. You also need to factor in the stakeholders of the business to make sure whatever you’re doing is viable from a business standpoint. Will this product help or hinder business goals? 

Andy’s advice is to keep the feedback loop open both ways. Listen to what both your stakeholders and users are saying, and act on that feedback. 

How to tap into the UX mindset 

A common mistake companies make when thinking about UX design is to assume it’s solely down to the product design/UX design team. But Andy prefers the UX mindset approach, which the whole organization can get behind. 

On the surface, it’s important to create an excellent experience for customers. But the UX mindset goes beyond that and starts with design thinking and empathy for your users. You need to understand what they need, what they’re struggling with, and what they want from a solution before you can meet those needs effectively. 

Sometimes what the customers want isn’t obvious. Sometimes they don’t know what they want. The important thing is that you’re not relying on assumptions. You really need concrete validation of your solution, and that starts only when you understand who your customers are. 

Validating your solution 

When you get an idea for a brand-new digital solution, it’s tempting to go full steam ahead and try to get it built and shipped out to the market as fast as possible. Part of this is down to the fear that in-depth research will take a long time, and in the meantime, the market goes ahead without you. 

This means that the research stage can feel like a significant investment, but the alternative could end up costing more time and money in the long run. 

Without that research acting as your groundwork, the product you build will likely need a lot of reworking once users get their hands on it. It may even need completely rebuilding if your assumptions about user needs are too far off base. 

As Andy says, “you’re either making the investment upfront, or you’re making the investment later when it’s much more painful, the further down the path you get.” 

How to get started with UX design 

Andy’s advice is to first define your end users. Who are they and what do they need help with? There may be multiple types of users and different problems they need solving, so in that case, you will need to find a way of prioritizing what needs to be done. 

If you can start having conversations with potential users in those early stages, all the better because you can hear it first-hand. This will help you validate ideas much faster so you can begin building a product that is led by user needs and pain points from the start.

Once you have that, Andy says you can begin building a more formal process and working on prototypes you can then validate and get feedback on as you build the finished product. 

Why UX design is about continuous discovery 

These early stages of research and customer conversations are not a one-and-done process. Customer needs change over time, especially as they get to know your product better. The solution itself may have already gone through multiple changes since you last did user research.

The way Andy describes the concept of continuous discovery is to see it as two threads – discovery and delivery. At any time, discoveries about the product and user base inform the next phase of delivery. And delivery then creates new elements and features, which can be used for discovery (e.g. user feedback).

To bring this back to the UX mindset, you could even separate your product team into those two, with one team responsible for discovery, aka the product team, and one team responsible for delivery, aka the engineering team. By allocating responsibilities like this, you can more clearly define the different stages of the process and maintain that constant cycle of discovery and delivery. 

Redesigning existing products 

When you need to redesign an existing product to improve UX, Andy’s advice is to peel back the layers to see what’s going on under the surface and to listen to user feedback.

You might find that the product has been built inefficiently or that there are temporary fixes to problems that could be solved with a complete overhaul. Modernizing the product is key to making it more efficient, user friendly, and fixable if anything goes wrong. 

By revisiting existing products, you can also take a closer look at how the product is currently meeting user needs and where it falls short. It may be that the product was great when it was originally built, but times have changed and users expect something different. 

The reality is that, today, digital products are a part of our daily lives. We rely on apps and software to work, travel, manage money, buy things, research, communicate and so much more. As a result, users have come to have high expectations from their digital products. They don’t just need something that works. They want something that adds true value to their lives. 

Another thing that Andy highlights is that your product isn’t just competing with direct business competitors anymore. It’s also competing with and being compared with some of the biggest technology brands out there. People are accustomed to the seamless experience of using Apple products, for example, and so the bar of what users expect is high. 

So ask yourself, how does your product measure up? What lessons can you take from the big players that you can apply to your solution? Andy believes that to compete, you need to lay the foundations with good user research and to develop the UX mindset in your business. 

“It’s not about visuals, it’s not even about ease of use. It’s about true and utter enablement. The more you can understand, the more you can ingrain that into what you’re doing with your product or your solution, the better off you’ll be because then you’re going to be right up there with those heavyweights that have been doing it for years and years.”

To hear more insights and advice from Andy, you can listen to the full episode today. Stay tuned for more Built Right podcast episodes soon. 

Matt Paige:

All right, I am pumped to be joined by Andy Silvestri. He’s a true master of his craft, with nearly twenty years of experience in digital design, including graphic design, creative design, user experience, customer experience, and even product strategy. Even ran his own customer experience strategy and design firm, Field for about ten years before joining us at HatchWorks to lead our Product Design practice. And today we’re going to get into the crucial role UX (user experience) plays in making sure you’re building the right solution, which is a big component of Built Right. But welcome to the show, Andy.

Andy Silvestri:

Hey, thanks, Matt. Yeah, it’s a pleasure to talk with you as always, and really excited to dive in deeper. It’s funny you mentioned Field. That was like another life.


That’s actually how we met back in the day, when you were running Field.




Yeah, and really excited to get into this. We’re going to go deep on UX. Andy is a master of the whiteboard in the workshop, I see myself in awe every time I see him lead a workshop. I’m just in the back taking notes like how is this guy doing this? But you’re going to love this episode today. Andy. let’s start off like high level, the tipping point of us because it does get confused, but what is the goal of UX? What’s the goal of user experience?


Yeah, it’s a great question. UX is used in a lot of different ways. A lot of people talk about UX this that. I think that there’s this general mindset out there that is all about making things easier for your end user, minimizing clicks, and that kind of things. But it’s really more about just I feel enabling an end user or user base, making them or giving them the ability to be successful, and your solution coming in doing what they need to do. Getting the information or getting to completion of a certain task and getting out. That’s really it, So obviously, ease of use is a factor of that, but it’s really more about enabling your user because complexity is a good thing sometimes. There are systems that need to be complex because they are trying to convey very complex ideas, or they’re trying to allow a user to do very complex tasks right. So it’s not just about how many clicks can we minimize or how can we combine things so that it’s in one place. That’s it again, just all about that enablement.


Yeah, that’s great insight and that’s a big thing. It’s like everybody is trying to get to let’s make this super easy, super painless. Yes, that’s good but some systems can be complex. It’s like how do you make the complex simple? And that can be a difficult thing to do. That takes a lot of a lot of hard work on the research side of it.


Absolutely, I think that you touch on a key point there. I think that obviously, the further you get in a system, the more complex it becomes, the more specialized whatever it is that you’re doing for your users is, the more you need to understand what your users need right, and you need to be talking with them. So the research component, which I’m sure will get way deep in because it’s where my passion lies, is a big factor to being successful into having that validation in understanding.


And when we talk about the goal of UX, you’ve got different stakeholders. Who are you considering when you’re looking at user experience? I mean, people typically go straight to the user, but it’s more than that. Who’s in your thought process when you’re starting your research on the user experience side of things?


Yeah, research kind of goes both ways in the sense that you do need to factor in key stakeholders of a business. There is that component of making sure that you know whatever you’re doing within the system, whatever you’re creating for your eventual end users, those could be external customers, hose those could be internal employees. That kind of thing right there, your user. But the stakeholders do have you business needs that kind of drive the foundation of a system, so to speak. So really making sure that there’s a consistent kind of narrative, or a specific kind of objective that you’re getting to, and having the buying of the business is a big part of it, so that has to be kind of factored into, “Hey, how are we kind of approach enabling our users?” As I was saying. What do we need to offer them? How are they successful? What does it mean for them to be successful and how does that refer back to the success of our business, our platform? Giving them this ability equals something on the business end and it hits the bottom line somehow. So again, having both of those threads from a research and understanding perspective is critically important, I think. And, again, part of the process is marrying those together into eventually what becomes the end user experience.


Yeah, and you hit on it too. Like if you’re building a solution, it’s got customers. It’s got to be viable. It’s got to make money. You can keep continuing to offer this thing to your customers. That’s that’s that balancing act where, if you sway one way too much on the user side or one way too much on the business side, you can be in a bad spot. It’s finding that kind of harmony between the two. Your user and your business. Something your users love and something that your business loves in terms of viable and continuing to be self sufficient in the future.


Yeah, having that feedback loop is critical, right? Because what you want to do is, of course, have continuous research and have it be built in to the DNA of how you’re approaching the user experience of your product or just your business in general. At the end of the day you want to have that feedback loop from customers and users. What are they saying? Okay, how are we kind of bringing that back up the chain and presenting that internally and either debating that folding it into existing initiatives or at least having some level of conversation around, “Hey, this is what our users are saying. We’re looking here, but maybe we need to be looking there because of what we’re hearing.” So again, it’s very important to have that as kind of a backbone of how you’re approaching creating the experience updating the experience, having the experience expand. All those kinds of things.


Yeah, it’s a good segue into the next thing I was wanting to hit on. So you talk about a UX Mindset. It’s not just reserved for a couple of folks in the product designer or UX side of the house. It’s a mindset within the whole organization. Take us through that. What do you mean by a UX mind set? Go down that.


There’s a couple layers to that. On the surface, there’s obviously the idea of, “Hey, we want to be presenting a good experience, right? We want to delight customers.” You hear that all the time. And then there’s this idea of, “Do the UX! Just UX it.”


Just do it.


Yeah, just do it. but I think that user experience mindset really starts with that kind of design thinking mindset as well, which is starting with empathy for your user, understanding what they need, getting inside of their heads. Walking in their shoes. A lot of customers a lot of times just assume they know. “Oh yeah, we get it. That’s cool. We’re going to just do this because we know that this is what customers want.” You start to peel the onion and it’s something completely different. In a way, you start with that empathy, you understand, kind of walk in the shoes of your customer, your user. Then, from there, you start to define and you continue to iterate and prototype and present things back to the customers and continue to narrow the focus or get more and more validation. And so really like that’s the cyclical mindset. That’s really what you have to have throughout the process of creating your product or your solution. You can’t just go in with assumptions and lean on those. You have to have that validation. So the more you can just have that as as a directive, “We’re going to empathize. We’re going to get inside the head and try to understand. Not just ask them questions, but try to understand who they are realistically. Who is my customer?” There’s a lot of emphasis sometimes put on creating persona out of your surveys. That’s a great tool for organizations that need to have kind of that crystallization of understanding, but at the end of the day it doesn’t have to be that cut and dry or that polished. You can just still have a running understanding in a narrative of who your user is, just by talking to them and documenting that and continuing the process. So that’s really what I mean about it being a mindset. It’s more about, we’re not just here to do the UX, meaning we need some wireframes, we need some user flows. We need to understand. We need to have that understanding be the backbone of what we’re doing.


Yeah, we weren’t planning on going here but give me your hot take on personas. You know, Jill. that’s forty years old and likes comedy.


I think they can be very valuable when especially when you have a larger organization that needs to rally around an understanding and you need to disseminate this persona to multiple business units or multiple groups within an organization that might not be very closely tied to product or design or the management side of a product. I’ve seen this happen with typically much larger groups, but you can create marketing campaigns around your personas for internal use. You can do that, and I think it’s very valuable in those organizations when you’re trying to disseminate a particular perspective on your customers. Just so it’s top of mind for your employees and the people that are working within your organization. So again, they have their place. They do absolutely have value. But it’s not necessarily something that always has to happen. There’s this idea that, even in the early phases, of just user definition, meaning that, “Hey, our users are this and we have a dossier on them.” It doesn’t have to be to the level of its personified, as Jill from Vaudowa who does this or that. To your question, they do have very real value and I think they’re an important part of the overarching universe that is user experience.


And so much of it’s like, “What is their goal? What are they trying to achieve?” It starts getting into that path of your jobs to be done. That’s where you start getting those nuggets of how you architect and design a solution for your users.


And the cool thing actually, just to kind of keep digging on personas for a second. The cool thing is that they can evolve so you can have them established one way from an initial body of work, and again, if you’re keeping that mindset, you’re continually doing your research, are continually talking to customers, you can bring that back into reevaluating your persona. You might have started with saying, “Hey, these are the ways we thought they sliced out. Maybe that’s not true anymore. Maybe there’s more gray area than you initially thought. Maybe there’s more personas in your platform? Maybe there’s more ways in which they’re using our platform or your solution that you never really thought of.” You’re learning through this continuous discovery and research.


You mentioned a word a little bit ago. Assumptions. Which, it’s great to have assumption. You gotta have some ideas of hypotheses. I think where we see breakage happening is when you’re not validating the assumptions. Take me through that. The importance of validating because I can’t tell you how many times we’ve been burned by this in our past. You think you know your customer and you have an assumption and you run with it, and then you build something and you find later that it’s not the case.


Yeah, right, and again that’s a very common and it’s a very attractive way to approach creating something. Let’s go as fast as we can. We know what we know. We think we know right. And it’s typically, there’s a perception that to do the proper level of research and getting the right data to validate your directions will take a very long time, or it will be a very significant investment. But that’s typically not the case. Realistically, going into even a handful of conversations with customers or your end users can be extremely valuable to getting some level of that validation. There are a lot of thoughts out there around what’s the proper level of research you need to be doing. How many people should you be talking to? Going all the way up until you need to talk to at least twenty-four or thirty-six. It’s usually divisible by twelve. I don’t know. But in my experience, honestly, even after doing some pretty pointed interviews with again your target customers – that’s a pretty big caveat that you have to be targeted in who you’re talking, which comes with, you kind of get there from the earlier definition. But long story short is, if you even talk to half a dozen people, six to seven, you’re going to start to see themes emerge that should marry to helping validate your assumption or disprove them right. So if you talk to six people and they’re going one direction and you were thinking the other, it’s a pretty good indication that you talk to six more or twenty more or fifty more, you’re going to get that same kind of trend. Atthe end of the day it’s a lot about how quickly or how efficiently or how easily, so to speak, can we get people’s feedback. Can we talk to them? How can we access our end user? Right? Is that a fifteen-minute phone call? Is that, in terms of if it’s an internal project, can we talk with co-workers who are using this platform or this system? Can we spin up something that’s a really low effort, kind of objective, and get them into just the conversation? That’s real. I think that it doesn’t have to be some big long drawn out we got to playing out six months of research and we got to do this and that. But as long as you’re saying on top of it right, and you’re not just being like, we did six were good, you have the ability to continue to do that right over the course of your product. I think that’s enough to just keep it going right to always have that touch point and have it again and be like we’re talking about with being in mindset. Have to be a routine part of your mindset in your approach and your process.


Two separate threads here that I think are really interesting. the first one being you mentioned a minute ago. When people think of UX and starting like they want to hit the ground running. They want to start getting value. They want to start building, and a lot of people think that the UX side of it is going to slow them down, but talk though that. It’s actually a way to save some money in the long run, if you can validate some stuff up front versus building, rebuilding, and all of that.


Right, like I was just saying, I think the temptation is, let’s save the money. Let’s start quick and let’s just start doing things and creating things right. Ninety-nine percent of the time, if you do it that way without any sort of validation, any sort of feedback or input from your end user, you’re going to be changing things sooner than you think, so you’re going to lose that money that you saved up front in the know by redoing or having to rebuild, or god forbid, completely scrap something that you thought was was the right way right. That’s just one way to look at it. You’re either making the investment upfront or you’re making the investment later. And it’s much more painful the further down the path you get.


Yeah, the pain definitely escalates. So in that same vein, UX can be daunting for a lot of folks that are looking to take this on, and bring it into their organization, But it doesn’t have to be. How can folks get started like it’s It’s the MVP of UX for an organization that has not done it in the past? It doesn’t have to be this big crazy thing. Talk us through where’s the best spot to get started in kind of a minimal way.


Yeah, I would say the best place to get started is to really do that look in the mirror and say, “How can we define our users or end users?” Really, just start with that definition, because they’re going to be the ones who are ultimately determining whether or not, you’re successful. At the very least, drafting that up and saying okay, this is who we’re going for. This is our core target. And if that’s multiple targets, that’s fine. Doing the same process for multiple users is fun. Getting that as a baseline is something that’s really just about again that look at the mirror. The internal kind of let’s do this, let’s make sure that we have the right understanding of who we’re doing this for, who we’re creating this for. Sometimes there’s existing users that you have, of course, that’s easier for certain organizations than others, or you’re starting from a cocktail napkin. From there, then it’s about what are we enabling them to do? Like I was saying earlier, What are the jobs to be done, so to speak? That framework that you can use. What they have to be doing in this platform or the solution in order to be successful. And can we start to think about what that is once we’ve defined that a bit? What is that in terms of prioritization? How do we look at that from like a phased approach? We know that there might be a dozen things that this user needs to accomplish to be successful in various ways. But what’s the most important thing? That eighty-twenty rule. If we were to, frame up this, this twenty percent of a platform or solution, what would give them eighty percent of the value of it? That kind of mindset I think is helpful. And all of this is really whiteboard work. It’s nothing that needs a super fancy degree or anything, It’s more conversation and analysis and retrospection. And making sure that all the stakeholders that are involved in this product are present and have and have input. From there you start to get some traction right around who this customer user is, what their needs and pain points are. You might. even at this point, if you can bring in some conversations with those types of individuals to again start that validation cycle. And from there then it’s like this is framing up as a thing that makes sense. And we’ve started again to get that validation, that understanding, were aligned internally. Our users, who we’ve kind of defined have given us this level of input. We can start to look at, bringing in the more formal process of let’s start to frame up things to show them as prototypes or as wireframes or whatever it might be. Let’s do that high-level conceptual work and continue the process. So you’re just kind of ratcheting up the fidelity a little bit. But like it’s the same kind of process. Okay, We started with words. We’ve gotten validation. We’ve gotten people involved. It makes sense where we’re going. Now, let’s start to show them things right and those can be crude sketches. Doesn’t have to be using fancy high and tools for this are a million tools out there that allow you to do this kind of work. You know, That’s really the process, and just kind of again, like I was saying, ratcheting up the fidelity getting a little bit more and more clarity and invalidation as you go along and keeping that going until eventually you’re like “Hey, this is the system and you know we have a very clear picture of what we’re going to do first.” And then you start to get into, of course, implementing that thing. So that’s where user experience turns into interface design. But it also then starts to become a delivery and a development kind of process. So but you can prototype all the way through that which is great. And you can do so in a very crude manner. It’s not like there is a certain level of fidelity that you have to have to show people of a concept. I guess the one caveat there would be that. Just make sure that whatever your user is, who, whoever they may be, that they can consume what it is that you’re presenting to them from a concept. Sometimes your user base is savvy enough to understand what you’re trying to insinuate through a very crude wireframe or a very rough sketch of something. Other times that might not be the case right, so you might have to be more successful going into those kinds of scenarios with a more polished kind of prototype. That’s maybe more clear and might be more direct, but again, that’s part of you as an organization starting from that basis of understanding your user and saying what do they need to be successful? And how can we present them options or concepts and ideas that make sense to them so that we get the optimal amount of feedback and in the right way.


Yeah, so many good points there. You don’t need like this focus group thing that’s this big, expensive drawn out. Just talk to some customers. Start there and I don’t know about you, for me, it’s all about the qualitative. You can only glean so much info from a survey. Yes, they have their purpose, but the qualitative talking, picking up on these nuances. I’m almost thinking we need some type of guide or tool because you see Andy work a customer interview, it’s a thing of beauty. So maybe by the time we air, this we’ll have something out there for that. It’s powerful and it’s this process and, this is where it gets interesting, gets back to that concept of the mindset. All right, this is not a one-and-done thing. This is not something we do in the beginning. All right, we’re done. Move on to the next thing. It’s this concept of continuous discovery and continuous delivery on the build side. This is a Tim Herbig thing that I know you’re a big proponent of. But it becomes part of the organization’s ethos, it permeates the entire organization. But talk us though that concept of continuous discovery, its touchpoints throughout all of the process.


Yeah, absolutely. I think that’s what’s interesting there is that you know, at any one time you have those two threads going, You have discovery and delivery, so to speak, and at any one time, they’re kind of like one hand washes the other. Discovery is being done in a way to inform the next phase of delivery. You know, delivery is being done in order to create artifacts and elements that could be used for discovery. So it’s this interesting kind of ebbs and flow. And again, the intensity of one or the other is dependent upon where you are in the life cycle of the product. I think it’s like you were saying, this mindset, having that understanding of how are your teams structured. When you start to get into teams like we have at HatchWorks where we have a discovery, in a definition, product team working in tandem with a delivery team, from an engineering perspective, that team is one team realistically. And every single day there is an ebb and flow of like, What are we using to inform how we develop the next phase of the work? What are we hearing from research that we’ve been doing with customers to inform how we pivot? You know, if we need to, or if we’re enhancing something, or you know, creating something new, and similarly it’s you know, from a delivery perspective of like Hey, we can. we can now demo this thing right. We have this thing ready to go that we could use as an artifact in validation. Or it might spin up things in a sandbox to use as a prototype. You know, so yeah, I think that that’s It’s really interesting. you know, when you get into kind of the fluidity of that kind of team and that kind of process, it all just becomes the cyclical thing where you’re kind of inputing in what you get. It’s going through this idea of defining and building and validating. Then you’re delivering and continuously doing that. So yeah. It’s excellent. That’s the way to do it. 


You always hear about the CI/CD but that continuous discovery piece often gets overlooked because it’s not the technical piece of it. It’s that dance, that tango between problem space and solution space, and it’s ever kind of expanding and contracting and expanding and contracting. And that’s the best products out there. That’s the process they follow. It’s not this waterfall manner.


Yeah, absolutely


One area. So you think of UX… a lot of people are always thinking like I got this back of the napkin idea of drawing it out. You’re going to design this thing and build it, but when you’re modernizing something existing, you’re re-designing something existing. UX, it’s one of the most critical parts, right because you’re users are typically using your system in unintended ways. Ways you don’t even know. Go a bit deeper in terms of like what to consider when you’re re-designing something existing. Same principles apply. but there’s some nuance there.


Yeah. it’s great and it’s a really fascinating topic because to your point when you have something that’s established and you start to peel the onion, you go through the process of talking with your users, you’re going to see all the duct tape and the paper clips that have been put in there and all the things that people are maybe they’re using a third party system to kind of augment what they’re doing within your platform. And kind of coming back to it, you’ll see some really, typically the older the systems is, you’ll see some very unique and interesting workflows that you may not even be aware of. Right. So, again, hat’s where it’s critically important in modernizing something and making it new that you take the time to unpack all of that. Because there is a very real challenge in getting people to give up those processes that they have established. You know they’re kind of baked into their workflow. Especially, we see this a lot in internal software that groups use for you name it internally. There’s a very isolated user group, a very specific user group that’s using this thing to do a certain thing, and they have created their own ways to be more efficient and more effective. And you’re hearing things in the pain point side as an owner of this product, of this initiative, that you want to solve. But the pain points that surface to you know to the top are really the downstream of what’s happening underneath the folks are doing with your platform. So it’s really about okay. We got to unpack. We got to do some digging. And that’s that can be a daunting thing ro think about it. We do you start, right? Again, though it’s about just talking with your users and maybe shadowing them on their process. We’ve done this with customers where they’ve been in the middle of moodernization, and there’s been interviews with you prime stakeholders, and also users of a certain platform where they’re trying to get everybody to go on to a new platform that’s kind of being built in parallel with a more modern interface, bells and whistles, looks very fancy. It’s really nice. It was a great design for the new system, but nobody was using it because it didn’t do a handful of the critical things that people were doing with the old system That hadn’t yet been addressed in the new system. So you think about that. If you had known that from the get go, that’s how you would have prioritized your road map. That’s where it’s one thing to start an initiative and say we’re going to just rebuild this. We’re gonna just take what we have and we’re gonna do a coat of paint to it. Everybody’s gonna move into the house and it’s going to be awesome and everybody will live there and be happy. But to get all your stuff out of the old house, you got to move it over.




I think that’s why it’s critically important to take this mindset into a modernization project because you have to be able to do that deeper dive. And from that use that prioritization to inform where you’re going to start phase one right. Like eighty-twenty, We do this in phase one. That accomplishes eighty percent cool. We can deprioritize. These other things that we thought might have been the focus, but are really more nice to have when we really unpack what our customers are doing with the platform.


There’s so much opportunity in how users are using your system today. I can’t tell you how many times you and the team have gone in and started talking to people using the system today. And you come back with, “Hey, They’re doing the XYZ thing. It’s not in the platform.” Our customers or stakeholders are like, “Are you serious?” It’s like a surprise factor. 


Right? Everything funnels back to Excel or something like they’re using Excel. What are you doing about it?


Yeah, That opens up new ideas though, which is cool because you’re like, well, we could solve that problem with our solution. And that’s where the real fun stuff starts. And with an existing solution, human nature is weird, right? You got the endowment effect at play where people are more likely to retain something they have, even if something else is better, because they just value it more. And then loss aversion. They value the pain of a loss more than gaining something. Like the old adage of a bird in the hand’s worth two in the bush, right?


Yeah. go with what you know right?


You’re Competing against that.


I mean, it gets into a habit-breaking kind of process. You have to prove that the new thing you’re doing is truly better for that adoption to happen. And it can’t just be the same thing with a better coat of paint. It has to be better for me to be like, “Okay. I’m going to make the switch.” And this happens across the board with any sort of interaction that you or I use or anybody, right? It’s like you know I’m big on Sonos. I use Sonos all the time because I feel like the interface and the interaction and the integrations were fantastic for putting music throughout my house. But I have friends who use other services and are like you gotta jump over to this. I’m like, “No way, man, I’m invested.”


Yeah, and the last thing we’ll wrap, this has been awesome, but the bar is at the level of what customers experience with other things. It’s not. It’s not your thing, but their bar. It could be how they experience stuff with Apple or Google or name your thing. That’s the bar that they expect. That’s another reason why user experience is so critical.


Yeah, a hundred percent. We live in a fantastic time, I sound like some old timer, a very interesting time where we have all of these fantastic like there are groups out there like you mentioned, Apple, and they have put a ton of work into really nailing user experience. And the proof is in the pudding. Their products are ubiquitous. Everybody knows them, everybody uses them. There are wars about Apple versus Android. They are an entity within just human experience. It’s not just user experience. And so from that like realistically, you’re being measured whether you like it or not on that bar like you said, You can’t like you’re coming into the game with your service, your solution you, you have to, it’s reasonable to expect your users to expect that kind of experience, right? So again, the more you can kind of adopt, and and really, Um, you know, study and understand what it means to have good user experience again. It’s not about visuals. it’s not even about ease of use, right, it’s about true and utter enablement. Right. The more you can understand, the more you can kind of ingrain that into what you’re doing with your product or your solution, the better off you’ll be, because then you’re gonna be right up there with those heavy weights that have been doing it for years and years and years.


Yeah, and not to end on a daunting note there. Definitely, just get started with talking to your customers. You have these examples out there too. That’s the thing. Look to tertiary to other things. Even outside of your category. There’s so many great experiences out there you can tap into. Andy, this has been awesome. There are so many rabbit holes I want to dig deeper into, but we’ll save those for some. Future episodes will definitely have you on again, but thanks for joining us on Built Right.


Thanks. Yeah. It’s been a pleasure and any time you want to talk, you know where to find me


Yep, sounds good. talk to you later, Andy.


All right, yeah.

The post UX Design: More Than Just Making Things Easy with Andy Silvestri appeared first on HatchWorks.

A Guide to Prototyping Your Digital Product Fri, 10 Feb 2023 14:20:44 +0000 Digital product prototypes are an essential part of the product development process, allowing designers and developers to test and refine their ideas before committing to a final product. There are various types of prototypes, including wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes, which can be used at different stages of development and for different purposes. The process […]

The post A Guide to Prototyping Your Digital Product appeared first on HatchWorks.


Digital product prototypes are an essential part of the product development process, allowing designers and developers to test and refine their ideas before committing to a final product.

There are various types of prototypes, including wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes, which can be used at different stages of development and for different purposes.

The process of creating a prototype involves defining the idea and target audience, researching similar products and gathering feedback, creating a plan, designing the user interface, building the prototype, and testing and iterating on the prototype.

From Idea to Execution - A Guide to Prototyping Your Digital Product.

What a digital product prototype is and what it can be used for

A digital product prototype is a preliminary model of a digital product that is used to test and demonstrate its core functionality and user experience.

It is an important tool for designers and developers as it allows them to explore and refine the design and functionality of a product before investing the time and resources required to build a fully-featured product.

Prototyping can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Demonstrating the concept and user experience of a product to potential investors or customers
  • Identifying and addressing usability issues early in the development process
  • Gathering feedback from potential users to refine and improve the product
  • Facilitating communication and collaboration among team members
  • Providing a foundation for the development of a fully-featured product

Prototyping is an essential part of the product development process as it allows designers and developers to test and refine their ideas before committing to a final product.

The different types of digital product prototypes

There are several different types of digital product prototypes that can be created, ranging from low-fidelity wireframes to high-fidelity interactive prototypes. The type of prototype you choose will depend on your goals, the stage of development you are at, and the resources and time available to you.

Here are some common types of digital product prototypes:


Wireframes are simple, low-fidelity diagrams that outline the layout and structure of a product. They are typically used early in the design process to establish the basic structure and functionality of a product. Wireframes are usually black and white and do not include detailed design elements or interactive features.


Mockups are static, high-fidelity visual representations of a product. They typically include more detailed design elements and may include some interactive features, such as clickable buttons and links. Mockups are useful for demonstrating the overall look and feel of a product, as well as for gathering feedback on the design.

Interactive prototypes

Interactive prototypes are dynamic, high-fidelity representations of a product that allow users to interact with the product as if it were a fully-featured product. They can include a wide range of interactive features and can be as detailed and functional as the final product. Interactive prototypes are useful for testing the usability and user experience of a product and for demonstrating the full range of features and functionality to potential investors or customers.

Wireframes and mockups can be useful for early-stage prototyping, while interactive prototypes are more suitable for later stages of development when you are ready to test and refine the full range of features and functionality of your product.

The different steps involved in creating a digital product prototype

Creating a digital product prototype typically involves several steps, including designing the user interface, building the prototype, and testing and iterating on the prototype. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the process:

  1. Define your idea and target audience: Before you start prototyping, it’s important to clearly define your idea and identify your target audience. This will help you focus your efforts and ensure that your prototype addresses the needs and pain points of your intended users.
  2. Research similar products and gather feedback: It can be helpful to research similar products and gather feedback from potential users to identify unique features and functionality that will set your product apart, as well as any issues that you may need to address during the prototyping process.
  3. Create a plan: Develop a plan for your prototype that includes a list of features and functionality, as well as a rough timeline for development. Keep in mind that your prototype does not need to be a fully-featured product – it just needs to demonstrate the core functionality and user experience.
  4. Choose prototyping tools: There are a variety of tools available for prototyping digital products, ranging from simple wireframing tools to more advanced prototyping software. Choose the tools that best fit your needs and skill level.
  5. Design the user interface: Begin designing the user interface of your product by creating wireframes or low-fidelity mockups. These should outline the basic layout and structure of your product, including the placement of key elements such as buttons, links, and menus.
  6. Build the prototype: Once you have a clear idea of the layout and structure of your product, you can start building your prototype. Depending on the complexity of your product, this could involve adding detailed design elements, interactive features, or even functional code.
  7. Test and iterate: Once you have a working prototype, it’s important to get feedback from potential users and make adjustments as needed. This can help you identify any usability issues and fine-tune the design and functionality of your product.
  8. Refine and polish: As you gather feedback and make changes, be sure to pay attention to the overall user experience and design of your product. A polished prototype can help you attract investors or customers and give you a solid foundation for building a successful digital product.

The process of prototyping a digital product involves a combination of design, development, and testing to create a functional and user-friendly product. By following these steps, you can create a prototype that effectively demonstrates the core functionality and user experience of your product and helps you refine and improve it before launching it to the market.

Tips for creating a successful digital product prototype

Here are some tips for creating a successful digital product prototype:

  1. Clearly define your goals: Before you start prototyping, it’s important to clearly define your goals for the prototype. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you are creating a prototype that meets the needs of your intended users.
  2. Gather feedback from potential users: One of the key benefits of prototyping is that it allows you to gather feedback from potential users. This can help you identify usability issues and refine the design and functionality of your product.
  3. Use effective communication tools: Prototyping often involves working with a team of designers, developers, and other stakeholders. It’s important to use effective communication tools, such as project management software or online collaboration tools, to keep everyone on the same page and ensure that the prototype is moving forward smoothly.
  4. Create a design that is easy to understand and use: The user interface of your product should be easy to understand and use. This means using clear and intuitive navigation, consistent design elements, and clear calls to action.
  5. Test and iterate: Prototyping is an iterative process, which means that you will likely need to make adjustments to your prototype based on feedback and testing. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things – the goal is to create a product that meets the needs of your users.
  6. Keep it simple: It’s important to keep your prototype as simple as possible, especially if you are working with limited resources or time. Focus on the core functionality and user experience of your product, and save more advanced features for later iterations.

By following these tips, you can create a successful digital product prototype that effectively demonstrates the core functionality and user experience of your product and helps you refine and improve it before launching it to the market.

Testing the functionality of a digital product prototype

Testing the functionality of a digital product prototype is an important step in the prototyping process, as it helps you identify and address any usability issues and fine-tune the design and functionality of your product. Here are some ways to test the functionality of your prototype:

  • Gather user feedback: One of the most effective ways to test the functionality of your prototype is to gather feedback from potential users just like you would during a beta test. You can do this through surveys, focus groups, or individual user testing sessions. User feedback can help you identify any usability issues and areas for improvement.
  • Conduct user studies: User studies are more in-depth evaluations of your prototype that involve observing users as they interact with the product. User studies can be conducted in a lab setting or in the field, depending on your goals and resources.
  • Use analytics and metrics: If your prototype includes functional code, you can use analytics and metrics to track user behavior and identify any issues or areas for improvement. This can be particularly useful for testing the performance and scalability of your product.
  • Use A/B testing: A/B testing involves testing two versions of a product side-by-side to see which one performs better. This can be a useful tool for comparing different design or functionality options and identifying the most effective solution.

Overall, there are a variety of methods for testing the functionality of a digital product prototype. It’s important to gather as much feedback and data as possible to help you identify and address any issues and improve the overall user experience of your product.

The importance of prototypes when developing new products

Prototyping is an essential part of the product development process, as it allows designers and developers to test and refine their ideas before committing to a final product. Prototyping can reduce development time and costs by identifying and addressing any issues or challenges early in the development process. It can also improve customer satisfaction by gathering feedback from potential users and making adjustments based on their needs and preferences.

In addition, prototyping can facilitate communication and collaboration among team members by creating a shared visual representation of the product. Prototyping can also be an effective way to demonstrate the concept and user experience of a product to potential investors or customers.

Overall, the use of digital product prototypes can greatly benefit the development of new products. So, it is highly recommended to use digital product prototypes in product development to improve design accuracy, reduce development costs, facilitate communication and collaboration, and demonstrate the concept and user experience of a product.

Frequently Asked Questions about Digital Product Prototypes

Digital product development is the process of designing, creating, and launching a digital product, such as a website, mobile app, or software application.

The product design process involves understanding the needs and pain points of the target audience, generating and prototyping design ideas, testing and refining the design, and creating a final product.

A high-fidelity prototype is a detailed and functional representation of a product that allows users to interact with the product as if it were a fully-featured product.
Some common mistakes that people make when using iterative design include failing to define the problem, not involving the user in the design process, and not testing the design before moving on to production.
You can generate design ideas by brainstorming, researching similar products and user needs, sketching out concepts, and prototyping different ideas.

A great digital experience is one that is easy to use, efficient, and enjoyable for the user.

To come up with new product ideas, you can identify problems or needs that are not being met by existing products, think about how technology could be used to solve these problems, and prototype and test potential solutions.
A concept model is a simplified representation of a product that is used to communicate the basic concept and functionality of the product to stakeholders. It can be used to test and refine the concept before moving on to more detailed design and development.


If you’re interested in taking advantage of our Digital Product Prototyping service at HatchWorks, contact us to schedule a consultation.

Our team of designers and developers will work with you to create a prototype that effectively demonstrates the core functionality and user experience of your product.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or need more information.

Do You Need Help with Your Design Process?

Our experts can help you build confidence that your product is on the right track. No matter what phase you are at in your software solution journey, HatchWorks can help you accelerate your path to success.

The post A Guide to Prototyping Your Digital Product appeared first on HatchWorks.

How Iterative Design Helps You Build the Right Product the Right Way Wed, 08 Feb 2023 21:14:09 +0000 The iterative design methodology is a design process that involves repeating cycles of designing, testing, and refining a product or service. This process is often used in software development but can be applied to any type of design. The goal of iterative design is to create a product or service that meets the needs of […]

The post How Iterative Design Helps You Build the Right Product the Right Way appeared first on HatchWorks.

The iterative design methodology is a design process that involves repeating cycles of designing, testing, and refining a product or service. This process is often used in software development but can be applied to any type of design. The goal of iterative design is to create a product or service that meets the needs of the user or customer, while also being feasible to produce.
How Iterative Design Helps You Build the Right Product the Right Way.

The basics of the iterative design process

The iterative design process begins with an initial design, which is then tested by users or customers. Based on feedback from these tests, the design is refined and improved. This process is then repeated until the desired outcome is achieved.

One of the advantages of iterative design is that it allows for constant feedback and refinement. This helps to ensure that the final product or service is more likely to meet the needs of the user or customer.

Iterative design is gaining popularity for a number of reasons. The rapid pace of change in the world today means that products and services must be able to adapt quickly to new needs and demands. Iterative design is well-suited to this environment because it allows for constant feedback and refinement. Additionally, the rise of digital technologies has made it easier to test and prototype new designs.

One challenge of iterative design is that it can be difficult to know when to stop refining the design and move on to production. Additionally, iterative design can be costly and time-consuming, especially if the initial design is far from the desired outcome.

The 5 stages of the iterative design process

By breaking the design process down into smaller, more manageable steps, iterative design helps you build the right product the right way. By testing each new iteration of your product, you can identify and fix any issues before they become major problems. Practicing continuous discovery and delivery throughout the process ensures that your product is always relevant to your users.

1) Define

In this stage, the first step is to identify and define the problem that the product means to solve. This may include the identification of competitive product alternatives or the product-market fit.

It is also important to develop a flexible plan for the process to ensure that regular and quick feedback loops are established. This allows the team to make appropriate adjustments through each iterative cycle.

2) Ideate

From here, Product Designers generate ideas and sketch low-fidelity examples and workflows. Those ideas are then evaluated and refined by the team before advancing to the prototyping stage.

For a visual example of this process, check out the whiteboard illustration in our SpringHills Product Portfolio:

Workflow on a whiteboard.

3) Prototype

Having selected and refined the strongest ideas from the team, you can now build a prototype.

Keep in mind that prototypes can be effective in low-fidelity, high-fidelity, or a combination of both. Low-fidelity prototypes consist of wireframes based on sketches produced in the previous stages. These are used for the foundational UX (User Experience) and layout of your product, and can be a good way to test common interactions and basic functionality that most users would be familiar with.

High-fidelity prototypes represent high-value areas of your product and can be used to convey the unique value and/or perspective of your product. Polished UI Designs are used in this case to communicate the brand and unique visual elements.

4) Test

Next, the team conducts UX research to validate that their concepts are on the right track. It is essential to have a well-defined UX research process.

User testing of prototypes can take many forms, but the goal is always the same: to see how real users interact with your product. Does it solve your user’s problem? If so, how well does it accomplish this?

The first step in this stage is to create a testing plan that outlines how, when, and with whom the product will be tested. Even if you can only test with a handful of users, the feedback you gain will be valuable.

The collection and analysis of user feedback is followed by creating user personas and user stories. User stories help the team understand the user’s needs and which specific features may meet those needs.

From here, document all of your user feedback and team insights for the final evaluation stage.

5) Evaluate

Once you’ve adequately tested your prototype, it’s time to synthesize and analyze all of your feedback and see where you stand.

If your prototype is effective, your team can be confident in proceeding to develop an MVP, or minimum viable product. From there, additional functionality can be added with subsequent iterations.

If your prototype does not effectively meet the needs of your users, the iterative design process can cycle back to the prototyping stage, or further back to the ideation stage if flaws are significant.

In any case, it is important that this cycle of ideate-test-evaluate remains at the heart of your design process. By repeating it enough times, you can be confident that you’re building the right product the right way.

Different types of feedback to use during iterative design

  • Usability Testing allows you to collect insights, findings, and anecdotes about how representative users interact with your product or prototype. This data can be used to identify areas of improvement.
  • Analytics collects statistics and metadata about how people are using a product. This data can be used to identify trends.
  • A/B Testing is a type of experimentation where two or more variants of a product are compared against each other to determine which one performs better.
  • Interviews collect data from individual people. These are better suited for engaging, two-way conversations with your users, but can take a fair amount of time and energy to conduct.

The tools that iterative designers love to use

Common tools that are used in the iterative design process include pencil and paper, digital sketching, wireframing, and prototyping tools. Here are some of our favorite iterative design tools:


Miro is a great collaborative tool for brainstorming, wireframing, and prototyping. It’s easy to use and has a ton of features and integrations. One of the best parts is the Miroverse community where you’ll find plenty of free templates for strategy & planning, retrospectives, Agile workflows, workshops, and more. Check out our Miroverse profile to download our free templates.


This Mac exclusive is a powerful, all-in-one design tool for sketching, wireframing, and prototyping. It could replace the use of Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator on your team. Unlike Figma, Sketch doesn’t allow live collaboration.

Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a mockup and prototyping option for web and mobile applications. It’s a complete all-in-one app allowing for UI design, co-editing, and collaborations. Integrations with the rest of the Adobe Creative Suite allow for easy editing of photos and vector graphics.


Recently acquired by Adobe for $20 billion, Figma is our favorite collaborative interface design tool. As a cloud-based tool, it has the ease of access of a program like Miro with all the power of Sketch. We are very excited to see where Figma takes the greater Adobe suite of products next.

How to manage and track progress

There are a couple of methods to manage and track the progress of your iterative design process:

  • Project management software to track tasks like JIRA, Asana, or Trello
  • A Gantt chart to visualize the overall project timeline and milestones

There are benefits to each method and many project management tools include Gannt visualization capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions About Iterative Design

An iterative design cycle can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the complexity of the project. In general, the goal is to complete each cycle as quickly as possible so that the product or service can be improved and refined on a regular basis.

The main difference between iterative design and Agile development is that Agile development is a software development methodology that includes iterative design.
Product design is an important part of the iterative design process, as it helps to ensure that the final product meets the needs of the user or customer. Additionally, product design can help to reduce costs and time-to-market by helping to simplify the production process.

Usability engineering is the study of how people interact with products and services. It is often used in conjunction with iterative design in order to improve the usability of a product or service.

Some common mistakes that people make when using iterative design include failing to define the problem, not involving the user in the design process, and not testing the design before moving on to production.

There is no set number of times that a design should be iterated before it is finalized. The goal is to continue iterating upon the design until the desired outcome is achieved.

An experienced design agency can help with both initial prototypes and iterations of a design. They can provide valuable insights and feedback that can help to improve the final product.

It is not always necessary to create a new prototype after each iteration. In some cases, it may be possible to reuse existing prototypes.


Iterative design is a process where designers start with a basic idea, prototype it, and then test and refine it based on user feedback. This process is repeated until the final product meets the user’s needs. Iterative design is often used in conjunction with Agile development in order to create better software products.

Do You Need Help with Your Design Process?

Our experts can help you build confidence that your product is on the right track. No matter what phase you are at in your software solution journey, HatchWorks can help you accelerate your path to success.

The post How Iterative Design Helps You Build the Right Product the Right Way appeared first on HatchWorks.

The Evolution of Digital Transformation: From Pre-Internet to Post-Pandemic Fri, 03 Feb 2023 20:45:16 +0000 Digital Transformation has an interesting history before becoming one of the most talked about buzzwords in the business world today. You likely have heard it mentioned in your CEO’s strategic initiatives. However, what once seemed like lip service for stakeholders and investors has now become a critical part of staying competitive in today’s market. Spending […]

The post The Evolution of Digital Transformation: From Pre-Internet to Post-Pandemic appeared first on HatchWorks.


Digital Transformation has an interesting history before becoming one of the most talked about buzzwords in the business world today.

You likely have heard it mentioned in your CEO’s strategic initiatives. However, what once seemed like lip service for stakeholders and investors has now become a critical part of staying competitive in today’s market.

Spending on digital transformation has reached a staggering $1.6 trillion in 2022 and is projected to reach $3.4 trillion in 2026.

That is some serious investment.

But where did the idea of digital transformation come from? Let’s first define what it is.

The Evolution of Digital Transformation: From Pre-Internet to Post-Pandemic.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation refers to the use of digital technologies to modify or create new business processes, customer experiences, and organizational culture in response to changes in the market and business needs. In some cases, this can lead to complete shifts in business models creating seismic waves throughout an organization.

Now that we have a better understanding of what digital transformation is, let’s look at its history and how it has evolved over time.

A brief history of digital transformation

There are four distinct eras in the evolution of digital transformation that has forced companies to adapt how they operate and serve their customers. Those who have been unable to adapt typically go the way of the dodo bird.

Pre-internet Era

1950 – 1989
This is where the foundational building blocks of the digital revolution were created. The invention of microchips and semiconductors enabled manual processes to be converted into digital technologies.

This started the first major digital transformation. Companies focused on shifting outdated processes to digital data. Worldwide, this created a need for business transformation and cultural change.

  • 1958 The microchip and semiconductor were invented
  • 1960 Moore’s Law defined

Post-internet Era

1990 – 2006
The next digtal era created massive change. The internet started the shift from a siloed world into a global one. Connection and access to data through the public accessibility of the internet createda more ubiquitous playing field. Personal computers exploded during this era, giving people terminals to the world wide web in their living rooms, and the first social networks began to crop up.

This era drove change in existing processes and business operations with the creation of the internet and increased access to customer data. More importantly, it caused companies to rethink their customer interactions as the internet significantly changed how people interacted, search, and buy.

  • 1990 Internet becomes publicly available
  • 1998 Google founded
  • 2000 Half of US households have a personal computer
  • 2004 Facebook founded
  • 2005 Internet users reach $1 billion worldwide
  • 2006 AWS created

Mobile Era

2007 – 2019
Just when companies were becoming comfortable with the modern internet and its impact on their business, another foundation shift happened with the introduction of the iPhone and the shift to mobile. This opened up a world of possibilities, new business models, and the introduction of new social and mobile channels, which drove another spike in digital transformation.

Marc Andreesen’s seminal writing, “Why Software is Eating the World”, laid out a clear vision of the future where software would disrupt every industry across the globe, and how new software-centric players would have the upper hand in this new world.

Interestingly enough, this is also around the time when the term “Digital Transformation” was first coined. Now the cycle of change required to stay competitive had a name.

  • 2007 iPhone released giving rise to the mobile revolution
  • 2011 “Why Software is Eating the World” written
  • 2013 The term “Digital Transformation” is coined

Post-Pandemic Era

2020 – Present
The last major era, and the one we are currently in right now, is the post-pandemic era. The pandemic accelerated digital innovations as companies were forced to rethink how they served their customers in a non-contact and remote world.

This ushered in shifts in business models and forced companies to take their digital transformation initiatives from the board room to the front lines with new urgency. This acceleration was the push many companies needed to implement a better customer experience.

Advances in AI and machine learning are playing a huge role in digital transformation initiatives. While the history of AI warrants its own timeline, advances in machine learning and tools like ChatGPT are clearly going to drive even more change in the way we work, interact, and live.

  • 2020 Global Pandemic
  • 2022 Digital Transformation spending at $1.6 trillion

How to approach digital transformation

Each digital era has caused businesses to rethink their internal operations and customer expectations. It has created fertile ground for new market entrants and has shifted, created, and even retired whole business models.

Where businesses get digital transformation wrong is by viewing it as something that can be completed or reach a state of maturity. Instead, digital transformation should be viewed through a lens of continuous development. Something you are always improving and optimizing upon.

However, even if you approach it in this manner, digital transformation is HARD.

Changing processes and replacing existing systems are not for the faint of heart. At HatchWorks, we leverage a proven approach when modernizing digital solutions called MVR (Minimal Viable Replacement). This approach focuses on breaking up the needs of the new system(s) into a clearly defined roadmap. This roadmap focuses on delivering valuable chunks of functionality into the hands of real users as soon as possible with minimal impact on their existing work.

Essentially, an MVR is the culmination of all the MVPs required to migrate existing customers to your new solution with minimal loss of existing customers.

Frequently Asked Questions about Digital Transformation

Some key events in the history of digital transformation include the rise of the internet, the emergence of social media, the development of mobile technology, and the growth of cloud computing and big data analytics.

All industries have been impacted by digital transformation to some degree, but some of the most significant changes have occurred in the retail, financial services, media, and entertainment industries.

Digital transformation has had a profound impact on society, enabling people to connect, communicate, and collaborate in ways that were previously unimaginable. It has also changed the way we access information, shop, and consume media.

The future of digital transformation is difficult to predict with certainty, but it is likely to involve continued advancements in artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and other emerging technologies. It will also involve the ongoing integration of digital technology into all aspects of business and society.

Organizations can benefit from digital transformation in many ways, including improved efficiency and productivity, enhanced customer experiences, greater agility and competitiveness, and the ability to generate new revenue streams and business models.

Organizations may face a number of challenges when undergoing digital transformation, including the need to update legacy systems, the complexity of integrating new technologies, and the potential for disruption to existing processes and organizational culture.

Digital transformation has changed the way we work in many ways, including the ability to work remotely, the use of digital tools and platforms for collaboration and communication, and the rise of the gig economy and other flexible work arrangements.

Getting Started with HatchWorks Is Easy

Want to learn more about how to modernize your existing digital solutions through an MVR approach?

The post The Evolution of Digital Transformation: From Pre-Internet to Post-Pandemic appeared first on HatchWorks.

MVP or Prototype? A Guide to Choosing the Right Approach for Your Idea Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:06:51 +0000 When it comes to bringing a new product to market, it’s important to test your idea to ensure its success. One way to do this is by using prototypes and minimum viable products (MVPs). Both prototypes and MVPs can be useful tools in the product development process, but it’s important to understand the key differences […]

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When it comes to bringing a new product to market, it’s important to test your idea to ensure its success. One way to do this is by using prototypes and minimum viable products (MVPs). Both prototypes and MVPs can be useful tools in the product development process, but it’s important to understand the key differences between the two and how to choose the right approach for your product.
MVP or Prototype? A Guide to Choosing the Right Approach for Your Idea.
In this guide, we’ll explore the definitions and purposes of prototypes and MVPs, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each approach. We’ll also discuss how to decide between a prototype and an MVP and provide some examples of each. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a better understanding of the role of prototyping and MVPs in product development and how to choose the right approach for your product.

What is a software prototype?

A software prototype is a preliminary model of a software application that is used for testing and demonstrating the concept. Prototypes can range from simple wireframes or mockups to complex, functional prototypes that closely resemble the final product. The purpose of a software prototype is to test the application’s design, functionality, usability, and feasibility before it is fully developed.

Prototyping allows developers to identify and fix any design or technical issues early on in the development process, saving time and resources in the long run. It also allows for user testing and feedback, which can help fine-tune the application and ensure that it meets the needs and preferences of the target audience.

There are 3 main types of prototypes:

  1. Wireframes: Wireframes are simple, low-fidelity diagrams that outline the layout and structure of a product. They are typically used early in the design process to establish the basic structure and functionality of a product. Wireframes are usually black and white and do not include detailed design elements or interactive features.
  2. Mockups: Mockups are static, high-fidelity visual representations of a product. They typically include more detailed design elements and may include some interactive features, such as clickable buttons and links. Mockups are useful for demonstrating the overall look and feel of a product, as well as for gathering feedback on the design.
  3. Interactive prototypes: Interactive prototypes are dynamic, high-fidelity representations of a product that allow users to interact with the product as if it were a fully-featured product. They can include a wide range of interactive features and can be as detailed and functional as the final product. Interactive prototypes are useful for testing the usability and user experience of a product and for demonstrating the full range of features and functionality to potential investors or customers.

The benefits of software prototyping include:

  • Identifying and fixing the design and technical issues early on
  • Gathering user feedback and testing the usability of the application
  • Demonstrating the concept and functionality of the application to potential investors or customers
  • Allowing for iteration and improvement of the application before full development

It’s important to note that software prototypes are not meant to be the final product, and are typically not intended for sale or distribution. They are simply a way to test and refine the concept before moving on to the next stage of development.

What is an MVP?

An MVP, or minimum viable product, is a product with just enough features to be viable for a specific group of customers. The purpose of an MVP is to quickly test a product idea with a small group of users in order to gather feedback and data. This information can then be used to improve the product and make it more appealing to a larger audience.

MVPs are typically stripped-down versions of a product, with only the most essential features included. This allows the product to be released and tested in the market more quickly and at a lower cost. MVPs are intended to be functional products that can be sold, but they are not necessarily the final version of the product.

Examples of MVPs include a basic version of a mobile app that only includes the most essential features with limited customization options.

The benefits of MVPs

The benefits include:

  • Allowing for quick testing and validation of a product idea
  • Gathering valuable data and feedback from real users
  • Reducing development time and costs by focusing on only the most essential features
  • Providing a way to test the market and gather traction before investing in a full product rollout

It’s important to note that MVPs are not meant to be a fully fleshed out product, but rather a way to quickly test and validate an idea. As such, they may not be suitable for all products or industries.

How to decide between a prototype and an MVP

When it comes to choosing between a prototype and an MVP, there are several factors to consider. Here are some things to think about when deciding which approach is right for your product:
  • Stage of development: If you are in the early stages of product development and are still trying to figure out the basic concept and functionality of your product, a prototype may be the way to go. Prototyping allows for more experimentation and iteration. It is a good way to test and refine the basic idea. On the other hand, if you have a more fleshed out product idea and are ready to test it in the market, an MVP may be the better choice.
  • Purpose of the product: Consider the purpose of your product and whether a prototype or MVP is better suited to achieving your goals. For example, if you are developing a complex product with many features, a prototype may be necessary to fully test and demonstrate all of the functionality. On the other hand, if you are trying to quickly test a simple product idea with a specific group of users, an MVP may be more appropriate.
  • Resources and time constraints: Prototyping can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process, especially if you are creating a complex prototype. If you are working with limited resources or time constraints, an MVP may be a more feasible option. MVPs can be developed and tested more quickly and at a lower cost than prototypes, making them a good choice for startups and small companies.

Pros and cons of prototyping

  • Pros: Allows for more experimentation and iteration, allows for full testing and demonstration of product functionality, can be useful for complex products
  • Cons: Can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, may not be suitable for testing in the market

Pros and cons of MVPs

  • Pros: Allows for quick testing and validation of a product idea, can be developed and tested more quickly and at a lower cost, provides a way to test the market
  • Cons: May not be suitable for complex products or products with many features, may not provide a full understanding of the product’s functionality


Prototyping and MVPs are both important tools in the product development process, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. It’s important to carefully consider the stage of development, the purpose of the product, and the resources and time constraints when deciding which approach is right for your product.

Prototyping is a good choice for testing and refining the basic concept and functionality of a product, especially for complex products with many features. MVPs, on the other hand, are a good choice for quickly testing a product idea with a specific group of users and gathering data and feedback.

An additional approach is the MVR (Minimal Viable Replacement) which comes in handy when you are looking to modernize an existing digital product. To learn more, check out our blog, Minimum Viable Replacement: A New Approach to Modernizing Legacy Solutions.

By understanding the role of prototyping and MVPs in product development and how to choose the right approach for your product, you can ensure that you are well-equipped to bring your product to market successfully.

HatchWorks’ Proven Approach to Iterative Software Development

Building a new digital product is not easy, but we have the approaches and frameworks to ensure you are building the right digital product the right way, one that your customers and business will love.

The post MVP or Prototype? A Guide to Choosing the Right Approach for Your Idea appeared first on HatchWorks.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) vs Minimum Viable Replacement (MVR) – Understanding the Difference Tue, 31 Jan 2023 21:04:06 +0000 Contrary to popular belief, the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach is not the only way to build a digital product. While it is a proven approach to building and validating new solutions, it falls flat when looking to replace an existing solution. So how do you approach modernizing an existing solution? Enter the Minimal Viable […]

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Contrary to popular belief, the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach is not the only way to build a digital product. While it is a proven approach to building and validating new solutions, it falls flat when looking to replace an existing solution.

So how do you approach modernizing an existing solution? Enter the Minimal Viable Replacement (MVR), which focuses on building the minimal set of features needed to replace an existing solution and provide an improved experience for users.

Whether you’re in product, engineering, or running a project, understanding the difference between MVP and MVR will give you a powerful toolset for creating and improving digital products. Let’s start by defining each and then get into what makes them different.

MVP vs MVR - Understanding the Difference.

What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

An MVP, or minimum viable product, is a product with just enough features to be viable for a specific group of potential customers. The purpose of the MVP development process is to quickly test a product idea with a small group of users in order to gather feedback and data. This information can then be used to make a determination to continue, pivot, or stop development if the idea does not prove viable.

MVPs are typically stripped-down versions of a product, the smallest possible product, with only the most essential features and minimum functionality included. This allows the product to be released and tested in the market more quickly and at a lower cost. MVPs are intended to be functional products that can be sold, but they are not necessarily the final product.

The MVP approach is typically taken by startups who are looking to quickly validate a business idea or larger companies who are looking to test a new greenfield idea separate from their current products.

What is a Minimum Viable Replacement (MVR)?

A Minimal Viable Replacement (MVR) is an approach, popularized by Kevin Mireles, to replace a legacy solution that has an existing base of users or customers. With an MVR, you already know a market exists for your solution. The question becomes, can your new solution meet and exceed the value delivered by your old solution?

The approach focuses on decomposing the needs of the new system(s) into a clearly defined roadmap. This roadmap focuses on delivering valuable chunks of functionality into the hands of target users as soon as possible with minimal impact on their existing work.

Essentially, an MVR is the culmination of all the MVPs required to migrate existing customers to your new solution with minimal loss of existing customers. This approach is typically taken by mid-market or large companies that have existing solutions that need modernizing in some way.

To learn more about the approach, check out Minimum Viable Replacement: A New Approach to Modernizing Legacy Solutions.

What is the difference between MVP and MVR?

The key difference between MVP and MVR is in the goal and approach. While nuanced, they are critical to understanding when determining which approach is ideal for your software development project.
Primary goal: validate a market or product hypothesis
Primary goal: migrate existing customers to the new modern system with minimal churn allowing for more agility
No existing customers
Existing customer base
Focused on attracting new customers
More focused on retaining existing customers than attracting early adopters
Competing against other companies or existing behaviors
Competing against your existing solution
Deeper research required to vet the viability of the solution
Minimal research required as the solution has already been proven to have market fit
Focused on a very small set of target customers and use cases to prove out the product’s value proposition
Focused on identifying the most valuable and sometimes extreme use cases for your most valuable customer segments among the many existing customer segments
Focused on new functionality
Focused on improving core functionality first, and typically new capabilities second
Targeted few specific workflows
Many existing workflows exist with existing users typically creating their own a-typical process within your system
Leverage new technology
Have to account for existing legacy technology
Ability to create new processes with a greenfield project
Must account for existing organizational norms, process, and culture

Why building new products and updating existing ones require a completely different approach

MVP and MVR are two important approaches in product development. Understanding each can help you determine which approach is best for you, and prevent you from wasting time, money, and resources, and losing customers.

Taking on an MVR is not for the faint of heart. You need a partner who can help guide you through the process, and not only protect your existing base of users but ensure you are set up for future growth.

Contact us to learn more about the MVR approach and how we can use it to turn your modernization project into one that will be the gold standard for future projects to come.

Getting Started with HatchWorks Is Easy

Want to learn more about how we deliver solutions that are valuable, usable, feasible, and viable through our integrated US and Nearshore delivery model? No matter what phase you are at in your software solution journey, HatchWorks can help you create a user experience your customers will love.

The post Minimum Viable Product (MVP) vs Minimum Viable Replacement (MVR) – Understanding the Difference appeared first on HatchWorks.

15 UX Statistics You Need to Know in 2023 Fri, 20 Jan 2023 21:05:59 +0000 A great UX (User Experience) feels like magic. It feels effortless, leaving the user saying, “How did you do that?!” Even more important, they tell their friends. Getting organizational buy-in for UX can be difficult though. These stats can help you make the case for why you should invest in UX, and the risk if […]

The post 15 UX Statistics You Need to Know in 2023 appeared first on HatchWorks.


A great UX (User Experience) feels like magic. It feels effortless, leaving the user saying, “How did you do that?!” Even more important, they tell their friends.

Getting organizational buy-in for UX can be difficult though. These stats can help you make the case for why you should invest in UX, and the risk if you do not. Before the stats, let’s define what is UX.

15 UX Statistics You Need to Know in 2023.

What is UX?

UX encompasses all aspects of your user’s interactions with your company, its products, and services from initial interaction with your brand, through purchase, use of your solution, and ultimately end of use.

The first core principle of a great user experience is actually meeting the needs of your customers. You need to complete their specific job to be done in an easy, seamless way.

This requires simplicity and elegance in how your experience is designed. Your product should be a joy to use. You want to leave them saying, “I have to tell someone about this!

Now let’s get into 15 statistics that show why UX is crucial for your business.

Why you should invest in UX

1. Research shows that, on average, every $1 invested in UX brings $100 in return. Source: Forrester

That is a 100X return. If you are needing to get buy-in from your CFO as to why you should invest in UX, show them this.

2. The top companies leading in user experience outperformed the S&P index by 35%. Source: Forbes

Good user experience ultimately is the difference between winning and losing in today’s market. The customer has the power and an endless pool of options.

That is why top companies around the world like Airbnb, Apple, and Google invest heavily in UX. They know it is the secret to growth and competing in a crowded market.

3. 8 in 10 customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. Source: Capgemini

Back to the ROI of UX, your users crave a simple elegant solution. A thoughtful user experience is the way to do that.

4. A well-designed user interface could raise your website’s conversion rate by up to 200%, and a better UX design could yield conversion rates up to 400%. Source: Forrester

Yes, UI is important but UX is the real driver of growth. It is easy to get sucked into the aesthetics of your solution. Don’t do this. Start with the experience, and then add the coat of paint and tchotchkes to make your solution stand out.

The risk of not investing in UX

5. Businesses lose 35% of sales due to bad UX. Source: AWS

According to a study by Amazon Web Services, eCommerce businesses leave 35% of sales on the table due to bad user experience. This translates to roughly $1.4 trillion worth of sales. (yes trillion with a “T”)

Lost sales because of bad UX are over $1.4 trillion whereas projected global sales due to good UX are over $5 trillion.

6. 70% of customers abandon purchases because of bad user experience. Source: Baymard

User Experience encompasses the whole experience including purchase. Don’t just focus on your post-purchase experience. Otherwise, you are leaving money on the table.

7. 32% of users will leave a brand they love if they have one bad experience. Source: PWC

This is mind-blowing… While it takes many great experiences to create “love” in the mind of your customers, it only takes one bad experience for some to leave your brand altogether.

8. 67% of customers claim unpleasant experiences as a reason for churn. Source: Forbes

This should be no surprise. Keeping your existing customers is one of the easiest ways to drive and grow revenue. Good UX can accomplish this.

9. 62% of customers say they share their bad experiences with others. Source: Salesforce

Not only is it bad when your customers churn and you lose revenue, but it can have a multiplier effect by telling others about the negative experience. This can create the worst type of snowball effect that can be tough to control once it starts rolling.

10. 3 out of the 12 reasons why projects fail are attributed to user experience failures. Source: AWS

So much time and effort is focused on the technical solution and how it looks, while 3 of the 12 main reasons projects fail are directly attributed to your UX.

11. The time spent by developers reworking a project with avoidable faults is 50%. Source: AWS

It is important to be proactive with your UX, and not reactionary. Not only because it is easier for you and your team, but it is also way more cost-effective. Start with UX first. Then build your product.

UX stats that make you think

12. 85% of UX problems can be solved by testing 5 users. Source: Nielsen Norman Group

One of the most important elements of UX is talking to your customers. This seems like a big hurdle and is often not done due to the perceived effort. It may not be as intensive as you think. Just talk to 5 people, and you may uncover some major issues and opportunities.

13. There was a success rate of 80% when people used the navigation scheme structured according to most users’ mental model. There was a success rate of 9% when people used the navigation scheme structured according to the company’s internal thinking. Source: Nielsen Norman Group

In the world of UX, new is not always good. Sometimes it is better to be familiar. Use common mental models as a tool to make your user experience easier for your customers. That way they are using fewer brain calories when learning how to use your product.

14. Today customers manage 85% of their relationships without interacting with a human. Source: Gartner

User experiences without human interaction provide so many different options to delight your users. Be intentional about your experience. Customers don’t just prefer non-human interaction, they expect it to work seamlessly.

15. 81% Of Consumers Say They Want More Self-service Options. Source: CXM Today

The pandemic changed many things in our world including how people interact with brands and products. Customers don’t just prefer self service, they require it. If your experience doesn’t measure up, customers will look for other options.

Final thoughts

In today’s world, you can’t afford not to prioritize UX. It is a foundational aspect of any software solution. Don’t discount its value. Make it a priority early in your solutions life, even before you start building. If you already have an existing solution, it isn’t too late. Identify the biggest opportunity areas and start executing those changes.

Your customers will thank you.

Do You Need Help with UX Research?

Our experts can help you define and execute a comprehensive UX research study to validate and build confidence that your product is on the right track.

No matter what phase you are at in your software solution journey, HatchWorks can help you create a user experience your customers will love.

The post 15 UX Statistics You Need to Know in 2023 appeared first on HatchWorks.

Minimum Viable Replacement: A New Approach to Modernizing Legacy Solutions Wed, 18 Jan 2023 19:30:55 +0000 Minimal Viable Products (MVPs) have become the sole defacto way of building software. If you are not taking an MVP approach, you may get strange looks nowadays. It has been proven time and time again as an effective way to quickly test a market hypothesis or build a proof of concept to test the technical […]

The post Minimum Viable Replacement: A New Approach to Modernizing Legacy Solutions appeared first on HatchWorks.


Minimal Viable Products (MVPs) have become the sole defacto way of building software. If you are not taking an MVP approach, you may get strange looks nowadays.

It has been proven time and time again as an effective way to quickly test a market hypothesis or build a proof of concept to test the technical feasibility of a solution. But what happens when you are not building a new solution and instead you are modernizing or replacing an existing one?

If you are using an MVP approach in this scenario, you will be in for a rude awakening in the form of wasted time, money, and unhappy customers.

Don’t worry… there is a better way. The Minimal Viable Replacement (MVR).

Minimum Viable Replacement: A New Approach to Modernizing Legacy Solutions.

What is a Minimal Viable Replacement (MVR)?

A Minimal Viable Replacement (MVR) is an approach, popularized by Kevin Mireles, to replace a legacy solution that has an existing base of users or customers.

These modernization or replacement projects are often labeled with the overused term, Digital Transformation. No matter what you call it, they all have one thing in common.


With an MVR, you already know a market exists for your solution. The question becomes, can your new solution meet and exceed the value delivered by your old product?

The approach focuses on decomposing the needs of the new system(s) into a clearly defined roadmap. This roadmap focuses on delivering valuable chunks of functionality into the hands of real users as soon as possible with minimal impact on their existing work.

Essentially, an MVR is the culmination of all the MVPs required to migrate existing customers to your new solution with minimal loss of existing customers.

Why the MVP doesn’t work when replacing an existing solution

By now, we have all seen this age-old MVP metaphor.
A diagram illustrating why incremental progress doesn't cut it for modernizing legacy solutions.

The goal of an MVP is to provide end-to-end value in an incremental fashion. In this example, the desired outcome is to get from point A to point B, and the first iteration of the solution, the skateboard, accomplishes that right off the bat.

The problem is, your existing customers are not willing to trade down to a skateboard when they are currently driving a car with a leather interior, air conditioning, and Bluetooth. Oh, and a few of those other important features like seat belts, airbags, and brakes…

To make this real, picture handing your existing customers a skateboard and asking them to test it out riding down the highway. That is a sure recipe for disaster and guaranteed loss of revenue.

Aerial photo of a busy freeway.

The major differences between an MVP and an MVR

Primary goal: validate a market or product hypothesis
Primary goal: migrate existing customers to the new modern system with minimal churn allowing for more agility
No existing customers
Existing customer base
Focused on attracting new customers
More focused on retaining existing customers than attracting new ones
Competing against other companies or existing behaviors
Competing against your existing solution
Deeper research required to vet the viability of the solution
Minimal research required as the solution has already been proven to have market fit
Focused on a very small set of target customers and use cases to prove out the product’s value proposition
Focused on identifying the most valuable and sometimes extreme use cases for your most valuable customer segments among the many existing customer segments
Focused on new functionality
Focused on improving existing functionality first, and typically new capabilities second
Targeted few specific workflows
Many existing workflows exist with existing users typically creating their own a-typical process within your system
Leverage new technology
Have to account for existing legacy technology
Ability to create new processes with a greenfield project
Must account for existing organizational norms, process, and culture

Why an MVR is unique

The typical approach for an MVP leverages the 80/20 rule, which in essence states that 20% of the functionality will serve 80% of the needs of your users. So therefore you should focus on that 20%.

With an MVR it is not that simple…

With an MVR, you have multiple customer segments you must satisfy in order to successfully replace a legacy solution. On top of that, those customers represent different value to your business, typically in the form of revenue or profitability.

Surprise, surprise – your larger, higher value customers typically require more extensive and complex functionality compared to 90% of your typical users.

This is why in an MVR you must consider the edge cases of your most valuable customers.

On top of having to consider edge cases (usually a ‘no no’ with MVPs), there are also two core psychological phenomena at play in an MVR.

Endowment effect: People are more likely to retain an object they own rather than acquire a similar object (either in value or appearance). In essence, people feel a sense of ownership over the systems and technology they currently use and are not typically gung-ho about giving it up.

Loss aversion: People value losses more than they value potential gains. Not just by a little either. They tend to value it by 2 to 4 times more. Anything less than that is likely to be perceived as incredibly negative. In essence, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

We are ultimately creatures of habit, which makes an MVR unique.

A metaphor fitting for an MVR

Picture a 100-story condo. Let’s say you built the first 99 floors in a relatively standard fashion with 12-foot ceilings, standard bathrooms, and fixtures. They each pay $2K a month in rent.

Then you get to the last floor. The penthouse.

This is just one tenant, but they pay $30K per month.

They also have different requirements such as a swimming pool, 30-foot ceilings, and a helipad. If you didn’t account for this upfront, your architecture and design likely won’t support it.

So how do you approach an MVR to ensure you aren’t doing more harm than good?

The MVR approach

The goal of an MVR should be to meet and exceed the value delivered by your old solution without losing your existing customers in the process.

The approach focuses on decomposing the needs of the new system(s) into a clearly defined roadmap that focuses on delivering valuable chunks of functionality into the hands of users as soon as possible with minimal impact on their existing work. The roadmap should show them they don’t have to fear a loss of functionality because you have clearly communicated and mapped out when the functionality will be delivered.

There are 3 standard approaches to the MVR when considering how to develop your roadmap and define key milestones.

Functional Approach: If there is little overlap in functionality between end-user segments, you can structure your roadmap based on the specific functional needs of those different customer segments.

Diagram of a functional approach.
Process Approach: If your system covers long processes with no clear delineation by customer segments you can approach structuring your roadmap by the different processes and workflows within the system. Look for a natural break in the process to define replacement points where you can take segments of the process and replace them with the new system.
Diagram of a MVR process approach.
Add-On Approach: If you are looking to go after a new market or customer segment this is a good approach allowing you to create a newer leaner system focused on first adding that new target market or customer base. Then as the functionality builds up, you can migrate your existing customers to the new solution. This can be packaged as an add-on to your existing solution so as to not disrupt existing users, or make them feel like they are loosing their existing legacy solution in the process.
Diagram of a MVR add-on approach.
Below are some key elements to consider when taking on an MVR:
  1. Identify, define, and prioritize your different customer segments based on required functionality and value to your business
  2. Identify the edge cases your highest value customers must have to switch
  3. Align on if you are building the replacement solution for a new customer segment you are targeting in the market, and identify if this shift in strategy will result in churn of existing customer segments.
  4. Identify instances of customers using your solution in unintended ways (note: these are opportunity areas to build functionality to make these workarounds easier)
  5. Determine all the downstream applications and organizations using your systems inside and outside of the company
  6. Understand how users and organizations are using your solution and its data.
  7. Identify any regulatory or compliance-related requirements
  8. Determine if the new solution can start as an extension of the legacy one and sold as an add-on to start. Then, integrate the core functionality as part of your replacement strategy.
  9. Identify if there are any underserved customer segments that are not currently using your solution and would be happy with a true MVP
  10. Define your roadmap by breaking up the project into mini MVPs defined by functionality and customer segment served


At the end of the day, it is not a question of if you will need to replace legacy solutions. It is a matter of when.

While legacy solutions, processes, and technical debt have a knack for slowing down progress, you can’t let them hold you hostage.

Leverage an MVR approach to enable agility and innovation in your organization so you can continue to deliver value for your customers and your business.

Getting Started with HatchWorks Is Easy

Want to learn more about how we deliver solutions that are valuable, usable, feasible, and viable through our integrated US and Nearshore delivery model? No matter what phase you are at in your software solution journey, HatchWorks can help you create a user experience your customers will love.

The post Minimum Viable Replacement: A New Approach to Modernizing Legacy Solutions appeared first on HatchWorks.

A Guide to Creating an Agile Product Roadmap (free templates!) Thu, 27 Oct 2022 20:55:28 +0000 In this hands-on guide, we will show you how to go from a surface-level roadmap that no one looks at (don’t lie, we have all been there) to an Agile product roadmap your team and stakeholders can’t live without. Best of all, this guide will inform your product’s strategy and execution. These are the techniques […]

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In this hands-on guide, we will show you how to go from a surface-level roadmap that no one looks at (don’t lie, we have all been there) to an Agile product roadmap your team and stakeholders can’t live without. Best of all, this guide will inform your product’s strategy and execution.

These are the techniques we use at HatchWorks to help Agile software development teams deliver products both your users and business will love.

What is an Agile product roadmap?

An Agile product roadmap is a plan of action for how your solution will evolve over time.

It helps you plan, organize, prioritize, and align your ideas and initiatives across your organization. This way, the most important features and functionality, those that best serve the users of your product, the business, and the technical evolution of your solution, are delivered first.

Your Agile product roadmap acts as a shared source of truth for your team and stakeholders that outlines the vision, direction, priorities, and progress of your product as it evolves.

Think of it like Google Maps guiding you to your destination.

And just like in Google Maps, there is a good chance a better route may be presented after your start your journey, and that is okay!

Your Product Owner is ultimately responsible for the product roadmap, but they by no means define it alone.

Why you need an Agile product roadmap – even as an Agile team

“But we are Agile… We don’t need a roadmap.”

Yes… Yes, you do.

Like death and taxes, change is the one constant in product development. It not only is constant – it is required if you want to build a solution that meets the needs of your users, business, and keeps up with market changes.

At HatchWorks, our approach enables change, hence our motto:

Don’t fear change. Embrace it.”

Change is ever-present… but you still need a plan!

An Agile product roadmap establishes the strategy of your product which provides continuity across the disparate features your teams are working on. It acts as connective tissue for those teams, helping them understand how what they are working on plays into the bigger picture. It also sheds light on dependencies and competing priorities.

While your sprint is sacred, and your sprint backlog should not be changed after the sprint has started, your roadmap is not. It is human nature to want predictability and certainty. But there is a difference between predictability and being a psychic. Not even one of us is the latter, so stop trying to be.

This however doesn’t mean you should go without a plan, especially in a larger organization or for a more mature product where dependencies and complexity are high. At the end of the day, you still have to deliver, and, more importantly, build confidence in your team and stakeholders that you will deliver on-time and on-budget.

The better approach to a rigid roadmap

Align on the level of certainty and depth of your projections and estimates based on how far in the future they are planned. You should be highly certain of your ability to hit items on your roadmap in the current and next few sprints.

  • 3 to 6 months out
    There should be a shared understanding that the prediction of scope and time has a wider certainty range.
  • 6 months to 1 year
    The accuracy range becomes even wider and the depth of detail is more shallow.
  • 1 to 2 years
    Your Agile product roadmap should still be in the strategic conceptual arena having the widest accuracy range. Again for good reason.
    P.S. Don’t feel forced to have a roadmap that predicts further than a year out. It is not always needed.

A roadmap is also a great way to build excitement about where you are going with your team and get buy-in from key stakeholders. It is a rallying cry for the team to achieve something great.

Where to start your Agile product roadmap (spoiler alert: it is not creating the roadmap)

So many people fail at building a roadmap because they start with the roadmap.

Think of a roadmap as the vehicle. You still have to know where you are going and actually drive the car.

You must first start with your product’s strategy, the “why” behind your product.

Without going too deep, the core of strategy is defining 2 specific things:

  1. What market category you will play in?
  2. How you will win in that market category?

April Dunford’s positioning framework is a great starting point.

She defines 5 core interrelated areas you must have defined to have a real strategy:

  1. Competitive Alternatives: If you didn’t exist, what would your customers use?
  2. Key Unique Attributes: What features or capabilities do you have that alternatives do not?
  3. Enabling Value: What value do the attributes enable for customers?
  4. Customers That Care: Who cares a lot about the value?
  5. Market You Win: What context makes the value obvious to your target segment?

    Bonus: What seismic shift has happened in the market impacting your ideal customer? Then build a strategic narrative around that.

Now that you have a defined strategy, time to build your roadmap, right?


First, you must validate your strategy so you can test your hypothesis with actual customers or people representative of your target customer. At the end of the day, that is all an untested strategy is – a hypothesis.

Now that you have a sound strategy, the fun part begins.

How to identify, prioritize, and estimate your roadmap items

First, you must identify the key themes and items you want to include on your roadmap. To do this, start with research. Note, this research should be rooted in the strategy (your hypothesis) you defined above. 

Without a defined strategy, it is very easy to go down research rabbit holes, never to be heard from again. 

The 4 main types you need to cover are:

  1. Customer/user research:
    Segment your users, perform qualitative customer interviews, and review quantitative data about how users use your product.
  2. Stakeholder research:
    A great product that doesn’t provide value to the business is not a great product. It is a hobby. Value typically comes in the form of profitable revenue, but not always. Identify your key stakeholders and meet with them. Understand the broader goals of the business, and identify how your product can help achieve those objectives. Understand how your product fits within the broader portfolio of solutions at your company.
  3. Competitive/Market research:
    You have to know what you are up against and what changes are taking place in the market. These changes can either create a huge untapped opportunity or put your product at risk of going the way of the dodo bird. Either way, you need to stay up to speed on both.
    Note on competitive research: Do not do competitive research with the purpose of copying the competition. Instead, look for what the competition is not doing and who they are not serving. Act on those areas of opportunity to stand out in the market.
  4. Solution Architecture Research:
    No product is perfect, all have some form of technical debt. A certain amount of technical debt is maintainable until it is not, it has a funny way of snowballing on you. Be sure to meet with your technical team to identify what technical and architectural priorities exist. That will help enable future functionality for your product. These may not be sexy, but they are what keep the lights on and enable you to keep building.

One note on research: Research should never stop. This practice of continuous discovery should be part of your process acting as a consistent feedback loop into your product’s evolution. 

Now that you have done the hard and arguably most important—work, it is time to define the strategic objective you want to accomplish and the key results that will allow you to measure whether or not you are successful. The OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework is a great approach for this. 

Now, you should be able to identify the key themes and items you want to include on your roadmap that help achieve your OKRs and tie back to your broader product strategy. 

This process is best done collaboratively across your product trio, but let’s assume you have defined the key themes and items you want to include.

Now it is time to prioritize and estimate them.

A great starting point we leverage at HatchWorks is the HatchWorks’ Prioritization Matrix.

This framework is great for facilitating an initial discussion comparing your features value and effort establishing some initial critical buckets of what should be prioritized first. 

Added bonus: It helps you avoid building a Frankenstein’s monster of a product. 

Check out specific details about the framework here.

And here is a Miro template when you are ready to give it a whirl.

A more detailed go-to framework we use at HatchWorks to estimate and prioritize roadmap items is the WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First) Framework provided by Scaled Agile.

WSJF is great at providing a quantitative relative metric to make prioritization of features objective instead of subjective. Putting items through this framework will help put competing priorities in perspective and give you ammunition to combat the dreaded CEO feature request.

Here’s how it works…

The basic formula is:

WSJF = Cost of Delay / Job Duration (Job size)

Cost Delay is calculated as:

Cost of Delay = User-Business Value + Time Criticality + Risk Reduction and/or Opportunity Enablement

Similar to story estimating, the Fibonacci sequence is a great way to relatively measure both the inputs for Cost of Delay and the Job Duration (Job Size).

Start by estimating what you perceive as the smallest item first and then work from there to create an initial baseline.

Once you have this data for all the items in your roadmap, you can simply sort by the highest score and do that first.


Here is a WSJF Template to get started prioritizing and estimating your roadmap items.

What to include in your Agile product roadmap

Great! You have all the inputs for your Agile product roadmap. Now what…?

Time to finally build your roadmap!

The first step is to categorize your items into a couple of buckets.

For each item define what category it falls in. A few typical categories are as follows:

  • Feature Category: This is dependent on your type of solution, but some examples could include Billing, Account Management, Reporting, Task Management, etc)
  • Business Driver: ie. Improve user experience, cross-sell, improve security
  • Feature Type: ie. new feature, feature enhancement, reduce technical debt
  • User Persona: define the user persona the feature is serving if applicable
  • Priority: ie. you can use your WSJF score here, or simply start with high, medium, or low but either way there should be a consideration for both value and effort of the feature

Start by doing this in Excel. Here’s a Roadmap Feature Categorization Template to get you started.

Once complete, begin placing items on your product roadmap in a Gantt-style format so you can visualize the timeline of activities. The duration of a feature and how many items you can work on simultaneously will be dependent on the scope of the feature and your team’s velocity.

If you don’t typically release to production every sprint (2 weeks) or shorter, a nice addition is to add planned product release milestones based on when the functionality will be delivered. If taking this approach, it is important to be considerate of the dependencies of the new functionality being released.

Here is a Miro template to build your Gannt-style Agile product roadmap.

Better yet, if you are using Jira, they have built-in functionality that automates the building of your product roadmap.

Pro Tip: If you are struggling to determine how your solution should evolve, try the Product Evolution Canvas.

Note: This is especially effective for new product development and replacement of existing products because as they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your product won’t be either.

In principle, it is the same as a product roadmap, but instead of a Gantt-style view, you instead bucket functionality into 3 specific waves or evolutions of your product to start.

Let’s use an MVP as an example.

A diagram showing a product's evolution from MVP to full-scale product.
  • The intent of an MVP, your first wave, is to be functional. You should be focused on delivering the minimum viable collection of functionality that allows the end user to complete what your solution is intended to do in an end-to-end manner.

    In the example above, the goal is to get from point A to point B, and a fully functioning skateboard does that.

    It may not be pretty, but it should work with the main focus being that the solution actually provides value in a very specific manner. Overloading features in this wave is bad practice. Focus on your core.

  • The second wave is typically focused on the core product. In this phase, you’re getting into more specific core key user scenarios that are of the highest priority for your users.

    Now we are on a bike and have a seat, yay!

  • The third wave is focused on your full-scale product. At this point, you are focused on the core set of features that show off your product’s full potential.

Too many folks try to start with the 3rd wave before focusing on accomplishing one high-value, end-to-end user flow in a focused way.

The Product Evolution Canvas helps avoid this trap.

Use our Miro template to align your team on the evolution of your product.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Product Owner is ultimately accountable for the roadmap, but by no means does it alone. It requires input from customers, the strategy, and all areas of the organization. They act as the ultimate synthesizer of that information.

  • Leadership
    Understand your strategy behind the product and understand how it fits in the broader product portfolio and company strategy.
  • Marketing
    Develop the go-to-market plan, educate customers, and generally help create demand and excitement for the new things you are building.
  • Customer Support
    Become aware of new functionality they will need to be skilled in when questions about it come in, and they will. Especially when a big product release is taking place, and they may need more hands on deck.
  • Engineering
    This one is fairly obvious, engineers need to know what to build, but, more importantly, they need to understand the why behind it. Don’t be surprised when your engineers provide you with a better solution for a problem when you give them the why.
  • Sales
    The sales team will need to be aware of new functionality so they can work it into the value they talk about when pitching to customers. They will also want to know if a new product release will impact any of their existing accounts.
In principle they are the same but there are some major differences
Startup Large Company
Duration Shorter: Most startups don’t know if they will be alive in 6 months let alone what they will be building. The focus is generally on the short-term. Longer: Planning is sometimes focused years in the future (not to say they always get it right)
Frequency of Updates Frequent: Startups are focused on shipping, testing, validating, and shipping again. This drives more frequent change to reach product market fit. Infrequent: Large companies tend to have more established user bases and, as a result, have less volatility in their roadmap.
Goals Short-Term Focus: The focus is on validating their business idea and shipping a viable product. Long-Term Focus: Roadmaps are typically more nuanced and have different strategic elements at play.
Dependencies Few: The product and the team are typically smaller allowing teams to be more nimble and step on each other’s toes less. Many: A large company typically has entire teams dedicated to specific functional areas and also tend to have legacy products and integration to consider.

Best practices and mistakes to avoid when building your Agile product roadmap

Best Practices:

It is no surprise story is an effective mechanism (Look at Disney). Use it to your advantage. Your roadmap is essentially a storyboard of where your solution is going and how it is going to help your end users win the day. Use it to get buy-in, rally the troops, and, in general, get folks aligned behind your products why.

The ability to say “No” is a true skill. As a product owner, you have to become skilled in this. Otherwise, you will end up with a product trying to serve everyone but your target customer.

Jira’s roadmapping functionality is a great tool if you’re already managing your product backlog in Jira. Just ensure you are keeping things at the epic level on your roadmap.

Let your team know that your roadmap is a plan and, like any good plan, it is likely to change. Get your team comfortable with change up front, and use it to your advantage to best serve your customer and the market as you continue to learn as you build.

Mistakes to Avoid:

Roadmaps are intended to tell a story about the evolution of your product. Stay at the epic and feature level and don’t get down to user stories. Those are best reserved for your product backlog.

Forecasting and estimating is hard. Be aware of that going in and be careful of always being overly aggressive with your roadmap. If you are always missing your targets, people will begin to take notice, and stop relying on your roadmap

Yes, these are easy, and yes they show you are being productive… But they are an illusion. If you end up building a ton of features no one truly wants, you will end up with a feature rich mess that is extremely hard to sell and has low usage. Go back to your strategy and focus on high value features, even if they are complex and hard to build.

The features on your roadmap are not your kids. Say it again… Sometimes you just have to let certain features go, especially when they end up not tying in with the overall strategy of your product.

Yes, the CEO has a great perspective and is a critical stakeholder when building your product, but you must be careful not to give them a blank check to request anything they want built and have it automatically go to the front of your roadmap. The best way to combat this? A well-structured roadmap. CEOs are logical creatures. Show them why something should not be a high priority with data and logic, and they will typically listen.

This sounds obvious but so many teams fall into this trap. It is the easy way out to just copy what someone else has, but it may not fit into your strategy and plus, someone else is already doing it. That is no way to stand out.

What you communicate to customers and your product roadmap you are executing against are two different things. There is typically higher volititilty in your roadmap which can upset customers if you don’t deliver on time. This is not to say you don’t provide customers an idea of where your product is going, but you should be fairly certain you will be able to deliver and keep it at a much higher level than the one you use internally.

HatchWorks’ Proven Approach to Iterative Software Development

Building a great Agile product roadmap is not easy, but it is critical if you want to build a product your customers and business will love.

This is a core component of our iterative approach of making sure what we build adapts to the needs of your end-user, your business, and the market.

Need help building and delivering against your product roadmap?

Let us help with our integrated US and Nearshore Agile software development teams.

Getting Started with HatchWorks Is Easy

Contact us to learn about our Agile Consulting solution for distributed Agile Development Teams, and get back to focusing more on your product and less on your process.

The post A Guide to Creating an Agile Product Roadmap (free templates!) appeared first on HatchWorks.

How to Create a Zen-like Agile Software Development Team Fri, 07 Oct 2022 19:17:22 +0000 Having a high-performing Agile software development team is like reaching the ultimate state of zen. When you experience it, you just know… The team works with a subconscious intuition, operating as a unit seemingly knowing what each other is thinking, all guided by a common purpose and product vision. But how do you get there? There […]

The post How to Create a Zen-like Agile Software Development Team appeared first on HatchWorks.


Having a high-performing Agile software development team is like reaching the ultimate state of zen. When you experience it, you just know…

The team works with a subconscious intuition, operating as a unit seemingly knowing what each other is thinking, all guided by a common purpose and product vision.

But how do you get there?

There are core elements you have to get right if you want to create a zen-like, multidisciplinary Agile development team.

What is an Agile development team?

An Agile development team is a multidisciplinary cross-functional group of 3 to 9 individuals who define, design, build, test, and deliver a working software solution in an incremental Agile fashion. At the end of the day, their goal is to deliver value in each sprint ideally in the form of working code allowing for shorter feedback loops to continually optimize and fine-tune the software solution based on end-user feedback.

Great Agile teams blend creativity and technical expertise marrying the needs of the business, the end user, and the technical feasibility of the solution.

Agile team structure

Let’s start with how your Agile development team should be structured.
(Spoiler alert: there is no perfect structure, but there are standard principles you should follow)

As a baseline, you must have the following roles:

Scrum Master

A scrum master is not a project manager. The role is unique to an Agile team.

A scrum master’s main role is to enable the rest of the team to function more smoothly. They facilitate meetings such as the daily scrum, sprint planning, sprint reviews, etc. They coach the team on Agile best practices and help clear impediments. They should be a servant leader to the team and do what is required for them to be successful.

Frequently, this looks like attending meetings that require team representation, writing status reports and providing other project documentation to those that require it, protecting the team from distractions or disruptions, and providing tools, space, or anything else the team needs to be their best selves (dealing with a tough issue, and a dev runs out of coffee? the scrum master should make the coffee run).

Product Owner

The product owner owns the product and is the single point of contact for the development team. If an answer is needed, the product owner provides it; if a requirement needs clarification, the product owner can do that, too. They should handle communication with the end users of the solution, collecting and prioritizing feedback.

In most teams, the product owner should write stories and help the development team refine them, help triage and prioritize bugs, and manage and maintain the long-term product roadmap. If there is a question on how the system should function or what a business need is, the product owner should understand this. They also work closely with business users, team technical leadership, and designers to make certain that work is being planned and prioritized so the team can deliver as seamlessly as possible.

Development Team

The Scrum Guide groups everyone working on delivery under the umbrella of “developer.” This is nice in theory–everyone is on the same footing–but obscures the fact that certain tasks and skill sets are still required. All developers should be primarily focused on, in a software setting, producing working code. This may include writing the code (devs), testing the code (QA), providing leadership and cross-team coordination (sometimes a software architect or tech lead), and owning and supporting one or more areas of domain expertise.

The developers should, as much as possible, be self-organizing and self-sufficient; if there is a skillset or type of knowledge that is needed consistently on a team, the team should aim to have someone on the team with that skill, and if no one currently does, someone should develop it.

This is where the paint by numbers 101 on how to build an Agile team ends. Other factors now come into play influencing what a proper Agile team looks like for YOUR unique situation.

Here are a few scenarios to keep in mind when building your Agile team:

  • If your solution has a front-end user interface and requires frequent UI changes or new features, you will need a Designer.
  • If your Product Owner needs support writing and refining user stories adding a Business Analyst is a great idea.
  • If your solution requires a large number of infrastructure changes, a dedicated DevOps Engineer will keep things in order.
  • Some organizations prefer an SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test) rather than a traditional Quality Assurance Engineer. SDETs can code and are capable of providing a deeper assessment of issues, and often times are actually able to fix the issue.

At the end of the day, your Agile team structure is less dependent on your organization size and industry, and more dependent on your type of solution, how fast you are expected to deliver, and where your solution is in its lifecycle.

How big should my Agile team be?

A single Agile team can be small or large. In practice, your team size should be no smaller than 3 and no larger than 9 team members, with 7 being the magic sweet spot. Don’t take our word for it. The Agile Alliance also recommends this range.

The popular rule most go by is the two pizza rule. In other words, two pizzas should be enough to satisfy your team (with normal appetites).

The key is identifying the balance between being able to feed your development team enough work relative to being overworked trying to keep them fed. User stories that is… Not pizza. Finding that balance is essential.

Below is a breakdown from smaller team to larger team providing the minimum, ideal, and maximum Agile team makeup.

Small Medium Large
Scrum Master
Scrum Master
Scrum Master
Product Owner
Product Owner
Product Owner
Business Analyst
Business Analyst

One caveat: If you team does require a Designer to create a better user experience, and you have a large team, the 9-team member rule still applies. You should look to reduce one of the developers, QA, or BA with the most likely candidate being a developer.

If you have a need for a larger team, you should look to spawn a new team vs going past the 9 team member upper bound.

Want to know how to approach spawning a new Agile development team? Check this out.

How to get your Agile development team started

So where do you get started?

The first thing to consider is this is a team, and like any high-functioning team, it takes time to gel with the ultimate goal of creating an open environment of trust and understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

A great framework Agile purists follow is Tuckman’s stages of group development.

Phases of Group Development.
The Phases of Group Development are:
1. Forming - Guidance and direction are needed from the manager, purpose and roles are unclear, and efficient processes are not yet established.
2. Storming - Clarity of purpose is established but team relationship dynamics and understanding of how decisions are made are blurry.
3. Norming - As the team organizes around common goals and clear roles and responsibilities, processes begin to optimize.
4. Performing - With a clear vision and purpose, the team delegates and performs well with little oversight.

Once you hit Stage 4: Performing, you are at the Agile state of Zen where every member of the team trusts one another, they understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly they know how to use it to their advantage to build great software that your users will love.

(Don’t be surprised if you start completing each other’s sentences in this stage.)

This leads to one of the most important principles of high-performing Agile development teams.

You should bring work to teams. Not disparate team members to work with.

Once you have a high-functioning team, it is important you keep them intact. Bring them hard problems, and get out of their way.

Otherwise, you are killing one of the greatest bits of equity you have in your organization. The equity realized through a high-performing Agile development team.

6 features of a high performing Agile team

There are a few unique characteristics prototypical high-performing Agile development teams all have. They live by the Agile manifesto, and get the most out of their team.
  1. Multidisciplinary – Each team member brings their own unique skill set and specialized knowledge to the team. Great teams know each other’s strengths and work together toward achieving a common outcome to get the job done.
  2. Self Organizing – A self-organizing team structures and supports itself. People work together best when they determine their own policies, pick their own team leaders, select their own work, and schedule their own meetings. Why? Because autonomy creates empowerment which in turn creates a high-functioning team.
  3. Collaborative – Collaboration is a given, but doing it in a high-functioning way is a whole other ball game. True collaboration across an entire team includes open communication, willingness to cross-train and help upskill each other, being open to each other’s perspectives, and most importantly creating an environment built on trust.
  4. Dedicated – The best Agile scrum teams are dedicated to a single project. Once Agile teams start working across different initiatives and teams, the structure and bond between the team begin to break down as competing priorities and allegiances start to manifest.
  5. Non-hierarchical – Job titles don’t matter on Agile teams. They work best in a flat structure where people are given the autonomy to work independently and organize as needed. In other words, there is no management or reporting structure in a high-functioning Agile team. They work as a group, helping each other accomplish a shared goal.
  6. Outcome-Focused – High-performing Agile development teams are focused on achieving an aligned outcome. Not building features because someone said go build these features. They understand the purpose, business goals, desires, pain points, and opportunities of their business and its users. They know their reason for existing in the organization. This gives them the innate ability to solve hard problems with relative ease.

HatchWorks Agile Consulting for Distributed Agile Teams

Building a high-functioning Agile development team is completely worth the effort.

But it is no small feat to improve your team performance. Especially when you have remote teams.

We have seen teams struggle with:

  • Frequency, size, and stability of their releases
  • Poor visibility into what the team is working on
  • Scope the team is delivering doesn’t match user/customer needs
  • Software development process
  • Experiencing increased team attrition

If you are struggling to realize the value of Agile in today’s remote world – HatchWorks can help you:

  • Supercharge your velocity
  • Predict with increased accuracy
  • Ship the right thing faster

Getting Started with HatchWorks Is Easy

Contact us to learn about our Agile Consulting solution for distributed Agile Development Teams, and get back to focusing more on your product and less on your process.

The post How to Create a Zen-like Agile Software Development Team appeared first on HatchWorks.
